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Game of June 17, 2014 at 15:04, 3 players
1. 249 pts babsbedi
2. 74 pts lynette
3. 21 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeeinv   H8    28    28   endive
 2. ?adggmt  13G    32    60   demagog
 3. eeopstv  14F    30    90   pose
 4. benopru  15I    91   181   upborne
 5. deiknot  11E    32   213   tenioid
 6. aefhnrt  10J    38   251   hafter
 7. aceglor  15A    37   288   oracle
 8. aaeilnw  B10    34   322   wailer
 9. aeiklot   A4   103   425   keitloa
10. ?imqrtz   O8    54   479   ziram
11. anrstuy   B1    34   513   tyrans
12. aafhsuy  14L    38   551   hauf
13. aeiijns   1B    66   617   tajines
14. adelosw   F5    72   689   leasowed
15. einorvx   D1    36   725   jinx
16. bceorru  12A    26   751   birred
17. ciotuvy   G4    26   777   city
18. giootuv   4G    20   797   cogito

Remaining tiles: quuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6592 Filebabsbedi    1 10:25  -548  249     1.7102 GLOBEMAN    0  1:54  -776   21 
  2.5211 Filelynette     0  3:54  -723   74            Group: intermediate
  3.7102 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:54  -776   21     1.6592 babsbedi    1 10:25  -548  249 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5211 lynette     0  3:54  -723   74 

On 1st draw, ENDIVE H8 28 --- ENDIVE an herb cultivated as a salad plant [n]
Other tops: VEINED H4 28
Other moves: VANED H4 26, VIAND H4 26, VINED H4 26, ADVENE H3 24, DEVEIN H4 24

On 2nd draw, DEMAG(O)G 13G 32 --- DEMAGOG to behave like a demagog (a leader who appeals to emotions and prejudices) [v]
Other moves: (S)TAGGED 13C 26, D(E)GAME 13C 24, DAM(A)GE 13C 22, D(A)MAGE 13C 22, MAGG(S) 14D 22

On 3rd draw, POSE 14F 30 --- POSE to assume a fixed position [v]
Other tops: PESO 14F 30
Other moves: EVES 14E 29, EVOS 14E 29, EVETS N9 28, TOPES 14D 27, VEES N10 27

On 4th draw, UPBORNE 15I 91 --- UPBEAR to raise aloft [v]
Other moves: UNPROBED 10A 71, UPBORNE G3 69, UPBORNE I3 69, PREBOUND 10A 67, UPBORNE G2 67

On 5th draw, TENIOID 11E 32 --- TENIOID like a tapeworm [adj]
Other moves: DITONE 15A 28, DOEK G8 25, DEKING K8 24, DOITKIN 11C 24, DOITKIN 11F 24

On 6th draw, HAFTER 10J 38 --- HAFTER one that hafts [n]
Other moves: TREFAH 10A 37, FATHER 12A 36, HAFTER 12A 36, HARTEN 10J 35, HAFT 10J 34

On 7th draw, ORACLE 15A 37 --- ORACLE a person through whom a deity is believed to speak [n] --- ORACLE to utter as an oracle [v]
Other moves: CAROLER O4 36, CLEAR 9J 30, GALORE 15A 28, CARGO O8 27, CARREL O7 27

On 8th draw, WAILER B10 34 --- WAILER one that wails [n]
Other tops: LAWED 10D 34, WALIER B10 34, WANIER B10 34
Other moves: AWED 10E 33, LAWNIER O4 33, ALEW 10C 30, ANEW 10C 30, NARWAL O8 30
WAILER O5 27 lynette

On 9th draw, KEITLOA A4 103 --- KEITLOA the rhinoceros [n]
Other moves: KEITLOA A5 90, KEITLOA G3 73, OATLIKE C4 72, KEITLOA C5 70, OATLIKE G2 69
TEAK A8 35 babsbedi
KART O8 24 lynette

On 10th draw, ZIR(A)M O8 54 --- ZIRAM a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ZIM(B)I 12A 52, ZIM(B) 12A 48, Z(A)TI 12L 48, ZITI 12A 46, MIRZ(A) O8 45
Q(U)IT M7 23 babsbedi, lynette

On 11th draw, TYRANS B1 34 --- TYRAN to play the oppressor [v]
Other moves: YUANS B2 32, YAD 10F 30, NAY 10D 29, RAY 10D 29, SAY 10D 29
YAD 10F 30 babsbedi

On 12th draw, HAUF 14L 38 --- HAUF (Scots) half [n]
Other tops: HAAF 14L 38
Other moves: SHAD 10E 33, STAY 1A 33, FAH 10D 32, FAY 10D 32, HAY 10D 32
STAY 1A 33 babsbedi

On 13th draw, TAJINES 1B 66 --- TAJINE a clay pot [n]
Other moves: JINS 12A 38, KANJIS 4A 34, KANJI 4A 32, NINJAS 9F 32, JANES C7 29
TAJ 1B 18 babsbedi

On 14th draw, LEASOWED F5 72 --- LEASOW to pasture [v]
Other moves: WALDOES I2 65, WALDO C9 41, DAWED 10D 35, JOWLED D1 34, LAWED 10D 34
JOWLED D1 34 babsbedi

On 15th draw, JINX D1 36 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other tops: EX G6 36
Other moves: VIXEN C7 35, VERNIX 6E 32, VEX C9 32, JIVER D1 30, VERNIX I3 30
EX G6 36 babsbedi

On 16th draw, BIRRED 12A 26 --- BIRR to make a whirring noise [v]
Other tops: CORBE G4 26
Other moves: CUBER C7 23, BICE 12A 22, CUBE C7 20, BORER C7 19, CERO C9 19
BIER 12A 18 babsbedi

On 17th draw, CITY G4 26 --- CITY a large town [n]
Other moves: CITY I6 25, TIVY 2G 22, YOU 9K 22, YU G7 21, TIVY 2H 20
YOU 9K 22 babsbedi

On 18th draw, COGITO 4G 20 --- COGITO a philosophical principle [n]
Other moves: GOV C5 18, GIO E7 15, GIT E7 15, GOO E7 15, GOT E7 15

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