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Game on November 14, 2016 at 07:41, 1 player
1. 64 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deeiimr   H7    22    22   remeid
 2. ?eiinsw   8H    83   105   eisweins
 3. ?deortt  11D    82   187   dortiest
 4. adegiuu  12A    25   212   agued
 5. acelqsv  13H    38   250   sclave
 6. egortuw   A7    30   280   outwear
 7. aeeknps   N2    90   370   kneepans
 8. aaegltu   O1    34   404   gault
 9. aahnsty  14A    51   455   shanty
10. acdlmot  15F    29   484   acold
11. amnpruz   B6    43   527   zupa
12. imnoorv   L1    78   605   omnivore
13. aeegjlo   C9    35   640   jo
14. agiirty  15B    26   666   ary
15. abginot   J1    65   731   boatings
16. befiorx   I3    37   768   fix
17. beeiinr   1H    30   798   ribbon
18. eeefilo   C3    25   823   filo

Remaining tiles: eeehiq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6936 Fileshanice     1  2:54  -759   64     1.6936 shanice     1  2:54  -759   64 

On 1st draw, REMEID H7 22 --- REMEID to cure [v]
Other tops: MEDII H4 22, M*RD* H4 22, MERED H4 22, MIRED H4 22
Other moves: DIMER H4 20, MERED H8 20, MIRED H8 20, REMEID H3 20, REMEID H4 20

On 2nd draw, EISWEIN(S) 8H 83 --- EISWEIN a sweet German wine [n]
Other tops: EI(S)WEINS 8H 83
Other moves: WINIES(T) 13C 80, WI(E)NIES 13B 80, WIENI(E)S 13B 78, EISW(E)IN 13F 74, WIENI(E)S I5 74

On 3rd draw, DORTIE(S)T 11D 82 --- DORTY delicate [adj]
Other moves: DETORT(S) 13B 75, DOTTER(S) 13B 75, DOTTRE(L)(S) O1 74, TETROD(E)(S) O1 74, T(E)TRODE(S) O1 74

On 4th draw, AGUED 12A 25 --- AGUED shivering [adj]
Other tops: GUIDE 12B 25
Other moves: GADE 12C 23, GUIDE 10B 23, ADIEU 12A 22, GADE 12A 22, GADI 12A 22

On 5th draw, SCLAVE 13H 38 --- SCLAVE a slave [n]
Other moves: VEGAS B10 34, CLAVES A10 33, CALVE A11 30, CAVAS A11 30, CAVEL A11 30

On 6th draw, OUTWEAR A7 30 --- OUTWEAR to last longer than [v]
Other tops: WORE 13A 30, WROTE 10B 30
Other moves: W*G 13A 28, OUTWAR A8 27, WAGER A11 27, OUTGREW B9 26, URGE 13B 26

On 7th draw, KNEEPANS N2 90 --- KNEEPAN the kneecap [n]
Other moves: PEASEN N10 40, KNEEPAN N2 38, PEASE N10 38, PEAK 13C 36, PEEK 13C 36

On 8th draw, GAULT O1 34 --- GAULT a heavy, thick clay soil [n]
Other moves: TAAL O1 26, TAEL O1 26, GEAL 13C 24, GEAT 13C 24, ALGATE B2 20

On 9th draw, SHANTY 14A 51 --- SHANTY a small, crudely built dwelling [n]
Other moves: HASTY N11 34, YAHS 14A 34, SHANTY B2 33, SHAYA 14A 33, SYNTH 14A 33

On 10th draw, ACOLD 15F 29 --- ACOLD cold [adj]
Other tops: OCTAD 15F 29, TOMIAL M5 29
Other moves: TOMIA M5 28, OCTAL 15F 26, COMA 10C 24, ALCO 15F 23, ATMA 7K 23

On 11th draw, ZUPA B6 43 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other moves: PANZER L4 34, PUZEL 4K 32, ZAS J6 32, RANZEL 4J 30, AZURE L4 28

On 12th draw, OMNIVORE L1 78 --- OMNIVORE one that feeds on both animal and vegetable food [n]
Other moves: MORON C5 33, MINOR C3 31, ROM C7 26, RIVO C3 25, VINO C3 25

On 13th draw, JO C9 35 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: GAJO C3 35, JA C9 35
Other moves: JAEGER F6 32, LOGJAM 2G 32, GAJOS J4 29, JAM 2J 28, JEEL K1 28

On 14th draw, ARY 15B 26 --- ARY any [adj]
Other moves: YARTO 1H 24, YAR C5 22, GRAT C4 21, AY 15C 20, GAR C5 20

On 15th draw, BOATINGS J1 65 --- BOATING the sport of travelling by boat [n]
Other moves: BIGOT C3 33, BAGNIO C1 29, INGOT C3 29, BAGNIO 1G 27, BINGO C2 27
BINGO C2 27 shanice

On 16th draw, FIX I3 37 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: IBEX I2 36, FIBRO C2 31, FIX 14M 31, FOX 14M 31, FIBRO 1H 30
FIX I3 37 shanice

On 17th draw, RIBBON 1H 30 --- RIBBON to decorate with ribbons (narrow strips of fine fabric) [v]
Other moves: ZINEB 6B 22, BIB 1H 21, EBB 1H 21, EEN 14I 18, BE 10E 16

On 18th draw, FILO C3 25 --- FILO very thin pastry dough [n]
Other moves: FEELER F6 19, EEL 14I 18, OIL 14I 18, BOI K1 17, EFT G9 17

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