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Game on October 20, 2016 at 19:27, 3 players
1. 550 pts shanice
2. 92 pts SQUAW1
3. 43 pts mordeckhi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. begllno   H4    24    24   belong
 2. ailmnor   7G    65    89   monorail
 3. ?eefirr   O1    90   179   refries
 4. ?aenost   8A    78   257   pentosan
 5. aehoprt   2H    92   349   ephorate
 6. abfglno   1D    48   397   ganof
 7. ddeintw   E5    48   445   indowed
 8. acektuw   4C    42   487   cawk
 9. aglouvv   4J    24   511   vulvar
10. ehoruux   F8    56   567   sex
11. adeeels   C7    72   639   ensealed
12. einprtu   L6    72   711   painture
13. ahijost   6J    58   769   japs
14. ghirsuy   2B    52   821   grisy
15. adetuyz  B11    47   868   zeta
16. bdiiotu  A12    46   914   budi
17. chimoqt  11K    38   952   quich
18. moottuy  O11    36   988   hooty

Remaining tiles: iimotu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6920 Fileshanice     4 14:13  -438  550     1.7912 SQUAW1      1  2:15  -896   92 
  2.7912 FileSQUAW1      1  2:15  -896   92            Group: intermediate
  3.4251 Filemordeckhi   0  3:47  -945   43     1.6920 shanice     4 14:13  -438  550 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4251 mordeckhi   0  3:47  -945   43 

On 1st draw, BELONG H4 24 --- BELONG to be a member of [v]
Other moves: BELONG H7 22, BOGLE H4 22, BOLLEN H4 22, BELON H4 20, BELONG H3 20
BELONG H4 24 shanice

On 2nd draw, MONORAIL 7G 65 --- MONORAIL a single rail serving as a track for a wheeled vehicle [n]
Other moves: MONORAIL 7E 62, MINEOLA 5E 36, MINERAL 5E 36, AILERON 5E 28, ALIENOR 5E 28
MAINOR I7 25 shanice

On 3rd draw, REFRIE(S) O1 90 --- REFRY to fry again [v]
Other tops: FERRIE(S) O1 90, FREE(T)IER 5E 90, REFIRE(S) O1 90, R(A)REFIER K5 90
Other moves: FERRIE(S) 10B 78, BRIEFER(S) 4H 74, FER(T)ILER N2 74, FREI(T)IER M2 72, RAREFIE(D) L6 72
FRI(S)EE O4 46 shanice
RIFER K3 16 mordeckhi

On 4th draw, (P)ENTOSAN 8A 78 --- PENTOSAN a complex carbohydrate [n]
Other tops: ANTRO(R)SE K4 78, EARSTON(E) K5 78, ESTRA(G)ON K4 78, NORTE(N)AS K5 78, NOTE(C)ASE 5E 78, O(P)ERANTS K4 78, SAR(C)ONET K5 78, SORTAN(C)E K5 78, STARNO(S)E K4 78, STORE(M)AN K4 78, TORNA(D)ES K5 78, (B)ARONETS K5 78, (E)ARSTONE K5 78, (N)ORTENAS K5 78, (S)TARNOSE K4 78
Other moves: AN(C)ESTOR 1H 74, AS(S)ENTOR 1H 74, A(S)SENTOR 1H 74, (I)NSOLATE 6D 73, TELA(M)ONS 6F 72
STEAR K3 10 mordeckhi

On 5th draw, EPHORATE 2H 92 --- EPHORATE the office of an ephor [n]
Other tops: EPHORATE B8 92
Other moves: PLETHORA N6 87, EPHORATE B1 80, HAPTERON C1 78, EPHORATE 5A 76, PHORATE 2I 40
HOP 6J 35 shanice
HEAPER B7 17 mordeckhi

On 6th draw, GANOF 1D 48 --- GANOF a thief [n]
Other moves: FOAL 1H 47, FANGO 1D 45, BOLOGNA E5 40, BOGAN 1D 39, FLAB 1E 39
FOAL 1H 47 shanice

On 7th draw, INDOWED E5 48 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other tops: INDEWED 5E 48, WIDENED 5E 48
Other moves: WEND 6J 36, WENT 6J 34, WED 6J 33, DWINE 2B 31, WEN 6J 31
WEND 6J 36 shanice

On 8th draw, CAWK 4C 42 --- CAWK chalk [n]
Other tops: WEAK 6J 42, WEKA 6J 42
Other moves: KETA 6J 40, KUTA 6J 40, LAKE 6H 38, LEKU 6H 38, LUKE 6H 38
KAT 6J 37 shanice

On 9th draw, VULVAR 4J 24 --- VULVA the external genital organs of a female [adj] --- VULVAR pertaining to a vulva [adj]
Other moves: GOAL 6J 22, GULA 6J 22, OLLAV N6 22, VOLVA K1 22, VROU L1 22

On 10th draw, SEX F8 56 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other tops: SOX F8 56
Other moves: HEX 8J 45, EXO 8K 39, REX 8J 39, HEX F10 37, HOX F10 37
SEX F8 56 shanice

On 11th draw, ENSEALED C7 72 --- ENSEAL to put a seal upon [v]
Other moves: RELEASED K7 68, RESEALED K7 68, LEASED D10 31, SEALED D10 31, SEELED D10 31
DEALS D10 26 shanice

On 12th draw, PAINTURE L6 72 --- PAINTURE a picture [n]
Other moves: PRURIENT K6 70, PREUNITE 13A 61, PTERIN B10 50, PUNTEE 6J 36, PRUINE 2A 29
PUNT 6J 28 shanice

On 13th draw, JAPS 6J 58 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: JAP 6J 55, JADISH 14A 50, HOSTA 14J 43, JATOS B11 43, HAJIS 14H 42
JAP 6J 55 shanice

On 14th draw, GRISY 2B 52 --- GRISY grim [adj]
Other moves: GUSHY 14J 43, HUGY 2C 38, RUSHY 14J 37, RUDISH 14A 36, GUYS K11 29
HIS 14J 25 shanice

On 15th draw, ZETA B11 47 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: YUTZ K11 46, ADZED 14B 40, YEAD B10 36, ZA 1A 36, DAZER 1K 35

On 16th draw, BUDI A12 46 --- BUDI an insulting term for an old woman (India) [n]
Other tops: BUDO A12 46
Other moves: BUD A12 25, OUBIT K11 24, BIO 3A 23, BUT A12 23, DUB A12 23
BUDI A12 46 shanice

On 17th draw, QUICH 11K 38 --- QUICH to stir [v]
Other moves: QUOTH 11K 34, COMETH 13I 32, MOTH K11 30, QUIM 11K 30, QUOIT 11K 28
QUOIT 11K 28 shanice

On 18th draw, HOOTY O11 36 --- HOOTY sounding like the cry of an owl [adj]
Other tops: HOTTY O11 36
Other moves: MOTEY 13I 26, YOU 3A 25, COOMY N11 24, MOY M13 24, JOTTY J6 23
HOOTY O11 36 shanice

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