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Game of September 2, 2011 at 03:35, 5 players
1. 536 pts jonb5
2. 371 pts ceosickey
3. 175 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egijnot   H4    42    42   jigot
 2. ahinoty   4H    30    72   janty
 3. aiknotu   3I    33   105   koan
 4. ?irstvw   2J    52   157   wrast
 5. emnrsuv   1L    42   199   muse
 6. ?abcerv   5D    35   234   carvies
 7. aeefior   D1    30   264   fierce
 8. cehiopt   I7    78   342   potiche
 9. aginrwy  13H    80   422   wearying
10. bdemorx   1D    48   470   foxed
11. deflmsu  O10    39   509   fudges
12. deioprt  11E   102   611   depictor
13. adeeiln  15H    80   691   delaines
14. aeeinos   2D    21   712   inia
15. eghnotu   N5    74   786   toughen
16. abboruv  10D    31   817   babu
17. eilmorz  12C    48   865   moze
18. aailrsv   8B    63   928   salivator

Remaining tiles: illoq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6054 Filejonb5       4 18:56  -392  536     1.7050 jeff        1  6:47  -753  175 
  2.6661 Fileceosickey   3 14:06  -557  371            Group: intermediate
  3.7050 Filejeff        1  6:47  -753  175     1.6054 jonb5       4 18:56  -392  536 
  4.6857 Filepinecone    0  3:44  -796  132     2.6661 ceosickey   3 14:06  -557  371 
  5.5070 Filemarigold    0  1:35  -905   23     3.6857 pinecone    0  3:44  -796  132 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5070 marigold    0  1:35  -905   23 

On 1st draw, JIGOT H4 42 --- JIGOT a leg of mutton [n]
Other tops: JINGO H4 42
Other moves: JETON H4 40, JOINT H4 40, JIGOT H8 28, JINGO H8 28, JETON H8 26
JOINT H4 40 jonb5, jeff

On 2nd draw, JANTY 4H 30 --- JANTY briskly self-assured [adj] --- JANTY jonty [n]
Other tops: HAY G5 30, JONTY 4H 30
Other moves: HIYA G7 29, HIYA I7 29, HOYA I7 29, HAY G7 28, HAY I7 28
YAH G7 28 jonb5
JOINT 4H 24 jeff

On 3rd draw, KOAN 3I 33 --- KOAN a paradox meditated on by Buddhist monks [n]
Other tops: KAIN 3I 33, KUIA 3I 33, TAKIN G5 33
Other moves: TAKI G5 31, AKIN G6 30, KATION G7 29, AUK G5 28, OAK G5 28
TAK G5 28 jeff
KOI 3I 27 ceosickey
KAIN 3L 25 jonb5

On 4th draw, WR(A)ST 2J 52 --- WRAST to take away by force [v]
Other moves: WIRI(E)ST 5E 51, R(O)WTS 2H 44, (O)WTS 2I 43, VR(O)WS 2G 41, V(A)WS 2H 40
VI(E)WS 9D 28 jonb5
W(A)S M1 28 jeff
WIT I7 22 ceosickey

On 5th draw, MUSE 1L 42 --- MUSE to ponder [v]
Other tops: MEUS 1L 42
Other moves: ERUVIM 5D 31, VERMIS 5D 29, ERUVS 9D 26, VUMS 9E 26, REVS 9E 25
MUSE 1L 42 jeff, jonb5
MES 1L 23 marigold
MU 1L 20 ceosickey

On 6th draw, CARVIE(S) 5D 35 --- CARVY a herb used in cooking [n]
Other moves: CABRIE(S) 5D 33, CARBIE(S) 5D 33, CAVIE(S) 5E 33, VAREC(S) 9C 30, VARIE(S) 5E 29
CAVER(S) 9C 27 jonb5
BAR G7 18 ceosickey
JIGOT(S) H4 13 jeff

On 7th draw, FIERCE D1 30 --- FIERCE violently hostile or aggressive [adj]
Other moves: FAERIE I7 25, FERIAE I7 25, FEARE I7 24, FERIA I7 24, FIERE I7 24
FIERCE D1 30 jonb5, ceosickey
FORE I7 23 pinecone

On 8th draw, POTICHE I7 78 --- POTICHE a type of vase [n]
Other moves: POTICHE C6 70, POTICHE 2A 44, FETICH 1D 42, FITCHE 1D 42, FECHT 1D 39
FICHE 1D 39 pinecone
FITCH 1D 39 ceosickey
COIF 1A 27 jonb5

On 9th draw, WEARYING 13H 80 --- WEARY to make or become weary [v]
Other moves: RINGWAY C6 69, AWNY H12 44, AWRY H12 44, FAWNY 1D 42, FAYING 1D 39
AWRY H12 44 jonb5, ceosickey
FRYING 1D 39 pinecone

On 10th draw, FOXED 1D 48 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: FOREX 1D 45, REMEX 3C 44, REDOX 3C 42, IMBREX 10I 39, WEX H13 39
FOXED 1D 48 ceosickey, jonb5
MIXED 10H 31 pinecone

On 11th draw, FUDGES O10 39 --- FUDGE to falsify [v]
Other moves: MEDFLY L8 36, MUDGES O10 36, SWUM H12 36, DEF J8 34, FLUMES 14D 33
FUDGES O10 39 ceosickey, jonb5

On 12th draw, DEPICTOR 11E 102 --- DEPICTOR one that depicts [n]
Other moves: PERIDOTS 15H 89, DIOPTERS 15H 86, DIOPTRES 15H 86, DIPTEROS 15H 86, PROTEIDS 15H 86
W*P H13 24 jonb5

On 13th draw, DELAINES 15H 80 --- DELAINE a wool fabric [n]
Other moves: DELAINE 12A 79, DELAINE 14B 75, DELAINE N4 69, DELAINE C6 63, ALIENED C6 62
LEADEN 12A 21 jonb5

On 14th draw, INIA 2D 21 --- INION a part of the skull [n]
Other tops: AEONS M7 21, ASTONE 9G 21, EOSINE 12B 21, ISO 2F 21, STEANE 9H 21
Other moves: NEIST 9E 20, NISEI M9 20, OSTIA 9G 20, AINS M8 19, ANES M8 19
NOISE 12A 15 jonb5

On 15th draw, TOUGHEN N5 74 --- TOUGHEN to make tough [v]
Other moves: TOUGHEN C6 66, OUTFOXED 1A 57, HOED 12L 38, THEURGY L7 36, OH 12K 31
HO 10F 30 jonb5, ceosickey

On 16th draw, BABU 10D 31 --- BABU an Indian gentleman [n]
Other moves: BRO O6 30, BRU O6 30, BRAVO 12A 29, *B* 10E 28, BOAB 10C 27
BOB 10D 26 jonb5
ABOVE F7 18 ceosickey

On 17th draw, MOZE 12C 48 --- MOZE to raise a nap on [v]
Other moves: MOZ 12D 46, MIZ 12C 41, MOZ 12C 41, OBELIZE F9 38, L*Z 12C 37
ZO 9C 25 jonb5

On 18th draw, SALIVATOR 8B 63 --- SALIVATOR [n]
Other moves: VAGI 8L 36, VAGS 8L 36, VIGA 8L 36, VIGS 8L 36, VIRGA 8K 30
VIGA 8L 36 ceosickey
VIES 6B 17 jonb5

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