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Game on Mars 1, 2018 at 21:11, 5 players
1. 811 pts OrangeCup
2. 18 pts SQUAW1
3. 18 pts PIThompson

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aegnot   H7    68    68   tonnage
 2. aaeirsw   7D    63   131   awaiters
 3. aeinors   K4    82   213   sensoria
 4. emnnnow   E5    60   273   newmown
 5. eenrtux   8K    60   333   oxter
 6. ?biituu   L1    24   357   binit
 7. aensvvy   6B    45   402   veneys
 8. dlmnoot   1J    27   429   doblon
 9. beeilop  J10    33   462   bleep
10. aagilpt   D1    26   488   platina
11. aeehmot   O1    68   556   nathemore
12. agorsvy  15J    58   614   savory
13. acdjlru   C3    48   662   jade
14. cefioru  N10    38   700   forcer
15. defgiik   1D    36   736   piked
16. aghituu   N6    31   767   hie
17. acfgquu  12L    26   793   curf
18. agilrtu  13A    70   863   ligature
19. dgiquuz  B11    44   907   quiz

Remaining tiles: dgiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9275 FileOrangeCup  11 16:13   -96  811     1.9275 OrangeCup  11 16:13   -96  811 
  2.7783 FileSQUAW1      0  1:07  -889   18            Group: expert
  3.8202 FilePIThompson  0  1:24  -889   18     1.8202 PIThompson  0  1:24  -889   18 
  4.8192 Filequeen66     0  1:38  -889   18     2.8192 queen66     0  1:38  -889   18 
  5.8553 FileMycophot    0  1:45  -889   18     3.8553 Mycophot    0  1:45  -889   18 
                                                    Group: advanced
                                             1.7783 SQUAW1      0  1:07  -889   18 

On 1st draw, TON(N)AGE H7 68 --- TONNAGE total weight in tons [n]
Other tops: GEO(M)ANT H4 68, NEGATO(N) H2 68, NEGATO(R) H2 68, ON(S)TAGE H7 68, TO(N)NAGE H7 68, (C)OGNATE H2 68, (M)AGNETO H2 68, (M)EGATON H2 68, (M)ONTAGE H7 68, (N)EGATON H2 68, (P)ONTAGE H7 68
Other moves: GEO(M)ANT H2 66, GEO(M)ANT H3 66, GEO(M)ANT H6 66, GEO(M)ANT H7 66, GEO(M)ANT H8 66
(C)OGNATE H2 68 OrangeCup

On 2nd draw, AWAITERS 7D 63 --- AWAITER one that awaits [n]
Other moves: WEARIES 13G 30, RESAW 14F 26, WISER 14F 26, SAWER 14H 24, SEAWARE 13G 24
AWAITERS 7D 63 OrangeCup

On 3rd draw, SENSORIA K4 82 --- SENSORIA the parts of the brain concerned with the reception and interpretation of sensory stimuli [n] --- SENSORIUM the part of the brain concerned with the reception and interpretation of sensory stimuli [n]
Other tops: ERASIONS K4 82
Other moves: ERASION 14E 69, IGNAROES 12G 68, ORGANISE 12F 68, ORIGANES 12E 68, SENSORIA K7 66
SENSORIA K4 82 OrangeCup

On 4th draw, NEWMOWN E5 60 --- NEWMOWN recently mown [adj]
Other moves: MEOW 8A 48, NONMEN 8A 47, ENOW 8A 42, MOWN 8A 33, NEWMOWN E2 30
MEOW 8A 48 OrangeCup

On 5th draw, OXTER 8K 60 --- OXTER the armpit [n] --- OXTER to take under the arm [v]
Other tops: EXEUNT J9 60, EXTERN J9 60
Other moves: EXERT J9 57, EX J9 52, EXTERNE 13H 44, EXEUNT 13H 42, EXTERN 13H 42
OXTER 8K 60 OrangeCup

On 6th draw, BI(N)IT L1 24 --- BINIT a unit of computer information [n]
Other tops: B(R)UIT L1 24, TAUB(E) F6 24, (D)EBT 6D 24
Other moves: BRUIT 9J 22, B(A)IT J10 22, B(H)UT J10 22, GIB(L)I 12H 22, BU(S)TI 14F 21
B(A)IT J10 22 OrangeCup

On 7th draw, VENEYS 6B 45 --- VENEY the chosen location for an event [n]
Other moves: NAVVIES 2H 42, SAVVEY L10 42, VENEY 6B 42, NAVVY L11 38, SAVVY L11 38
BEVY 1L 36 OrangeCup

On 8th draw, DOBLON 1J 27 --- DOBLON a former gold coin of Spain and Spanish America [n]
Other moves: TOOLMEN 13C 26, MOOD D9 25, BOOM 1L 24, DOOM D9 24, GOOLD 12H 23
BOOM 1L 24 OrangeCup

On 9th draw, BLEEP J10 33 --- BLEEP to emit a short high sound [v]
Other moves: PLEBE J10 29, BLEEP L11 28, BELIE J10 27, BLEEP 12J 27, BOEP D9 27
BLEEP J10 33 OrangeCup

On 10th draw, PLATINA D1 26 --- PLATINA a metallic element [n]
Other moves: APGAR J3 23, PAAL D9 23, PAIL D9 23, ALAP G10 22, APPALTI 14I 22
PAIL D9 23 OrangeCup

On 11th draw, NATHEMORE O1 68 --- NATHEMORE
Other moves: TEMPEH 1A 39, OMLAH 2B 36, HEMP 1A 33, MEATH L11 33, LOATHE M1 31
HEMP 1A 33 OrangeCup

On 12th draw, SAVORY 15J 58 --- SAVORY a savory dish served before or after a meal [n] --- SAVORY pleasant to the taste or smell [adj]
Other moves: ARGOSY 15F 40, OVEREASY 13F 38, GORSY 15G 37, GRAVS 15F 37, GRAYS 15F 37
GOVS 15G 34 OrangeCup

On 13th draw, JADE C3 48 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JURE C3 45, JARP 1A 39, JAUP 1A 39, JA C3 38, JA 14M 31
JADE C3 48 OrangeCup

On 14th draw, FORCER N10 38 --- FORCER one that forces [n]
Other moves: COUPER 1A 30, PREIF 1D 30, PRIEF 1D 30, FIERCE 13C 28, COUPE 1A 27
PREIF 1D 30 OrangeCup
FE G13 18 PIThompson, Mycophot

On 15th draw, PIKED 1D 36 --- PIKE to pierce with a pike (a long spear) [v]
Other moves: FIRK 12L 32, KERF 12L 30, DIRK 12L 28, KIDGE 2F 28, OKE N1 28
PIKED 1D 36 OrangeCup
FE G13 18 queen66

On 16th draw, HIE N6 31 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other tops: OHIA N1 31
Other moves: AH N5 30, GHAT L10 28, THIG L10 27, THUG L10 27, GHI L10 26
HIE N6 31 OrangeCup

On 17th draw, CURF 12L 26 --- CURF an incision made by a cutting tool [n]
Other moves: AUF G11 24, QUASI 4H 24, QUASI G3 24, QUAT 4A 23, FA 2N 20
CURF 12L 26 OrangeCup

On 18th draw, LIGATURE 13A 70 --- LIGATURE to ligate [v]
Other moves: GAULT D9 22, GAIR D9 20, GAIT D9 20, GAUR D9 20, ALIT 2F 19
LIGATURE 13A 70 OrangeCup

On 19th draw, QUIZ B11 44 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: LUZ A13 36, QAID D12 32, QADI D12 30, QUID B11 28, ZAG D12 26
QUIZ B11 44 OrangeCup

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