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Game on February 11, 2016 at 16:42, 5 players
1. 152 pts roocatcher
2. 144 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 82 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaejns   H4    40    40   janes
 2. adeinrt   5D    86   126   dentaria
 3. ?iknrty   K4    78   204   karyotin
 4. eimstvw   8J    42   246   movies
 5. aeghioy  J10    43   289   hoagy
 6. abenorv   L1    34   323   vena
 7. ?coooru   1H    30   353   croove
 8. cdnoopr  L10    31   384   condor
 9. eeilpst   8A    83   467   epistles
10. abertuz   4A    52   519   zeta
11. behoptu   A1    45   564   putz
12. aahlrtw   2J    57   621   wheal
13. defgitx   I5    37   658   rex
14. aeilnor   B8    74   732   pelorian
15. ddegimr  15A    27   759   engird
16. abfgltu  14H    30   789   flyboat
17. abdeimo  15K    34   823   orbed
18. efgisuw  H12    42   865   fife
19. agimquw   3C    62   927   umiaq
20. giosuuw  13J    27   954   gods

Remaining tiles: giuuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6965 Fileroocatcher  0  7:58  -802  152     1.7076 sunshine12  0  4:31  -872   82 
  2.6586 FileGLOBEMAN    0  5:24  -810  144     2.7104 enzotiger   0  3:07  -899   55 
  3.7076 Filesunshine12  0  4:31  -872   82            Group: intermediate
  4.6455 Fileworsie      0  1:46  -881   73     1.6965 roocatcher  0  7:58  -802  152 
  5.7104 Fileenzotiger   0  3:07  -899   55     2.6586 GLOBEMAN    0  5:24  -810  144 
                                             3.6455 worsie      0  1:46  -881   73 

On 1st draw, JANES H4 40 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other tops: AJ(W)ANS H3 40, JA(P)ANS H4 40, JA(U)NSE H4 40, JA(W)ANS H4 40, JEANS H4 40, JNA(N)AS H4 40, J(N)ANAS H4 40
Other moves: JAA(P)S H4 38, JANE(S) H4 38, JAN(E)S H4 38, JAN(N)S H4 38, JASE(Y) H4 38

On 2nd draw, DENTARIA 5D 86 --- DENTARIA a flower with toothed roots [n]
Other moves: DETRAINS 8A 80, STRAINED 8H 80, DETRAIN G7 69, DENTARIA 5A 68, RAINDATE 5C 68

On 3rd draw, KARY(O)TIN K4 78 --- KARYOTIN the nuclear material of a cell [n]
Other moves: KY(L)IN 4A 40, KYRI(E) 4A 39, YIRK(S) L1 39, KIN(D)Y 4K 36, KIN(K)Y 4K 36

On 4th draw, M(O)VIES 8J 42 --- MOVIE a motion picture [n]
Other tops: METIS L1 42
Other moves: SWIVE 12K 39, V(O)MITS 8J 39, VISE L3 38, WISE L3 38, WITES L8 38

On 5th draw, HOAGY J10 43 --- HOAGY a long sandwich [n]
Other moves: AHOY L1 40, HIYA L1 40, HOYA L1 40, GOEY L1 38, HYEN 6E 38

On 6th draw, VENA L1 34 --- VENA a vein [n]
Other tops: BEVOR 4A 34, VERA L1 34
Other moves: BORANE 4A 32, BONA L1 30, BORA L1 30, ARVO L1 28, BARON 4A 28

On 7th draw, CROOV(E) 1H 30 --- CROOVE a pen or sty [n]
Other moves: CORO(Z)O L10 27, CO(L)OUR L10 27, CO(L)OR 4A 26, C(R)UOR 4A 26, CROO(N) 4A 25

On 8th draw, CONDOR L10 31 --- CONDOR a coin of Chile [n]
Other tops: CORDON L10 31
Other moves: CODON 4A 30, DROOP 4A 30, OPERON 2J 29, CROON 4A 28, POCO 4A 28

On 9th draw, EPISTLES 8A 83 --- EPISTLE a long or formal letter [n] --- EPISTLE to preface [v]
Other tops: EPISTLES O1 83
Other moves: PELITES G7 73, PLENTIES F2 68, EPISTLE G8 65, PENLITES F3 64, EPISTLES O5 61

On 10th draw, ZETA 4A 52 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: BRAZE 15K 48, ZEBU 4C 42, RAZE 15L 39, AZERTY 14E 38, BENZAL F3 37

On 11th draw, PUTZ A1 45 --- PUTZ to waste time [v]
Other moves: TOUZE A1 42, HEP 2H 33, HEPT 3B 33, OUPHE 3B 32, HEP 3B 31

On 12th draw, WHEAL 2J 57 --- WHEAL a welt [n]
Other tops: WHEAR 2J 57, WHEAT 2J 57
Other moves: WREATH 2J 56, WHET 2J 37, THAW 3A 36, WRATH 15K 33, TRAWL 3A 29

On 13th draw, REX I5 37 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other moves: FRIDGE 6J 36, XI 7C 36, FRIED 6J 34, SEXFID D8 34, EX M13 33

On 14th draw, PELORIAN B8 74 --- PELORIA abnormal regularity of a flower form [adj] --- PELORIAN pertaining to a peloria [adj]
Other moves: TAILERON E8 66, ALLERION F7 62, TELERAN G5 23, PEARLIN B8 22, PELORIA B8 22

On 15th draw, ENGIRD 15A 27 --- ENGIRD to secure with a belt [v]
Other tops: DEGERM G7 27
Other moves: DEME G7 25, IMIDE C8 25, REDD C11 25, DEIDER G7 24, DERIDE G7 24
GRIME 15K 24 worsie
TRIM 3A 24 roocatcher

On 16th draw, FLYBOAT 14H 30 --- FLYBOAT a small, fast boat [n]
Other moves: FRUGAL 12A 28, GRAFT 15K 27, BAFT I12 26, FAG C13 26, FRAB 12A 26
GRAFT 15K 27 worsie
GIF C7 22 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 17th draw, ORBED 15K 34 --- ORB to form into a circle or sphere [v]
Other tops: ARMED 15K 34, GODDAM 13J 34, IMBED 3C 34
Other moves: ARDEB 15K 33, ERBIA 15K 31, BROMIDE 12A 30, DEFI H12 30, BIOME 6B 29
BREAM 12A 24 sunshine12, roocatcher
REAM 15L 22 worsie, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, FIFE H12 42 --- FIFE to play a fife (a high-pitched flute) [v]
Other tops: WIFE H12 42
Other moves: GUFF H12 39, GUFFS H11 39, FIEFS H11 36, *FFS H12 33, TWIGS 3A 32
FR*G 12A 24 roocatcher

On 19th draw, UMIAQ 3C 62 --- UMIAQ an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: QUA 7C 47, QI 7C 44, DWAM 13L 39, QUINA F2 36, SQ**W D8 34
QUINA F2 36 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
QUIN F2 33 enzotiger

On 20th draw, GODS 13J 27 --- GOD to treat as a god (a supernatural being) [v]
Other moves: WE G7 26, WEX 7G 26, GROWS 12A 22, SEW G7 22, SOREX I3 22
GROWS 12A 22 roocatcher, sunshine12, enzotiger

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