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Game of December 19, 2011 at 12:30, 3 players
1. 374 pts remij
2. 264 pts Velly
3. 35 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eemnnos   H4    20    20   mense
 2. deorsvz   6F    39    59   zoned
 3. aenprtw   7E    36    95   tawse
 4. ?acgitv   8A    41   136   clavi
 5. bdeeprr   G3    31   167   bepowder
 6. afrrtty   5G    28   195   petary
 7. aeioprt   A1    89   284   aporetic
 8. ahlossw  11G    41   325   shawls
 9. efglouu   4L    36   361   fleg
10. agiknos   K8    63   424   oaklings
11. ceghnor  15H   203   627   groschen
12. ?filnot  10B    77   704   flatiron
13. adeeirv  13H    76   780   reinvade
14. aadiiot   O3    27   807   agatoid
15. imnortx   B1    45   852   mix
16. eioqtuu   C2    53   905   toque
17. blnouuy  N10    30   935   bundle
18. ijnoruy   F2    35   970   jor

Remaining tiles: iinuuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4639 Fileremij       0 18:37  -596  374     1.6336 annelhynz   1  0:46  -935   35 
  2.5613 FileVelly       0 12:10  -706  264            Group: novice
  3.6336 Fileannelhynz   1  0:46  -935   35     1.5613 Velly       0 12:10  -706  264 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4639 remij       0 18:37  -596  374 

On 1st draw, MENSE H4 20 --- MENSE to do honour to [v]
Other tops: MENES H4 20, MESNE H4 20, MESON H4 20
Other moves: MENES H8 16, MENSE H8 16, MESNE H8 16, MESON H8 16, NEEMS H4 16
SON H6 6 remij

On 2nd draw, ZONED 6F 39 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: ZONERS 6F 37, DOZENS 6D 36, ZONER 6F 36, ZONES 6F 36, DOZEN 6D 35
MOVED 4H 22 remij

On 3rd draw, TAWSE 7E 36 --- TAWSE to flog [v]
Other moves: ENWRAPS 7B 34, PAWS 7E 33, APSE 7F 31, ENTRAPS 7B 31, RAWS 7E 31
WARPED J1 14 remij

On 4th draw, C(L)AVI 8A 41 --- CLAVUS a horny thickening of the skin [n]
Other moves: VEGA(N)IC 5G 40, VI(N)CA 8A 38, VE(N)ATIC 5G 36, VE(S)ICA 5G 34, VEGA(N) 5G 32
VA(S)T 9F 15 remij

On 5th draw, BEPOWDER G3 31 --- BEPOWDER to powder over [v]
Other moves: BARREED C7 28, REPOWER G3 24, BEDE 5G 22, DEBE 5G 22, DEPERM 4C 22
BAD C7 11 remij

On 6th draw, PETARY 5G 28 --- PETARY a region covered with peat [n]
Other moves: REEFY I5 27, FAR F2 23, YAR F2 23, FATTY F9 22, FRATRY 10F 22
FAY C7 17 remij

On 7th draw, APORETIC A1 89 --- APORETIC relating to aporia, a professed doubt of what to say or to choose [adj]
Other tops: OPERATIC A1 89
Other moves: PRIORATE 10F 68, EPI(L)ATOR B5 67, PRIORATE 10C 64, PETIO(L)AR B3 63, PEART 4J 32
PARTY L1 26 remij

On 8th draw, SHAWLS 11G 41 --- SHAWL to wrap in a shawl (a piece of cloth worn as a covering) [v]
Other tops: SHAWLS 11B 41
Other moves: HOWLS 11C 39, SHAWL 11G 39, SHAWS 11C 39, SHAWS 11G 39, SHOWS 11C 39
PLOWS 2A 20 remij

On 9th draw, FLEG 4L 36 --- FLEG to frighten [v]
Other tops: FLOG 4L 36
Other moves: FUGU 4L 34, FLOE 4L 32, FLUE 4L 32, FOGEY L1 32, FOUL 4L 32
FOY L3 18 remij
FUSE L9 14 Velly

On 10th draw, OAKLINGS K8 63 --- OAKLING a young oak [n]
Other tops: SKOALING K7 63
Other moves: PANISK 2A 44, (L)AKINGS B8 42, GASKING O4 39, GINGKOS O1 39, GINGKOS O4 39
HANKS H11 39 Velly
KANGS O1 30 remij

On 11th draw, GROSCHEN 15H 203 --- GROSCHEN an Austrian coin [n]
Other moves: COHORN 8J 45, OCHER 8K 39, OCHRE 8K 39, REECHO N2 38, CHOSEN 15H 36
SHONE 15K 36 remij
CHORES 15F 33 Velly

On 12th draw, FL(A)TIRON 10B 77 --- FLATIRON a device for pressing clothes [n]
Other moves: FLATI(R)ON C6 74, FLE(C)TION N2 74, OLEFI(A)NT N2 74, OL(E)FIANT C3 74, (C)ALIFONT C7 72
GIFT(S) O4 24 remij
PIN 2A 10 Velly

On 13th draw, REINVADE 13H 76 --- INVADE to enter for conquest or plunder [v] --- REINVADE to invade again [v]
Other moves: REAVAILED C4 68, DOVIER 8J 42, GREAVED O4 36, GRIEVED O4 36, AREDE B2 35
GRIEVED O4 36 Velly
GRAVED O4 33 remij

On 14th draw, AGATOID O3 27 --- AGATE a variety of quartz [adj] --- AGATOID resembling agate [adj]
Other moves: IOTA 12K 25, ADAGIO O1 24, AIA 12J 24, IODATE O8 24, AIA 14M 23
TAD B1 21 Velly
DIAL M1 10 remij

On 15th draw, MIX B1 45 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other moves: NIX B1 39, NOX B1 39, TIX B1 39, MIXT N8 36, XI L8 36
MIX N8 35 Velly
TIX E10 20 remij

On 16th draw, TOQUE C2 53 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: EQUID N9 38, TOQUE 14D 38, TUQUE 14D 38, QUOAD J2 35, FIQUE B10 34
QUID N10 34 Velly
QI N8 25 remij

On 17th draw, BUNDLE N10 30 --- BUNDLE to fasten a group of objects together [v]
Other moves: BOY 12M 28, BONEY N1 27, OBEY N2 27, YO 14N 27, YOB 12M 26
TOBY E10 18 remij
TONY E10 14 Velly

On 18th draw, JOR F2 35 --- JOR a part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other moves: JOUR 14F 34, JO F2 29, YONI 11B 29, IN D4 28, JOY L7 22
JOR F2 35 annelhynz
JO F2 29 remij
IN D4 28 Velly

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