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Game of January 16, 2012 at 20:46, 2 players
1. 447 pts cipka_616
2. 312 pts lezaryne

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. elmoprt   H4    78    78   premolt
 2. abefnst   G6    27   105   fetas
 3. ?alnnns   I6    21   126   nona
 4. abceejr   4D    22   148   becap
 5. adegnov   J2    33   181   vaned
 6. eirstuz   3I    50   231   zaires
 7. aegrtxy   5C    48   279   yex
 8. aeejowy   3C    44   323   jow
 9. deiprru  F10    29   352   pried
10. ginossw   K6    81   433   sowings
11. dilorty   M3    64   497   elytroid
12. ?adgilt   N9    78   575   digital
13. aeghilr   O4    46   621   hirage
14. ceenoru  14B    72   693   coendure
15. abeilou  15J    33   726   lobuli
16. aaefmtu  H12    39   765   farm
17. aeinoot   L1    21   786   toran
18. aeekqtu  11A    38   824   quaker
19. ehiotuv  12B    31   855   tho

Remaining tiles: eiiuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6473 Filecipka_616   2 20:07  -408  447     1.6473 cipka_616   2 20:07  -408  447 
  2.3449 Filelezaryne    0 21:07  -543  312            Group: not rated
                                             1.3449 lezaryne    0 21:07  -543  312 

On 1st draw, PREMOLT H4 78 --- PREMOLT preceding a moult [adj]
Other moves: PREMOLT H2 74, PREMOLT H3 74, PREMOLT H6 74, PREMOLT H7 74, PREMOLT H8 74
PORT H5 12 lezaryne

On 2nd draw, FETAS G6 27 --- FETA a crumbly white cheese [n]
Other tops: FANES G6 27, FATES G6 27
Other moves: BANES G6 25, BATES G6 25, BETAS G6 25, NABES G6 25, TABES G6 25
BEEFS 6F 18 lezaryne

On 3rd draw, N(O)NA I6 21 --- NONA a virus disease [n]
Other tops: N(U)NS I6 21, S(E)NA I6 21
Other moves: P(E)NNALS 4H 16, S(E)A I7 16, S(E)L I7 16, S(M)A I7 16, S(O)L I7 16
PLAN(T)S 4H 14 lezaryne
LAST 10E 6 cipka_616

On 4th draw, BECAP 4D 22 --- BECAP to put a cap on [v]
Other moves: JA I3 21, ACERBEST 10A 20, PEARCE 4H 20, PREACE 4H 20, REFENCE 6E 20
PEACE 4H 18 cipka_616, lezaryne

On 5th draw, VANED J2 33 --- VANE a device for showing the direction of the wind [adj] --- VANED having a vane [adj]
Other moves: VANED 5A 28, GONAD J2 27, DAVEN 5A 26, DEVON 5A 26, DOVEN 5A 26
VAN 3C 18 cipka_616
VENGE E3 18 lezaryne

On 6th draw, ZAIRES 3I 50 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: ZAIRE 3I 48, ZATIS 3I 48, SEZ J8 40, SIZER 5A 36, VEZIRS 2J 36
SIZER 5A 36 cipka_616
FENDERS 6G 11 lezaryne

On 7th draw, YEX 5C 48 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: GREX 5B 46, RETAX 5A 46, RAX 5C 42, REX 5C 42, TAX 5C 42
REX 5C 42 cipka_616
SEXY N3 22 lezaryne

On 8th draw, JOW 3C 44 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other tops: JOY 3C 44
Other moves: JAY 6B 42, JOY 6B 42, AJEE 6A 37, JEE 6B 36, JOE 6B 36
JOY 3C 44 cipka_616
EWE 5J 12 lezaryne

On 9th draw, PRIED F10 29 --- PRY to inquire impertinently into private matters [v]
Other tops: PURED F10 29
Other moves: PURRED F10 28, PERDU F10 27, PRIDE F10 27, PRUDE F10 27, PUIRER F10 27
PER 2M 18 cipka_616
PRIDE L2 16 lezaryne

On 10th draw, SOWINGS K6 81 --- SOWING the act of sowing [n]
Other tops: SOWSING K6 81
Other moves: SOWINGS J9 71, SOWSING J9 69, SOWSSING N3 68, DISGOWNS 14F 65, WORSING L1 30
SWINGES 13A 24 cipka_616
SWINGS N3 12 lezaryne

On 11th draw, ELYTROID M3 64 --- ELYTROID pertaining to elytron [adj] --- ELYTRON a hardened forewing of certain insects [adj]
Other moves: WORDY 8K 39, ROSILY N1 34, TIREDLY 13C 34, DIRTILY 12B 30, IDYLIST 12F 30
WORDY 8K 39 lezaryne
DRILY 12D 26 cipka_616

On 12th draw, DIG(I)TAL N9 78 --- DIGITAL a piano key [n]
Other moves: TAIGL(E)D N9 77, DILATI(N)G 12A 76, DIGITAL(I)S 12C 72, D(I)GITALIS 12C 72, D(I)GITAL N9 71
DIGITAL 12C 20 lezaryne
GLID(E)D 14A 16 cipka_616

On 13th draw, HIRAGE O4 46 --- HIRAGE the fee for hiring something [n]
Other moves: HALE 15L 33, HALL 15L 33, HELL 15L 33, HILA 15L 33, HILL 15L 33
HALE 15L 33 cipka_616
HEAD 14C 8 lezaryne

On 14th draw, COENDURE 14B 72 --- COENDURE to endure together [v]
Other moves: RECULE 15J 33, CERULE 15J 27, COLE 15L 27, CREOLE 15J 27, UNCLE 15K 24
COLE 15L 27 cipka_616
CRONE 13B 14 lezaryne

On 15th draw, LOBULI 15J 33 --- LOBULUS a small lobe [n]
Other tops: LABILE 15J 33, LOBULE 15J 33
Other moves: OBELI 15K 30, *B* O13 27, ALIBLE 15J 27, BALE 15L 27, BALL 15L 27
BARE H12 27 cipka_616
LABEL 15J 10 lezaryne

On 16th draw, FARM H12 39 --- FARM to manage and cultivate as a farm (a tract of land devoted to agriculture) [v]
Other tops: FERM H12 39
Other moves: FARE H12 33, F*RT H12 33, MARA H12 27, MARE H12 27, MART H12 27
FARM H12 39 cipka_616
FAME D11 18 lezaryne

On 17th draw, TORAN L1 21 --- TORAN an arched gateway [n]
Other moves: IOTA L10 20, ATONE E11 18, OOT L10 18, EOAN E11 16, F*TS* 12H 16
ATONE D10 10 lezaryne
TAJ C1 10 cipka_616

On 18th draw, QUAKER 11A 38 --- QUAKER one that quakes [n]
Other moves: QUAKE D10 36, AKENE E11 30, EQUATE D9 30, QUATE D10 28, QUEER 11B 28
QUAKE D10 36 cipka_616
TAKE 1L 24 lezaryne

On 19th draw, THO 12B 31 --- THO though [conj]
Other moves: HI 12C 27, HO 12C 27, THE 15A 27, THO 15A 27, OH L7 25
HI 12C 27 cipka_616
KITE D11 16 lezaryne

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