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Game on July 17, 2016 at 02:01, 8 players
1. 256 pts sunshine12
2. 157 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 157 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehilny   H3    84    84   hyaline
 2. ceeimns   5E    44   128   menaces
 3. ?aabctz   4A    54   182   zabra
 4. ?eeilrt   3F    74   256   etherial
 5. adehoru   2A    49   305   dourah
 6. eeinotx   6D    56   361   tix
 7. aeintuw   A4    45   406   zeatin
 8. einpsvw   1F    39   445   swive
 9. adegopv   7E    31   476   dovie
10. deinpty   B6    34   510   yite
11. adeooru   2J    27   537   rodeo
12. afioptu   4L    36   573   pfui
13. aadegow   C9    38   611   wodge
14. acfllor   6J    35   646   focal
15. agnqrtu   I9    28   674   tranq
16. abimrst  14D    84   758   imbrast
17. egknops  15A    36   794   kops
18. aeilnru   M6    70   864   aurelian

Remaining tiles: ggjnou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7106 Filesunshine12  0  7:00  -608  256     1.7106 sunshine12  0  7:00  -608  256 
  2.7328 FileGLOBEMAN    0  5:12  -707  157     2.7328 GLOBEMAN    0  5:12  -707  157 
  3.7325 Fileroocatcher  0  6:51  -707  157     3.7325 roocatcher  0  6:51  -707  157 
  4.  -  FileWEASEL      0  4:08  -760  104     4.7547 chunk88     0  0:52  -840   24 
  5.4622 Fileverelst     0  6:51  -788   76     5.7317 TWEEKS      0  1:30  -840   24 
  6.7547 Filechunk88     0  0:52  -840   24            Group: not rated
  7.7317 FileTWEEKS      0  1:30  -840   24     1.  -  WEASEL      0  4:08  -760  104 
  8.  -  FileAMYtheROO   0  1:00  -846   18     2.4622 verelst     0  6:51  -788   76 
                                             3.  -  AMYtheROO   0  1:00  -846   18 

On 1st draw, HYALINE H3 84 --- HYALINE a transparent substance [n]
Other tops: HYALINE H4 84
Other moves: HYALINE H2 78, HYALINE H6 78, HYALINE H7 78, HYALINE H8 78, HYALINE H5 76

On 2nd draw, MENACES 5E 44 --- MENACE to threaten [v]
Other moves: CHEMISE 3G 36, MESIC 10F 35, CHINESE 3G 32, MENSCH 3C 32, SMEECH 3C 32

On 3rd draw, ZAB(R)A 4A 54 --- ZABRA a small vessel [n]
Other moves: C(O)BZA 4A 44, ZA(S) 10F 44, (S)AZ 10H 44, ZA(K)AT 6B 43, Z(E)BEC F2 43
BEZ J4 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 4th draw, ETHERI(A)L 3F 74 --- ETHERIAL like a spirit [adj]
Other tops: EL(A)TERIN 8A 74, NET(T)LIER 8H 74, NE(T)TLIER 8H 74
Other moves: LEI(S)TER 10E 73, RETILE(S) 10B 73, (S)TERILE 10H 73, HER(P)TILE 3H 72, H(O)TELIER 3H 70
Z(A)IRE A4 39 sunshine12

On 5th draw, DOURAH 2A 49 --- DOURAH a cereal grain [n]
Other moves: ADOZE A1 45, ZERDA A4 45, DOURAH 6A 38, HOAED 6J 36, HOARD 6J 36
HOARD 6J 36 sunshine12
AHEAD B1 18 verelst

On 6th draw, TIX 6D 56 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: NIX 6D 56
Other moves: XI 6J 52, TOXINE 1F 45, TOXINE I7 44, TOXIN I7 43, NEXT I7 42
XI 6J 52 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, WEASEL
DOZEN A2 15 verelst

On 7th draw, ZEATIN A4 45 --- ZEATIN a chemical compound found in maize [n]
Other moves: ZANTE A4 42, AWN 1A 34, UNWIT 4J 32, AINE 1A 31, EINA 1A 31
AWN 1A 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, WEASEL
W(A)N L2 10 verelst

On 8th draw, SWIVE 1F 39 --- SWIVE to copulate with [v]
Other moves: WINES B6 37, SWIPE 1F 36, SWIVE 10A 35, PEWS G7 34, SWIPE 10A 34
WINES B6 37 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
SW(A)P L1 18 verelst

On 9th draw, DOVIE 7E 31 --- DOVIE stupid [adj]
Other moves: APO 1A 30, GAPED G7 28, PODGE G7 28, DOGIE 7E 27, ADO 1A 26
DOVE 4L 24 chunk88, TWEEKS, sunshine12
VIDEO 7G 15 verelst

On 10th draw, YITE B6 34 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other tops: DEITY 4K 34
Other moves: Y*D B6 33, YEN B6 31, YET B6 31, YIN B6 31, YIPE 4L 30

On 11th draw, RODEO 2J 27 --- RODEO to participate in a rodeo (an exhibition of cowboy skills) [v]
Other moves: ADO 1A 26, LUDO 6H 23, ODOUR 4K 23, DOUAR C9 22, DOURA C9 22

On 12th draw, PFUI 4L 36 --- PFUI phooey [interj]
Other moves: FOUAT C9 34, FOUAT 6J 33, FOP 6J 31, APO 1A 30, FIAT 6J 30

On 13th draw, WODGE C9 38 --- WODGE a chunk of something [n]
Other tops: WAGED C9 38
Other moves: GAWD C7 34, DAW C7 32, DOW 1M 31, AW 1A 29, OW 1A 29

On 14th draw, FOCAL 6J 35 --- FOCAL pertaining to a focus [adj]
Other moves: FOAL 6J 30, FORA 6J 30, FOR 6J 29, ROLF J7 25, FOCAL G9 24

On 15th draw, TRANQ I9 28 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other tops: TRANQ G9 28
Other moves: EQUANT 9H 26, AQUA M6 24, AG 1A 21, RAUN D10 21, AUNT D11 19

On 16th draw, IMBRAST 14D 84 --- EMBRACE to hug [v]
Other moves: BASMATI 11E 44, IMBRAST 11E 44, BISMAR 14A 35, CAMBIST L6 32, AMBITS 14D 31

On 17th draw, KOPS 15A 36 --- KOP a hill [n]
Other tops: KEPS 15A 36
Other moves: KEGS 15A 33, KNOPS 12H 32, KNOSP 12H 32, KEN 8D 31, KON 8D 31

On 18th draw, AURELIAN M6 70 --- AURELIAN one who studies moths and butterflies [n]
Other moves: RETINULAE 9G 61, EQUINAL 13H 36, EQUALI 13H 34, QUINELA 13I 34, AINE 1A 31

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