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Game on November 15, 2017 at 14:38, 5 players
1. 86 pts OrangeCup
2. 59 pts PIThompson
3. 59 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aiootw   H3    24    24   kwaito
 2. dooqrst   I4    22    46   ordos
 3. beinrsu   9B    70   116   rubines
 4. egllort   8A    28   144   rego
 5. celmnuw   5E    36   180   lucarne
 6. aeefmpt  10B    40   220   feat
 7. aelnptv   J2    27   247   panne
 8. ?ajknow   4A    42   289   khoja
 9. deilnsz   A1    60   349   zinked
10. eeimosv   L1    36   385   meves
11. ahiilrr   6D    30   415   lah
12. aciostx   1L    39   454   mixt
13. eiilort   O1    77   531   troilite
14. amnostu  11E    92   623   amounts
15. abeloru   N8    82   705   rubeola
16. achinrt  15K    52   757   chirt
17. aadpwyy   M9    40   797   yawy
18. addfgin  O10    28   825   add
19. efginqv   6N    31   856   qi
20. efgiinp  H11    27   883   unpeg

Remaining tiles: efgiiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9113 FileOrangeCup   3  2:45  -797   86     1.9113 OrangeCup   3  2:45  -797   86 
  2.7994 FilePIThompson  2  2:16  -824   59            Group: advanced
  3.7466 Filesicilianc5  2  2:49  -824   59     1.7994 PIThompson  2  2:16  -824   59 
  4.7430 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:32  -852   31     2.7466 sicilianc5  2  2:49  -824   59 
  5.7505 Filequeen66     1  1:44  -852   31     3.7430 moonmonkey  1  1:32  -852   31 
                                             4.7505 queen66     1  1:44  -852   31 

On 1st draw, (K)WAITO H3 24 --- KWAITO a type of South African pop music [n]
Other moves: WAIT(E) H4 22, WAIT(S) H4 22, WAI(F)T H4 22, WAI(S)T H4 22, WA(H)OO H4 22

On 2nd draw, ORDOS I4 22 --- ORDO a calendar of religious directions [n]
Other moves: ODSO I4 19, ORDO I4 19, ROODS I2 19, DOORS I2 18, DOORS I5 18

On 3rd draw, RUBINES 9B 70 --- RUBINE a ruby, a precious stone [n]
Other tops: BURNIES 9B 70
Other moves: BURNIES G8 66, SUBERIN G8 64, UNBARES 5E 36, BINES J2 30, BRINES J1 27

On 4th draw, REGO 8A 28 --- REGO motor registration [n]
Other moves: LOTE J3 21, ROTE J3 21, GOBLET D7 20, TEG J5 19, GOLE 8C 18

On 5th draw, LUCARNE 5E 36 --- LUCARNE a type of window [n]
Other moves: UNMEW J3 35, MEW J5 27, CLEM J2 25, MENU 10C 25, UNCE J3 25

On 6th draw, FEAT 10B 40 --- FEAT a notable act or achievement [n] --- FEAT skillful [adj] --- FEAT to cover with feathers [v]
Other tops: FEET 10B 40
Other moves: FEE 10B 37, PERMEATE B7 36, AFT 10A 32, EFT 10A 32, FE 10B 31

On 7th draw, PANNE J2 27 --- PANNE a lustrous velvet [n]
Other moves: PAVEN 4K 26, PLATEN 4A 26, LEAP 6C 24, NEAP 6C 24, PAVEN 4B 24

On 8th draw, K(H)OJA 4A 42 --- KHOJA a Middle Eastern title of respect [n]
Other moves: KNOW(S) L1 41, W*NKs L1 39, WONK(S) L1 39, (A)JOWAN 6A 39, AJOW(A)N 6A 38

On 9th draw, ZINKED A1 60 --- ZINC to coat with zinc (a metallic element) [v]
Other moves: ZEINS L1 58, ZINES L1 58, ZINKES A1 57, ZINKE A1 54, ZINES 6B 43

On 10th draw, MEVES L1 36 --- MEVE to move [v]
Other tops: MOVES L1 36
Other moves: SUMO F4 28, VIMS L2 28, SUM F4 27, SEEM 6C 25, EVES L2 24

On 11th draw, LAH 6D 30 --- LAH the sixth note of the scale [n]
Other tops: RAH 6D 30
Other moves: AH 6E 29, MIHA 1L 27, MIHI 1L 27, NAH 3A 23, IMARI 1K 21

On 12th draw, MIXT 1L 39 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other tops: MAXI 1L 39, MOXA 1L 39
Other moves: SAX 11D 32, AXIS 11E 28, SAX 11E 26, SIX 11E 26, SOX 11E 26

On 13th draw, TROILITE O1 77 --- TROILITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: IO 2N 24, XI N1 18, FEATER 10B 17, AIVER 3J 16, GUERITE C8 16

On 14th draw, AMOUNTS 11E 92 --- AMOUNT to combine to yield a sum [v]
Other moves: MOUTANS N8 76, AMOUNTS N8 74, OUTMANS N8 74, OUTMANS N6 71, AMOUNTS N7 67

On 15th draw, RUBEOLA N8 82 --- RUBEOLA a virus disease [n]
Other moves: BAEL N6 26, BARE N6 26, BEAR N6 26, BEAU N6 26, BURA N6 26

On 16th draw, CHIRT 15K 52 --- CHIRT to squeeze [v]
Other tops: CHART 15K 52
Other moves: AHINT O11 51, HAIN O12 46, HAIR O12 46, HANT O12 46, HARN O12 46

On 17th draw, YAWY M9 40 --- YAWY having yaws [adj]
Other moves: YAWP M9 38, YAW M9 31, YAW O10 31, YAY M9 31, YAY O10 31

On 18th draw, ADD O10 28 --- ADD to combine or join so as to bring about an increase [v]
Other moves: AND O10 26, IGAD N3 24, UNDID H11 24, AD B1 23, FAD L8 23
ADD O10 28 OrangeCup, PIThompson, sicilianc5

On 19th draw, QI 6N 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FE(H) B2 22, VIVO 3L 20, ENG 12F 17, ENVOI C1 16, FETING J9 16
QI 6N 31 OrangeCup, PIThompson, sicilianc5, moonmonkey, queen66

On 20th draw, UNPEG H11 27 --- UNPEG to remove the pegs from [v]
Other moves: FE(H) B2 22, NEP 3A 19, ENG 12F 17, FETING J9 16, FIGO C1 16
UNPEG H11 27 OrangeCup

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