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Game on October 4, 2016 at 18:20, 2 players
1. 675 pts musdrive
2. 23 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. denoorz   H4    52    52   zooned
 2. ccehors   8H   104   156   ecorches
 3. adefosx   4H    42   198   zaxes
 4. ?gnrtuu   O8    77   275   suturing
 5. ginoprs   L8    80   355   corpsing
 6. abeeino   3I    40   395   bonie
 7. aehqrtu   2J    61   456   heart
 8. aelnopw   1L    49   505   weal
 9. aabimrt  14J    32   537   binman
10. ?aillot   9A    60   597   thalloid
11. aadeprt  11F    76   673   preadapt
12. aegjlnu   A4    66   739   juglet
13. aeistuv  H11    36   775   evite
14. deimqtu   N6    46   821   queme
15. aefnrvw   D8    30   851   flawn
16. adeiiov   4A    32   883   jived
17. diinors  15A    80   963   ironside
18. aeikoyy  14E    39  1002   ikat

Remaining tiles: efotyy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7559 Filemusdrive    6 12:27  -327  675     1.7559 musdrive    6 12:27  -327  675 
  2.6817 Fileshanice     0  1:47  -979   23            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6817 shanice     0  1:47  -979   23 

On 1st draw, ZOONED H4 52 --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other moves: ZONED H4 50, ZONER H4 48, DOOZER H4 36, ZOONED H7 36, DOOZER H3 34
ZOONED H4 52 musdrive

On 2nd draw, ECORCHES 8H 104 --- ECORCHE the body depicted with muscle tissue exposed [n]
Other moves: SCORCHED 9A 68, ECORCHES 8B 66, SCROOCH 5E 56, CHOOSER 5E 48, SOROCHE 5E 48
CHOOSER 5E 48 musdrive

On 3rd draw, ZAXES 4H 42 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: FAX I3 37, FOX I3 37, HEXADS M8 36, HOAXED M8 36, AXSEED N5 34
ZAXES 4H 42 musdrive

On 4th draw, SUTUR(I)NG O8 77 --- SUTURE to unite by sewing [v]
Other moves: (O)UTRUNG G9 60, U(N)STRUNG O6 59, UNSTRU(N)G O6 58, (Y)OGURT 5G 30, (P)ROGUN 5F 28
UNTRU(E) 5J 25 musdrive
(D)ONUT 5G 23 shanice

On 5th draw, CORPSING L8 80 --- CORPSE to forget one's lines [v]
Other moves: CORPSING I8 69, SPOORING 6E 69, SPOORING 6F 65, SPOORING J6 65, PORING 3I 44
PORING 3I 44 musdrive

On 6th draw, BONIE 3I 40 --- BONIE pretty or healthy [adj]
Other moves: BANE 3I 29, BANI 3I 29, BENE 3I 29, BENI 3I 29, BONA 3I 29
BONIE 3I 40 musdrive

On 7th draw, HEART 2J 61 --- HEART to hearten [v]
Other tops: HATER 2J 61
Other moves: QUAIR 13I 48, QUOTHA 6F 46, QUOTHA J6 46, QUOTH 6F 45, QUOTH J6 45
HATER 2J 61 musdrive

On 8th draw, WEAL 1L 49 --- WEAL a mark left by a whip lash [n]
Other tops: WEAN 1L 49
Other moves: PEAL 1L 41, PEAN 1L 41, PAW 1M 31, PEW 1M 31, PENNON 14J 28
WEAN 1L 49 musdrive

On 9th draw, BINMAN 14J 32 --- BINMAN a dustman [n]
Other moves: BANIAN 14J 28, AIRBAG 15G 27, RATBAG 15G 27, AMIA N12 24, BITMAP 11G 24
MAA N13 20 musdrive

On 10th draw, T(H)ALLOID 9A 60 --- THALLOID pertaining to a thallus [adj] --- THALLUS a plant body not differentiated into leaf, stem and root [adj]
Other moves: ILLAT(I)ON 7A 59, (I)LLATION 7A 59, (S)TALLION 7A 59, (G)ALLIOTS 12E 58, (M)AILLOTS 12E 58
TOLLI(N)G 15F 26 musdrive

On 11th draw, PREADAPT 11F 76 --- PREADAPT to adapt beforehand [v]
PRATTED A6 36 musdrive

On 12th draw, JUGLET A4 66 --- JUGLET a small jug [n]
Other moves: JANGLE 12A 48, JETLAG A7 48, JUNGLE 12A 48, JANGLE 15E 46, JUNGLE 15E 46
JANGLE 12A 48 musdrive

On 13th draw, EVITE H11 36 --- EVITE to avoid [v]
Other tops: EVETS H11 36
Other moves: STAVE 5K 32, STIVE 5K 32, SATIVE 15E 31, JIVES 4A 30, JUVES 4A 30
JIVES 4A 30 musdrive

On 14th draw, QUEME N6 46 --- QUEME to please [v]
Other moves: QI G13 44, QUOITED 6F 39, QUOTED 6F 38, QUOTED J6 38, QUILTED D6 36
QI G13 44 musdrive

On 15th draw, FLAWN D8 30 --- FLAWN a custard [n]
Other moves: FAVOR 5E 27, REWAN B1 27, FEAR B2 25, WEAN B2 25, WEAR B2 25
FAVE 12C 24 musdrive

On 16th draw, JIVED 4A 32 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JIVE 4A 28, DEVA B1 25, DIVA B1 25, JADE 4A 24, JEDI 4A 24
DIVA B1 25 musdrive

On 17th draw, IRONSIDE 15A 80 --- IRONSIDE a man of great strength [n]
Other moves: IRONISED 15B 60, SIDA 10A 28, SODA 10A 28, RONDOS 5D 27, SORA 10A 26
DONS 13A 22 musdrive

On 18th draw, IKAT 14E 39 --- IKAT Indonesian weaving using tie-dyed yarns [n]
Other tops: KAYO 14A 39
Other moves: EIK 14D 37, OAK 14D 37, OIK 14D 37, KAT 14F 36, KET 14F 36
KAYO 14A 39 musdrive

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