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Game of May 25, 2011 at 02:58, 11 players
1. kellybelly -319
2. wat505 -323
3. AtommotA -452

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?agiils   H6    68    68   aisling
 2. ?adenps   8H    89   157   synapsed
 3. aegoost  13H    24   181   stooge
 4. cenortt   M1    72   253   cornetts
 5. aeiklno   1H    39   292   kaonic
 6. abdgnox  14I    52   344   ax
 7. beeoruv  15G    46   390   bevor
 8. dehlnou  N10    45   435   hondle
 9. adeghnp  11E    52   487   phanged
10. aerstuu  L12    24   511   ages
11. imnnoru  10F    37   548   onium
12. aaeertu   2D    73   621   aureate
13. ceilrwz   D1    48   669   zaire
14. iilmrty   1A    56   725   ritzy
15. acillrv  12A    30   755   clavi
16. eefinot  B10    34   789   feline
17. bfituww  15A    33   822   weft
18. djlmruy   C3    40   862   murly
19. biioquw   6J    33   895   quit

Remaining tiles: bdijow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6981 Filekellybelly  5 17:02  -319  576     1.6981 kellybelly  5 17:02  -319  576 
  2.6900 Filewat505      4 22:09  -323  572     2.6900 wat505      4 22:09  -323  572 
  3.5280 FileAtommotA    3 22:59  -452  443     3.6655 ceosickey   2  8:37  -691  204 
  4.5194 Filejonb5       1 14:00  -545  350            Group: novice
  5.5466 FileFaeythe     2  7:52  -639  256     1.5280 AtommotA    3 22:59  -452  443 
  6.6655 Fileceosickey   2  8:37  -691  204     2.5194 jonb5       1 14:00  -545  350 
  7.4185 Fileluna1841    1 12:44  -715  180     3.5466 Faeythe     2  7:52  -639  256 
  8.4230 Filejohnny55    0 10:22  -772  123     4.5102 megawoman   0  2:20  -868   27 
  9.4010 FileLucylulu    1  5:47  -807   88            Group: not rated
 10.5102 Filemegawoman   0  2:20  -868   27     1.4185 luna1841    1 12:44  -715  180 
 11.3650 Filekatfish     0  0:51  -886    9     2.4230 johnny55    0 10:22  -772  123 
                                             3.4010 Lucylulu    1  5:47  -807   88 
                                             4.3650 katfish     0  0:51  -886    9 

On 1st draw, AISLI(N)G H6 68 --- AISLING a vision [n]
Other tops: GIL(G)AIS H4 68, SAILI(N)G H6 68
Other moves: AISLI(N)G H2 66, AISLI(N)G H3 66, AISLI(N)G H4 66, AISLI(N)G H8 66, GIL(G)AIS H2 66
SAILI(N)G H6 68 wat505
SAILI(N)G H7 14 megawoman
GAL(E)S H4 14 kellybelly

On 2nd draw, S(Y)NAPSED 8H 89 --- SYNAPSE to come together at a certain point [v]
Other tops: DA(M)PNESS 8A 89, D(Y)SPNEAS 8A 89
Other moves: SPAD(O)NES 8A 86, DAPS(O)NES 8A 83, SPANDE(X) 13H 82, SPAN(G)ED 13H 82, SPAN(K)ED 13H 82
SPA(I)NED 13H 82 wat505
SPANED 13H 32 kellybelly
DEA(D)PANS 6F 20 AtommotA
GAPED 12H 18 johnny55
NED I5 13 megawoman

On 3rd draw, STOOGE 13H 24 --- STOOGE to act as a comedian's straight man [v]
Other moves: GOOSE 9K 22, GESTAPO L3 20, POSTAGE L8 20, POTAGES L8 20, SOOTE 9K 20
STOOGE 13H 24 kellybelly
STOOGES M2 18 johnny55
TEG G5 13 wat505
LEA 9H 8 AtommotA

On 4th draw, CORNETTS M1 72 --- CORNETT an old musical instrument [n]
Other moves: CONTRATE K3 70, CORNETT G1 66, CONTRATE 6C 64, CONTRITE 10C 64, CORNETTI 10A 64
COR(N)ETT 11E 32 jonb5
COTTERS M2 20 kellybelly
COIN 7F 10 wat505
COTTER N4 10 johnny55

On 5th draw, KAONIC 1H 39 --- KAON one of a subatomic particle [adj] --- KAONIC of or like a kaon, an elementary particle [adj]
Other moves: KOINE L2 34, IKAN 12J 32, KAOLINE 4H 32, KOAN 12J 32, KAIE L2 30
KANE 12K 30 kellybelly
LOOK J11 18 jonb5
KNEEL 5J 18 johnny55
LANK 4K 16 AtommotA

On 6th draw, AX 14I 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: AX 2I 52, OX 14I 52
Other moves: BANDOG N10 41, AX G6 36, DOAB 2G 31, BOXED 5J 30, DIAXON 10G 30
AX 2I 52 kellybelly
OX 14I 52 wat505
AX 14I 52 AtommotA
BOX J12 28 jonb5
BOXING 10E 22 johnny55

On 7th draw, BEVOR 15G 46 --- BEVOR a piece of armor for the lower face [n]
Other moves: OEUVRE 15J 40, EVOE 15H 37, EVO 15H 34, VROU 15H 34, BEVER 15E 33
VERB 15F 32 wat505
BRO 15H 28 kellybelly
VEER 15F 24 jonb5
EVER 15F 24 AtommotA
BO 15I 19 johnny55

On 8th draw, HONDLE N10 45 --- HONDLE to haggle [v]
Other tops: HOLDEN N10 45
Other moves: HUED 12K 29, DUH 12K 28, EH 2I 28, HE 2J 28, HO 2J 28
HO 2J 28 kellybelly, wat505
HOLDEN 4H 28 AtommotA
HOUND 4J 18 johnny55
LODGE L10 14 jonb5

On 9th draw, PHA(N)GED 11E 52 --- PHANG to seize [v]
Other moves: HEAD N2 33, AH O14 32, PHAGE 2F 32, HAGDEN 4H 30, AH 2I 28
HEAD N2 33 kellybelly
AH O14 32 wat505, AtommotA, Faeythe
PEG 15M 18 jonb5
HINGED 10G 15 luna1841

On 10th draw, AGES L12 24 --- AGE to grow old [v]
Other tops: SUENT 12K 24
Other moves: RATOS 2J 22, SUTOR 2J 22, AUREUS 10A 21, STARE 2F 21, TEARS 2F 21
AGES L12 24 AtommotA
TEARS 2F 21 kellybelly
TRUE 10C 17 wat505
STARE 12A 16 jonb5
US 10E 15 Faeythe
OARS J1 6 luna1841

On 11th draw, ONIUM 10F 37 --- ONIUM a salt like ammonium [n] --- ONIUM characterized by a complex cation [adj]
Other moves: NORM 2G 30, MONO 2J 26, OM O14 26, MIR 10J 24, MOI 10J 24
OM O14 26 kellybelly, Faeythe, AtommotA
MONO 2J 26 wat505
MINOR 4K 16 jonb5
MAIN 6G 8 luna1841

On 12th draw, AUREATE 2D 73 --- AUREATE golden [adj]
Other moves: REATA N2 28, REATE N2 28, AERATE 2E 22, AURATE 2E 22, REATE 2F 21
AURATE 2E 22 wat505
TARE 2G 18 AtommotA
AR O14 14 Faeythe
TEAR 2F 14 kellybelly
TARE 12B 12 jonb5
KARA H1 9 katfish
TOE 2L 8 luna1841

On 13th draw, ZAIRE D1 48 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: WIZ 1B 46, L*Z 1B 43, REZ 1B 43, RIZ 1B 43, WAREZ D1 42
ZAIRE D1 48 jonb5
WIZ 1B 46 kellybelly
ZEAL 6F 33 Faeythe, AtommotA
ZIN J6 32 ceosickey
LAZE D1 28 luna1841
WILE 1A 27 wat505

On 14th draw, RITZY 1A 56 --- RITZY elegant [adj]
Other moves: RITZ 1A 39, MILTY E5 28, MINTY 4K 28, MIRLY E5 28, MY 3G 27
RITZY 1A 56 AtommotA, kellybelly
RITZ 1A 39 ceosickey
MILTY E5 28 wat505
TREY 5B 14 jonb5
TRAIL 6F 9 luna1841

On 15th draw, CLAVI 12A 30 --- CLAVUS a horny thickening of the skin [n]
Other moves: VILLA 12A 28, VILLAN 4H 26, VALERIC 5A 24, VRAIC 6F 24, CALVER 5I 22
VILLA 12A 28 kellybelly
VINCA 4K 22 ceosickey
CAVER 5A 20 jonb5
RIVAL E5 20 wat505
CAVER 5J 20 Faeythe, luna1841
ARC 4C 5 AtommotA

On 16th draw, FELINE B10 34 --- FELINE an animal of the cat family [n]
Other moves: INFECT A8 33, FELON B10 32, FILET B10 32, FOLIE B10 32, IF O14 32
OF O14 32 Faeythe
IF O14 32 kellybelly
FELON B10 32 ceosickey
COIF A12 27 jonb5
TONIC A8 21 AtommotA
CITE A12 18 wat505
FLEET B11 16 Lucylulu
REFINE A1 10 luna1841

On 17th draw, WEFT 15A 33 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other tops: BEFIT 15A 33
Other moves: IF A14 32, IF O14 32, FIT 3G 31, FEW 15A 27, FIB E5 26
WEFT 15A 33 kellybelly, Faeythe, luna1841, wat505
BEFIT 15A 33 ceosickey
IF O14 32 AtommotA
FEW 15A 27 jonb5, Lucylulu

On 18th draw, MURLY C3 40 --- MURLY crumbly [adj]
Other moves: JUDY C7 33, JURY C7 31, JUMAR K5 28, MURLY E5 28, MY 3G 27
JURY C7 31 wat505
JUN J6 26 kellybelly
JURE 5J 22 AtommotA
RIM 3C 18 Faeythe
ARMY 6H 15 luna1841
JAY 6G 13 ceosickey
JAM 6G 12 Lucylulu
RAJ K7 10 jonb5

On 19th draw, QUIT 6J 33 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other tops: QUAI 6F 33
Other moves: QUA 6F 32, QUINO 4J 28, QUOIN 4I 28, BOW E4 27, BOW E5 26
QUIT 6J 33 Faeythe, wat505, kellybelly, Lucylulu
QUAI 6F 33 ceosickey
QUOIN 4I 28 luna1841
QUIN 4J 26 AtommotA, jonb5

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