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Game of May 24, 2013 at 09:48, 3 players
1. 45 pts charmz
2. 40 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 6 pts lezaryne

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaellov   H4    24    24   volae
 2. aceopsu   5C    74    98   poaceous
 3. ?ghmrtu   6B    45   143   mirth
 4. aagiist   7C    24   167   sati
 5. aeiloqr   8A    25   192   riel
 6. deiiltx   J1    28   220   exits
 7. abegmnr   1D    98   318   bargemen
 8. ?bdhiot   3I    28   346   histoid
 9. eeoruvw   O3    33   379   devore
10. aejlnno   N6    56   435   jane
11. addnnow   M7    33   468   wadd
12. aagilsu  10J    27   495   gauds
13. aginort  11F    76   571   orating
14. defioqy  10B    37   608   deify
15. abcikrs  H10    51   659   backra
16. ilostuz  12L    54   713   sitz
17. einopuu  O12    39   752   zone
18. eefillo  13C    32   784   elflike
19. inopqwy  14J    34   818   pinyon

Remaining tiles: noquuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6756 Filecharmz      0  0:54  -773   45     1.6756 charmz      0  0:54  -773   45 
  2.6294 FileGrace_Tjie  0  1:59  -778   40     2.6294 Grace_Tjie  0  1:59  -778   40 
  3.3778 Filelezaryne    0  1:56  -812    6            Group: not rated
                                             1.3778 lezaryne    0  1:56  -812    6 

On 1st draw, VOLAE H4 24 --- VOLA the hollow of a hand or foot [n]
Other tops: OLLAV H8 24
Other moves: AVALE H4 18, AVALE H8 18, LAEVO H4 18, LAEVO H8 18, LOAVE H4 18

On 2nd draw, POACEOUS 5C 74 --- POACEOUS pertaining to plants of the grass family [adj]
Other tops: POACEOUS 5G 74
Other moves: SCOPULAE 6C 70, PACES G7 24, PACOS G7 24, ESCALOP 6D 23, PACE G7 23
SOAP 5G 6 lezaryne

On 3rd draw, M(I)RTH 6B 45 --- MIRTH spirited gaiety [n]
Other tops: M(O)UTH 6B 45
Other moves: G(A)RTH 6B 42, G(I)RTH 6B 42, TR(O)UGH 6A 42, R(O)UGH 6B 41, T(E)UGH 6B 41

On 4th draw, SATI 7C 24 --- SATI the cremation of a Hindu woman on her husband's pile [n]
Other moves: AIGA 7A 21, SAGA 7A 21, TAGS 7A 21, TIGS 7A 21, AGA 7B 20

On 5th draw, RIEL 8A 25 --- RIEL a monetary unit of Cambodia [n]
Other moves: VOILA 4H 20, VOILE 4H 20, AREOLE 8F 15, ALE 8A 14, ARE 8A 14

On 6th draw, EXITS J1 28 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other tops: DEX I7 28
Other moves: IXTLE 4J 26, IXTLE I7 26, EXIT I7 25, EXIT 4J 24, ILEX 4J 24

On 7th draw, BARGEMEN 1D 98 --- BARGEMAN the master or a crew member of a barge [n]
Other moves: BARGEMEN 1F 92, BREGMA 1H 42, GERMANE 1I 39, BREAM 1H 36, BREEM 1H 36

On 8th draw, HI(S)TOID 3I 28 --- HISTOID pertaining to connective tissue [adj]
Other tops: BI(N)DHI 3I 28
Other moves: H(M) 4D 27, HI(M)BO 3I 26, H(A)BIT I7 26, MOB I1 26, TH(R)OB 2A 26

On 9th draw, DEVORE O3 33 --- DEVORE (of velvet or satin), having a design etched with acid [adj] --- DEVORE something etched with devore [n]
Other tops: DEVOUR O3 33
Other moves: VROW 2B 29, VIEWER N2 28, VOWER 2A 28, WIVER N2 26, WOE 2M 24

On 10th draw, JANE N6 56 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other tops: JANN N6 56, JEAN N6 56, JEON N6 56
Other moves: JOE N6 55, JA N6 52, JO N6 52, JA 2M 31, JO 2M 31

On 11th draw, WADD M7 33 --- WADD an earthy ore [n]
Other moves: WAD M7 31, WAND M7 29, WOAD M7 29, DOWNA M9 27, WAN M7 27

On 12th draw, GAUDS 10J 27 --- GAUD a showy ornament [n] --- GAUD to make merry [v]
Other tops: GAIDS 10J 27, GILDS 10J 27, GLADS 10J 27, GUIDS 10J 27
Other moves: GUILDS 10I 26, AGILAS 11H 24, LAIDS 10J 24, LAUDS 10J 24, UGALIS 11H 24

On 13th draw, ORATING 11F 76 --- ORATE to speak formally [v]
Other tops: ROATING 11F 76
Other moves: ORATING G8 62, ROATING G8 62, GOURA L8 27, TOURING L8 27, WADDING M7 26

On 14th draw, DEIFY 10B 37 --- DEIFY to make a god of [v]
Other moves: EDIFY 12G 36, EDIFY 10B 35, DEFY 12H 33, YOD 10F 33, DEFY 10C 32

On 15th draw, BACKRA H10 51 --- BACKRA white person [n]
Other tops: BAKRAS H10 51
Other moves: ABACK H11 48, KABARS H10 45, ABASK H11 42, BRACKS 12A 40, BRICKS 12A 40
KABARS H10 45 charmz

On 16th draw, SITZ 12L 54 --- SITZ a type of hip bath [n]
Other moves: TZURIS 14E 37, ZO 2M 37, ZORILS 14F 37, ZORIL 14F 36, ZORIS 14F 36

On 17th draw, ZONE O12 39 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ZEIN O12 39, ZINE O12 39
Other moves: OPINE 2B 28, UPO 2L 20, DUPION B10 18, OP 2M 18, OPEN 12C 18

On 18th draw, ELFLIKE 13C 32 --- ELF a small, often mischievous fairy [adj] --- ELFLIKE like an elf [adj]
Other moves: FOLIE 2A 22, OLEFIN 14J 22, DEFILE B10 20, FEEL 2B 20, FLEE 2B 20
LIFE 2A 18 Grace_Tjie

On 19th draw, PINYON 14J 34 --- PINYON a pine tree [n]
Other moves: NOWY 2A 27, PIOY 2B 27, WINY 2A 27, PLOW D12 26, PLOY D12 26
QI N2 22 Grace_Tjie

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