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Game of May 5, 2013 at 07:43, 4 players
1. 574 pts kellybelly
2. 472 pts fatcat
3. 167 pts faythe

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aenorrw   H4    26    26   warren
 2. ?dlnoqt   5D    28    54   loquat
 3. bemnosz   4A    54   108   zones
 4. ceeglos   A1    51   159   clozes
 5. aefiitt   6E    26   185   titre
 6. abdeemn   G8    71   256   bedeman
 7. giorsuy  H11    42   298   roguy
 8. ahkmnuw  12G    36   334   mohawk
 9. ?efgoot   J7    65   399   footpage
10. adeijls   M9    37   436   deasil
11. aehijnv   B6    35   471   haji
12. bdeilnp   8A    39   510   djin
13. aegimpu   L4    31   541   guimpe
14. bcfiopt   C7    44   585   bioptic
15. eiinotv   E8    27   612   nevi
16. adfiors   J1    31   643   afros
17. eeinrtx  N10    52   695   xi
18. eeilrrt   1G    77   772   retailer
19. aanuuvy  12A    22   794   vain

Remaining tiles: aaduuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7582 Filekellybelly  6 14:23  -220  574     1.7582 kellybelly  6 14:23  -220  574 
  2.6411 Filefatcat      0 15:56  -322  472            Group: intermediate
  3.5910 Filefaythe      0  9:07  -627  167     1.6411 fatcat      0 15:56  -322  472 
  4.4315 FileZEHAVARON   0  5:22  -710   84            Group: novice
                                             1.5910 faythe      0  9:07  -627  167 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4315 ZEHAVARON   0  5:22  -710   84 

On 1st draw, WARREN H4 26 --- WARREN a place where rabbits live and breed [n]
Other tops: NARROW H7 26, WARNER H4 26
Other moves: ARROW H8 24, WARRE H4 24, NARROW H3 20, NARROW H4 20, NARROW H8 20

On 2nd draw, LOQ(U)AT 5D 28 --- LOQUAT a small evergreen tree [n]
Other tops: Q(U)OAD 5E 28
Other moves: Q(A)T G3 27, QAN(A)T 5G 26, Q(A)NAT 5E 26, Q(U)OTA 5D 26, TAL(A)Q 5G 26
Q(A)T G3 27 kellybelly
Q(U)OTED 8D 25 fatcat

On 3rd draw, ZONES 4A 54 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: ZONE 4A 50, BONZES 10C 47, MOZES 10D 46, MOZES 4A 44, BEZ 4C 43
ZONES 4A 54 kellybelly
ZOS 10F 42 fatcat

On 4th draw, CLOZES A1 51 --- CLOZE a test of reading comprehension [n]
Other moves: CLOZE A1 48, GLOZES A1 48, GLOZE A1 45, GEEZ A1 42, ECLOSE J1 31
CLOZES A1 51 kellybelly
COGS J2 28 fatcat

On 5th draw, TITRE 6E 26 --- TITRE the strength of a chemical solution [n]
Other moves: WAIFT 4H 24, WIFIE 4H 24, TI 6E 20, TREFA 6G 19, REFIT 6H 18
WAIFT 4H 24 kellybelly
REFIT 6H 18 fatcat
QAT F5 14 faythe

On 6th draw, BEDEMAN G8 71 --- BEDEMAN one who prays for another [n]
Other tops: BEADMEN G8 71, BENAMED G8 71
Other moves: BEMEANED 8B 66, BEMEANED 8E 65, BEMEANED 8G 64, LAMBED 2A 30, BETEEM I3 26
WAMED 4H 25 kellybelly
METE I3 14 faythe
AMEND G9 14 fatcat

On 7th draw, ROGUY H11 42 --- ROGUY pertaining to a rogue [adj]
Other moves: GYROS J1 32, GYRUS J1 32, YUGS J2 31, GORMY 12D 30, GRIMY 12D 30
GUYS J2 27 fatcat
YOS H13 25 faythe
YO H14 20 kellybelly

On 8th draw, MOHAWK 12G 36 --- MOHAWK a hairstyle marked by a stiff ridge of hair from front to back [n]
Other moves: HAWK B6 35, HAWM B6 33, HUMAN B6 33, HAKU B6 32, HANK B6 32
HAWK B6 35 fatcat, faythe
HANK B6 32 kellybelly

On 9th draw, FOOT(P)AGE J7 65 --- FOOTPAGE a boy attendant [n]
Other tops: FOOTAGE(S) J8 65
Other moves: LOGO(F)F 2A 34, TEREF(A) 11F 34, GOOFE(D) 13J 32, GOO(S)E M9 32, FOOTAGE(S) 13C 31
FE(S)T M10 30 kellybelly
FOE(S) J2 28 fatcat
(S)WOT K11 12 faythe

On 10th draw, DEASIL M9 37 --- DEASIL clockwise [adv] --- DEASIL motion in the same direction as the sun [n]
Other moves: JAILED K3 36, SAILED 15J 36, AISLED M10 33, JADES K4 33, JADES M8 33
SAILED 15J 36 kellybelly
JAILED 10B 32 fatcat
JEAN C1 22 faythe

On 11th draw, HAJI B6 35 --- HAJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: HAJ B6 34, HAVEN B6 34, JIVE K4 33, JIVE N6 33, AHI N9 32
HAJ B6 34 kellybelly
JIVE N6 33 fatcat
NAH N8 30 faythe

On 12th draw, DJIN 8A 39 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: BIPED N6 30, BILED N6 28, BIPED K4 28, PILED N6 28, PINED N6 28
DJIN 8A 39 kellybelly
PINED N6 28 fatcat
JIB 8B 15 faythe

On 13th draw, GUIMPE L4 31 --- GUIMPE a short blouse [n]
Other moves: PIMA N8 29, GAME N8 28, GUIMPE K2 27, MAGPIE K2 27, MAGPIE L4 27
PAM N8 26 kellybelly
GEM N8 25 fatcat

On 14th draw, BIOPTIC C7 44 --- BIOPSY to examine tissue from a living body [adj] --- BIOPTIC relating to biopsy [adj]
Other moves: BIOPIC C7 26, FOP F9 26, FIB N13 25, FOB N13 25, FOP N13 25
FOP M3 23 kellybelly
FLOP 14L 18 fatcat

On 15th draw, NEVI E8 27 --- NEVUS a birthmark [n]
Other moves: VEIN 12A 22, NITE E8 21, NOTE E8 21, VINO M3 21, VINT M3 21
VEIN 12A 22 fatcat
VINO M3 21 kellybelly

On 16th draw, AFROS J1 31 --- AFRO a thick curly African hairstyle [n]
Other tops: FADS J2 31, FIDS J2 31
Other moves: FARS J2 30, FIRS J2 30, FRAS J2 30, FRIS J2 30, FROS J2 30
FADS J2 31 kellybelly
SAD 15M 20 fatcat

On 17th draw, XI N10 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EXEAT 1G 36, EXTRA 1F 36, RETAX 1G 36, XENIA 1F 36, FIXER 2J 30
XI N10 52 kellybelly
RETAX 1G 36 fatcat

On 18th draw, RETAILER 1G 77 --- RETAILER one who sells direct to the consumer [n]
Other moves: REFILTER 2H 72, EARLIER 1I 24, LEARIER 1H 24, REALTER 1H 24, REALTIE 1H 24
RETAILER 1G 27 fatcat, kellybelly

On 19th draw, VAIN 12A 22 --- VAIN filled with undue admiration for oneself [adj]
Other tops: NY M6 22
Other moves: NAY N13 18, VINY 6K 18, VLY 14L 18, IVY 6L 17, AYIN 12A 16
NY M6 22 kellybelly
NAVY O11 14 fatcat

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