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Game on May 3, 2016 at 05:59, 1 player
1. 171 pts quirky

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deiirz   H7   102   102   iridize
 2. abegpst  11E    40   142   gapiest
 3. ?delnux  13B   100   242   unflexed
 4. aenoopv  14B    35   277   paeon
 5. aclortu   8A    89   366   torcular
 6. eoostwy  15A    62   428   towy
 7. abiirsv   J5    67   495   vibrissa
 8. aadeisu  14H    29   524   sida
 9. egimorw  15K    37   561   mower
10. aeeknot   8J    45   606   reknot
11. efilqrt   G7    46   652   qat
12. cfnorsu   L2    84   736   unfrocks
13. aadeehr   D2    78   814   headrace
14. abeemov   2B    44   858   behove
15. aejlmny   1A    48   906   jay
16. afillmt  N10    34   940   faille
17. egiimnu   3H    74  1014   ingenium
18. eghinot   O1    39  1053   homing

Remaining tiles: et

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6696 Filequirky      3  3:31  -882  171     1.6696 quirky      3  3:31  -882  171 

On 1st draw, IR(I)DIZE H7 102 --- IRIDIZE to make iridescent [v]
Other tops: DIZ(Z)IER H2 102, DI(A)RIZE H7 102, IRID(I)ZE H7 102, I(O)DIZER H8 102, (I)RIDIZE H7 102
Other moves: DIZ(Z)IER H4 86, DI(A)RIZE H4 86, DI(T)ZIER H4 86, DI(Z)ZIER H4 86, I(O)DIZER H2 86

On 2nd draw, GAPIEST 11E 40 --- GAPY infested with gapeworms [adj]
Other moves: BEPAT G7 35, BESPAT 14F 35, PEBAS G7 35, BASTE 14F 32, BESAT 14F 32

On 3rd draw, UN(F)LEXED 13B 100 --- FLEX to bend [adj] --- UNFLEXED not flexed [adj]
Other moves: UN(F)LEXED 13D 74, UN(S)EXED 13C 48, UN(V)EXED 13C 48, UN(A)XED 14C 47, (F)LUXED 14C 47

On 4th draw, PAEON 14B 35 --- PAEON a metrical foot of four syllables [n]
Other moves: APODE 10E 33, POZ 12F 31, APOD 10E 30, POD 10F 26, NEAP 10C 25

On 5th draw, TORCULAR 8A 89 --- TORCULAR a tourniquet [n]
Other moves: TORCULAR 8F 61, OCULAR 14I 31, COT 15A 23, CLAUT 10B 22, CLOUT 10B 22

On 6th draw, TOWY 15A 62 --- TOWY resembling coarse hemp or flax fiber [adj]
Other moves: TOWSY 15A 56, YOWES 15A 53, OOSY 15A 50, TOEY 15A 50, YOWE 15A 47

On 7th draw, VIBRISSA J5 67 --- VIBRISSA one of the stiff hairs growing about the mouth of certain mammals [n]
Other moves: SAV 14H 34, SABIR 14H 33, SAB 14H 31, SIB 14H 31, SAIR 14H 26
SARI 15F 15 quirky

On 8th draw, SIDA 14H 29 --- SIDA any plant of the Queensland hemp genus [n]
Other tops: SADE 14H 29, SADI 14H 29, SIDE 14H 29
Other moves: DAES 14H 28, DAIS 14H 28, DESI 14H 28, DEUS 14H 28, DIES 14H 28
DAIS 14H 28 quirky

On 9th draw, MOWER 15K 37 --- MOWER one that mows [n]
Other moves: REGROW 8J 36, ROWME 15K 35, MIZ 12F 32, MOZ 12F 32, GOMER 15K 30
MOWER 15K 37 quirky

On 10th draw, REKNOT 8J 45 --- KNOT to tie in a knot (a closed loop) [v] --- REKNOT to knot again [v]
Other moves: KETENE N10 40, KETONE N10 40, TEAK 10C 37, OAK 10D 36, TAK 10D 36
REKNOT 8J 45 quirky

On 11th draw, QAT G7 46 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: FERLIE N10 34, FIQUE E5 34, FE 14N 22, FIVER 5H 22, FLIRTER C2 22
QAT G7 46 quirky

On 12th draw, UNFROCKS L2 84 --- UNFROCK to divest of ecclesiastical authority [v]
Other moves: FUNCTORS A4 67, FUNCTORS O4 67, FUCOSE N10 38, UNFROCK L2 32, FROCKS L4 30

On 13th draw, HEADRACE D2 78 --- HEADRACE a water channel [n]
Other moves: DAH 10D 31, AAH 10D 30, RAH 10D 30, AH 10E 29, AHA 14M 29

On 14th draw, BEHOVE 2B 44 --- BEHOVE to be fit, right or necessary [v]
Other tops: BEHAVE 2B 44
Other moves: VOEMA E1 37, AMBO C2 36, VOEMA C1 36, AMBO E2 35, MABE E2 35

On 15th draw, JAY 1A 48 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other moves: JANNY 3I 46, JENNY 3I 46, JAM 1A 44, JAY 13K 38, JAM 13K 36

On 16th draw, FAILLE N10 34 --- FAILLE a woven fabric [n]
Other moves: FAULT 2J 32, FILM 1G 32, FLAM 1G 32, FLIM 1G 32, MIZ 12F 32

On 17th draw, INGENIUM 3H 74 --- INGENIUM talent [n]
Other moves: MEINING 3G 35, MIZ 12F 32, MINGE 1G 28, MEINING 3I 26, MENG 1G 25

On 18th draw, HOMING O1 39 --- HOME to return to one's home (place of residence) [v] --- HOMING the way missiles guide themselves to a target [n]
Other moves: HOTEN 3A 35, HEMIN O1 33, HOMIE O1 33, HEN 3C 32, HINGE 1G 32

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