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Game on January 7, 2018 at 16:52, 1 player
1. 109 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adelmr   H6    74    74   earldom
 2. aehillz   G5    51   125   haze
 3. aefinpu   F3    34   159   enuf
 4. aaegnsy  13C    32   191   gynaes
 5. aeefint  12A    39   230   neafe
 6. ?aeiopt   A8   131   361   saponite
 7. ahiprtv   E1    40   401   thrip
 8. abdortu  11H    70   471   outboard
 9. eimnoru   O8    33   504   erodium
10. aiiostw  15L    66   570   wots
11. aacenor   1A    36   606   enactor
12. diiloss   J5    65   671   idolists
13. ceklnot   3C    28   699   terek
14. egnoqux  14E    53   752   ex
15. aintuvy   H1    54   806   ya
16. denouvw  15E    41   847   wend
17. acijnou  14M    37   884   jam
18. bcglouv   9E    25   909   coll
19. bnortuv   K2    25   934   burton
20. ggiilqv   L1    25   959   qi
21. ggiilvv   M1    27   986   igg

Remaining tiles: iilvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7253 Filedannyboy    1  4:21  -877  109     1.7253 dannyboy    1  4:21  -877  109 

On 1st draw, EARLD(O)M H6 74 --- EARLDOM the rank of an earl [n]
Other tops: AL(A)RMED H8 74, EM(E)RALD H3 74, MAL(G)RED H4 74, MAR(B)LED H4 74, MA(N)DREL H4 74, MEDLAR(S) H4 74, M(U)RALED H4 74, RAM(B)LED H2 74, (A)LARMED H8 74, (E)MERALD H3 74
Other moves: AL(A)RMED H6 72, EARLD(O)M H8 72, EM(E)RALD H6 72, MAL(G)RED H6 72, MAR(B)LED H6 72

On 2nd draw, HAZE G5 51 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: ZEA G7 49, LAZE G5 48, L*Z G5 45, ZA G7 44, HAZED 10D 38

On 3rd draw, ENUF F3 34 --- ENUF enough [adv] --- ENUF enough, used in texting [adj]
Other tops: NIEF F3 34
Other moves: AUF F4 33, NEF F4 33, EF F5 32, PEA I7 32, PA I7 27

On 4th draw, GYNAES 13C 32 --- GYNAE gynaecology [n]
Other moves: SLANGY 9G 30, SLY 9G 29, GANSEY 3B 28, SLAY 9G 27, SLEY 9G 27

On 5th draw, NEAFE 12A 39 --- NEAFE the fist [n]
Other moves: FAE 12D 32, FAINTY D8 32, FAN 12D 32, FAT 12D 32, FEE 12D 32

On 6th draw, (S)APONITE A8 131 --- SAPONITE a mineral found in veins and cavities of rocks [n]
Other moves: PAT(O)O(T)IE 11E 92, PA(T)(O)OTIE 11E 92, AT(R)OPINE A6 77, PTO(M)AINE A6 77, TOPA(Z)INE A6 77

On 7th draw, THRIP E1 40 --- THRIP a British coin [n]
Other tops: PAH E3 40
Other moves: HAP E3 39, HIP E3 39, ATRIP E1 34, RAH E3 34, TRAP E2 32

On 8th draw, (O)UTBOARD 11H 70 --- OUTBOARD a type of motor [n]
Other moves: DOUBT 1A 33, OUTBAR 1C 27, RUBATO 1A 27, BURL 9E 25, ABORT 1A 24

On 9th draw, ERODIUM O8 33 --- ERODIUM a plant of the geranium family [n]
Other moves: EMODIN O8 30, MENUDO O7 30, MINDER O8 30, MINORED O5 30, MINUTER 1A 30

On 10th draw, WOTS 15L 66 --- WOT to know [v]
Other tops: WAIS 15L 66, WATS 15L 66, WITS 15L 66
Other moves: WAITS 15K 60, IWIS 15L 57, OWTS 15L 57, TAWS 15L 57, TOWS 15L 57

On 11th draw, ENACTOR 1A 36 --- ENACTOR one that enacts [n]
Other moves: ACER D1 33, OCTANE 1C 33, CATERAN 1C 30, ENACT 1A 30, REACT 1A 30

On 12th draw, IDOLISTS J5 65 --- IDOLIST someone who worships idols [n]
Other moves: SOLIDIST J4 63, SILD H1 51, SLID H1 51, SOLD H1 51, SODS H1 48

On 13th draw, TEREK 3C 28 --- TEREK a sandpiper [n]
Other tops: CLANK M9 28, KETOL L8 28, KNELL 9D 28, KNOLL 9D 28, NOCKET B1 28
Other moves: KELL 9E 27, ENLOCK L8 26, KO 11E 26, NOCAKE M8 26, CELL 9E 25

On 14th draw, EX 14E 53 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: SEX 12J 42, SOX 12J 42, NOX K5 36, EX 12L 31, EX B14 31
EX 14E 53 dannyboy

On 15th draw, YA H1 54 --- YA you [pron]
Other tops: YU H1 54
Other moves: ENACTORY 1A 39, SAY 12J 26, YAM 14M 25, YUM 14M 25, NAY K5 24
SAY 12J 26 dannyboy

On 16th draw, WEND 15E 41 --- WEND to proceed along [v]
Other moves: ENDOW 15F 37, ENDOW K3 32, ENOW 15F 31, SEWN 12J 30, SOWN 12J 30
SOWN 12J 30 dannyboy

On 17th draw, JAM 14M 37 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: COJOIN L8 36, CAJON L8 34, JIAO 14J 34, CAJON K1 32, CAJON N4 32

On 18th draw, COLL 9E 25 --- COLL to hug [v]
Other tops: BOLL 9E 25, BULL 9E 25, CULL 9E 25
Other moves: GULL 9E 24, BRO N10 23, COLOG L8 22, SOB 12J 22, VULGO K1 22

On 19th draw, BURTON K2 25 --- BURTON a hoisting tackle [n]
Other moves: SORB 12J 24, BRO N10 23, SOB 12J 22, NOB K5 21, BONE B9 20

On 20th draw, QI L1 25 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VIG L1 18, VUGG 3J 18, BIGG 2K 16, VIG I3 15, VIGIA M7 15

On 21th draw, IGG M1 27 --- IGG to ignore (slang), IGGED, IGGING, IGGS [v]
Other moves: BIGG 2K 16, GIG M2 16, VIG I3 15, VIGIA M7 15, GI B9 14

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