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Game on November 20, 2017 at 21:33, 7 players
1. 789 pts OrangeCup
2. 576 pts musdrive
3. 337 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeilmno   H4    74    74   mineola
 2. deeosux   I3    48   122   desex
 3. ?dioqrt   G5    44   166   qadi
 4. aaioosw   9G    24   190   slaw
 5. cehnsuw  11D    36   226   chews
 6. aeeginv   8J    38   264   avenge
 7. ?abhior   D7    80   344   borachio
 8. aailrtu   C3    21   365   atrial
 9. cdeikrt  13C    84   449   dicktier
10. eeinopt   B5    28   477   opt
11. aloorrs  15D    90   567   sororal
12. efloruu  10C    33   600   lauf
13. eegjmot   D1    44   644   jete
14. abegipu   1A    39   683   gauje
15. efgnopy   J7    33   716   yawp
16. efintuz   N2    44   760   futzing
17. adimort   L7    72   832   mediator
18. beeinuv   O1    31   863   beni
19. egnouvy  15L    55   918   ygoe

Remaining tiles: innouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9164 FileOrangeCup  11 17:18  -129  789     1.9164 OrangeCup  11 17:18  -129  789 
  2.8310 Filemusdrive    8 14:17  -342  576            Group: expert
  3.7848 FileSQUAW1      3  7:15  -581  337     1.8310 musdrive    8 14:17  -342  576 
  4.7915 FilePIThompson  1  0:55  -885   33            Group: advanced
  5.7807 FileMycophot    1  1:12  -885   33     1.7848 SQUAW1      3  7:15  -581  337 
  6.7638 Filesicilianc5  1  1:32  -885   33     2.7915 PIThompson  1  0:55  -885   33 
  7.7693 Filequeen66     1  1:48  -885   33     3.7807 Mycophot    1  1:12  -885   33 
                                             4.7638 sicilianc5  1  1:32  -885   33 
                                             5.7693 queen66     1  1:48  -885   33 

On 1st draw, MINEOLA H4 74 --- MINEOLA a variety of citrus fruit [n]
Other moves: MINEOLA H2 70, MINEOLA H3 70, MINEOLA H6 70, MINEOLA H7 70, MINEOLA H8 70
MINEOLA H4 74 OrangeCup

On 2nd draw, DESEX I3 48 --- DESEX to castrate or spay [v]
Other moves: DEX I5 41, DUX I5 41, EXO I6 39, SEX I5 39, SOX I5 39
DESEX I3 48 OrangeCup
DEX I5 41 musdrive

On 3rd draw, Q(A)DI G5 44 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QI(S) J2 38, Q(A)T J2 38, Q(A)T G5 37, Q(U)ARTO 10F 36, DIQ(U)AT 10D 35
Q(A)T J2 38 OrangeCup

On 4th draw, SLAW 9G 24 --- SLAW a salad of raw shredded cabbage [n]
Other tops: SLOW 9G 24, WAIS 11E 24, WOOS 11E 24
Other moves: WAS J2 22, WIS J2 22, WOS J2 22, MEOWS 4H 20, SAW J2 19
SLAW 9G 24 OrangeCup
WOOS 11E 24 musdrive

On 5th draw, CHEWS 11D 36 --- CHEW to crush or grind with the teeth [v]
Other moves: CHEWS K5 34, SHEWN 11H 32, WHENS 11D 32, CHEW J1 31, CHUSE 11E 30
CHEWS 11D 36 musdrive, OrangeCup

On 6th draw, AVENGE 8J 38 --- AVENGE to exact retribution for [v]
Other moves: EVINCE D7 30, VINCA D8 28, DEAVING 3I 24, DEEVING 3I 24, MEVING 4H 24
EVINCE D7 30 musdrive, OrangeCup

On 7th draw, BORACHI(O) D7 80 --- BORACHIO a drunken fellow [n]
Other tops: BRO(N)CHIA D7 80
Other moves: B(O)RACHIO D7 78, BEHA(V)IOR L7 74, BIOGRA(P)H N5 67, BEHA(V)IOR O7 63, BRON(C)HIA M5 63
BORACHI(O) D7 80 OrangeCup
BA(S)HO 12A 43 musdrive
BA(C)H 12A 36 SQUAW1

On 8th draw, ATRIAL C3 21 --- ATRIAL pertaining to an atrium [adj]
Other tops: LARIAT C3 21, RITUAL C3 21
Other moves: LATRIA C2 19, RATAL C6 19, ALIT C12 18, ARALIA 10H 18, ATRIAL 10J 18
LARIAT C3 21 musdrive

On 9th draw, DICKTIER 13C 84 --- DICKTY proud [adj]
Other moves: DETICKER L2 80, DETICKER L7 80, DETICKER O7 70, DETICKER O2 66, TR(O)CKED 14B 46
DICKTIER 13C 84 OrangeCup
TR(O)CKED 14B 46 musdrive

On 10th draw, OPT B5 28 --- OPT to choose [v]
Other tops: NEEP B3 28, PENIE D1 28
Other moves: OPINE 2B 27, NETOP E4 24, PENE D1 24, PENI D1 24, PINE D1 24
NEEP B3 28 musdrive, OrangeCup

On 11th draw, SORORAL 15D 90 --- SORORAL sisterly [adj]
Other moves: SORORAL A7 80, ROSEOLAR L5 66, ROSEOLAR O5 59, ROOSA 15A 34, SOLAR 15D 34
ROSEOLAR L5 66 OrangeCup
SOLAR 15D 34 musdrive, SQUAW1

On 12th draw, LAUF 10C 33 --- LAUF a run in a bobsleigh contest [n]
Other moves: AUF 10D 32, FOREL A1 30, FUERO A1 30, FUROL A1 30, FORE D1 28
LAUF 10C 33 OrangeCup, PIThompson, musdrive, Mycophot, sicilianc5, queen66

On 13th draw, JETE D1 44 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other moves: JOG J2 36, JEE J2 34, JET J2 34, JOE J2 34, JOT J2 34
JETE D1 44 OrangeCup, SQUAW1, musdrive

On 14th draw, GAUJE 1A 39 --- GAUJE a fellow [n]
Other moves: GAUP E5 25, GAPE 2A 23, BAGIE 12I 22, BAPU 12I 22, PEBA 12I 22
GAUJE 1A 39 musdrive

On 15th draw, YAWP J7 33 --- YAWP to utter a loud, harsh cry [v]
Other moves: FOGEY 12I 31, FOGGY N6 29, FOGY 12I 29, FOYNE 12I 29, FOGEY N6 28
FOGEY 12I 31 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
FOGGY N6 29 musdrive

On 16th draw, FUTZING N2 44 --- FUTZ to spend time aimlessly [v]
Other moves: ZIN J2 40, ZIT J2 40, FUTZ 12I 39, FUZE 12I 39, FEZ E4 36
ZIN J2 40 OrangeCup, musdrive

On 17th draw, MEDIATOR L7 72 --- MEDIATOR one that mediates [n]
Other moves: RATIO O1 39, RAMI O1 33, MATZO 5K 32, MIRZA 5K 32, MOTZA 5K 32
MEDIATOR L7 72 OrangeCup
DITZ 5K 28 musdrive

On 18th draw, BENI O1 31 --- BENI the sesame plant [n]
Other tops: BENE O1 31
Other moves: VINE M1 25, BENE M11 24, BINE M11 24, BENE M1 23, BENI M1 23
BENE O1 31 SQUAW1, musdrive
BENI O1 31 OrangeCup

On 19th draw, YGOE 15L 55 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: OYEZ 5K 32, YGO 15L 30, YUG 15L 30, GEY M11 29, G*Y M11 29
YUG 15L 30 OrangeCup
G*Y M11 29 musdrive, SQUAW1

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