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Game of Mars 22, 2012 at 08:19, 3 players
1. 573 pts jimbo
2. 569 pts charmz
3. 81 pts remij

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dequvw   H8    32    32   equid
 2. ?egiluw  13C    28    60   uglies
 3. adeeiim   I8    26    86   dim
 4. aiooors  B10    23   109   arioso
 5. abdefot   A7    42   151   boated
 6. eeikssz   B3    41   192   seizes
 7. deenptt   A1    39   231   deep
 8. elnorrw  A14    32   263   ow
 9. aeklotu   C1    27   290   okta
10. aafnrty   D4    32   322   ratany
11. abcinsv   1C    45   367   ovisac
12. ehlotty   E4    44   411   they
13. aeeilmu  J10    29   440   mealie
14. abghint   F8    72   512   habiting
15. enoprtx  15J    54   566   expert
16. cefinor  15H    51   617   inexpert
17. efgjnno   C9    30   647   fog
18. cloruvw  M11    22   669   wolve
19. afioruu   F5    33   702   if
20. aennorr   L8    21   723   reran
21. clnoruu   8K    21   744   cruor

Remaining tiles: jlnnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6066 Filejimbo       5 22:52  -171  573     1.6066 jimbo       5 22:52  -171  573 
  2.6381 Filecharmz      4 23:26  -175  569     2.6381 charmz      4 23:26  -175  569 
  3.4783 Fileremij       0  2:53  -663   81            Group: not rated
                                             1.4783 remij       0  2:53  -663   81 

On 1st draw, EQU(I)D H8 32 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: EQU(I)D H4 30, V(O)WED H4 30, W(A)VED H4 30, W(I)VED H4 30, (A)DVEW H8 30
QU(I)D H5 26 jimbo
QU(I)D H8 26 charmz

On 2nd draw, UGLIE(S) 13C 28 --- UGLY one that is ugly [n] --- UGLY to make offensive to the sight [v]
Other tops: GUILE(S) 13C 28, W(H)IG I7 28
Other moves: LWEI(S) I6 27, LIG(N)E I8 26, LWEI I6 26, WEI(R) I7 26, (L)WEI I6 25
(S)WIG 13H 25 jimbo, charmz

On 3rd draw, DIM I8 26 --- DIM obscure [adj] --- DIM to reduce the light of [v]
Other moves: AIM I8 24, IMAGED D10 24, MIDI I6 24, AMI I7 23, ADDEEM 12G 22
DIM I8 26 jimbo
AIM I8 24 charmz

On 4th draw, ARIOSO B10 23 --- ARIOSO a musical passage resembling an aria [n]
Other moves: ROOSA 14C 20, RIAS 14C 17, ROOS 14C 17, ROOSA B11 17, ADOORS 12G 16
QIS 9H 12 jimbo
RAGS D11 10 charmz

On 5th draw, BOATED A7 42 --- BOAT to travel by boat (watercraft) [v]
Other tops: FATED A8 42
Other moves: DEFAT A8 40, BATED A8 39, FOOTED 15A 33, OAF 14D 32, AFT 14E 31
FATED A8 42 jimbo, charmz

On 6th draw, SEIZES B3 41 --- SEIZE to take hold of suddenly and forcibly [v]
Other moves: SIZES B4 40, SEIZES J3 39, SEIZE B3 38, SIZES J4 38, ZEE B6 38
ZEE B6 38 charmz, jimbo
ZOS 15A 36 remij

On 7th draw, DEEP A1 39 --- DEEP extending far down from the surface [adj] --- DEEP the place far down under the sea [n]
Other moves: NEEP A1 36, P**D A1 34, PENED J10 31, PETTED J10 30, POTTED 15A 30
DEEP A1 39 charmz
P**D A1 34 jimbo
POND 15A 27 remij

On 8th draw, OW A14 32 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: WOOLEN 15A 30, WOOLER 15A 30, WORREL 15A 30, ENOL C4 29, LOWER 15A 27
WORREL 15A 30 jimbo
LOWER 15A 27 charmz
ROW 15A 18 remij

On 9th draw, OKTA C1 27 --- OKTA a unit of measure of cloud cover [n]
Other tops: KETA C1 27, KUTA C1 27, TALE C5 27, TOLE C5 27
Other moves: LEAK C7 26, LEKU C7 26, OLEA C6 26, TEAK C7 26, TALK(I)E 11D 25
TOE C5 23 jimbo
TIKE F12 18 charmz

On 10th draw, RATANY D4 32 --- RATANY a South American shrub [n]
Other tops: AY C6 32
Other moves: AFT 14E 31, FY D1 30, TAYRA D4 30, TYRAN D4 30, FA 14F 28
AY C6 32 jimbo, charmz

On 11th draw, OVISAC 1C 45 --- OVISAC a sac containing an ovum or ova [n]
Other moves: ISBA E3 29, SNAB E4 29, SNIB E4 29, V(I)SCIN 11G 27, VISA E2 25
SAIN E4 23 charmz
AS 14E 10 jimbo

On 12th draw, THEY E4 44 --- THEY the 3d person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: HOLY E5 39, THOLE E4 39, THY 2E 37, EYOT E4 35, HEY E3 35
HOY E5 35 charmz, jimbo

On 13th draw, MEALIE J10 29 --- MEALIE an ear of corn [n]
Other moves: MAILE J10 28, MIAUL J10 28, ILEUM F5 26, ALUM F5 25, MAIL J10 25
MAIL J10 25 charmz
MILE E11 12 jimbo

On 14th draw, HABITING F8 72 --- HABIT to clothe or dress [v]
Other moves: ABEIGH 15H 42, BENIGHT 15I 42, GAHNITE 15D 39, HEATING 15I 36, HAINT K11 34
HEATING 15I 36 jimbo, charmz

On 15th draw, EXPERT 15J 54 --- EXPERT to serve as an authority [v]
Other tops: EXPORT 15J 54
Other moves: EXTERN 15J 42, OX E10 40, EXERT 15H 39, EXON K11 39, PREX 15H 39
EXPERT 15J 54 jimbo
EXPORT 15J 54 charmz

On 16th draw, INEXPERT 15H 51 --- INEXPERT one who is unskilled [n]
Other moves: FOGIE 15D 39, FORCER N10 38, CONFER N10 34, COGIE 15D 33, IF F5 33
INEXPERT 15H 51 jimbo
GIF 15F 21 charmz

On 17th draw, FOG C9 30 --- FOG to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth's surface) [v]
Other tops: FEG C9 30
Other moves: FEN C9 28, FOE C9 28, FON C9 28, JEFE M12 28, JO G7 25
FOE 14M 23 charmz
JEE M13 20 jimbo

On 18th draw, WOLVE M11 22 --- WOLVE to hunt for wolves [v]
Other tops: COWP L12 22, VOCULE M10 22
Other moves: AVOW 12J 20, CLOVE M11 20, CRUVE M11 20, CURVE M11 20, WOVE M12 20
WO 14M 19 charmz, jimbo

On 19th draw, IF F5 33 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: FRA K11 26, FRO K11 26, FORA N10 24, FA K11 22, ROOF 12L 22
ROOF 12L 22 charmz
FOR N10 21 jimbo

On 20th draw, RERAN L8 21 --- RERUN to present a repetition of a recorded performance [v]
Other moves: OVA 14L 20, NANE L10 19, NONA L10 19, NONE L10 19, ORGAN D11 19
VOE 14M 18 charmz
ONER N9 13 jimbo

On 21th draw, CRUOR 8K 21 --- CRUOR clotted blood [n]
Other moves: CLOUR K5 18, UNCURL N6 18, CORNU K4 16, LULU E11 16, CLON N8 14
CORN N8 14 jimbo
ROUL 8L 12 charmz

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