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Game on September 5, 2018 at 19:52, 5 players
1. 406 pts musdrive
2. 212 pts PIThompson
3. 34 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aelnoo   H7    64    64   alsoone
 2. aefiotu   G7    27    91   feat
 3. acinrrs  13G    26   117   cerasin
 4. eeimrss   N9    82   199   merises
 5. ?aagott   O3    81   280   agitato
 6. anortux   I3    42   322   untax
 7. bdeenny   H1    32   354   dyne
 8. beeijlr  15H    51   405   jirbles
 9. dehoprt   2B    34   439   pothery
10. adeiopv   1A    42   481   podia
11. abeelrv   1H    95   576   deverbal
12. dghinou   J4    34   610   doh
13. eiioorw   K5    32   642   wire
14. fgiotuw  12J    27   669   fig
15. adilnqu  10J    34   703   quine
16. ceimnvw   3A    35   738   mew
17. giikosu   4C    26   764   skug
18. deiiloo   A3    33   797   modioli
19. aentuvy   L1    26   823   runty

Remaining tiles: acevz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8603 Filemusdrive    8 10:22  -417  406     1.8603 musdrive    8 10:22  -417  406 
  2.7697 FilePIThompson  4  4:46  -611  212            Group: advanced
  3.7448 Filemoonmonkey  1  0:50  -789   34     1.7697 PIThompson  4  4:46  -611  212 
  4.7669 FileMycophot    1  1:08  -789   34     2.7448 moonmonkey  1  0:50  -789   34 
  5.7632 Filesicilianc5  1  1:27  -789   34     3.7669 Mycophot    1  1:08  -789   34 
                                             4.7632 sicilianc5  1  1:27  -789   34 

On 1st draw, AL(S)OONE H7 64 --- ALSOONE as soon [adv]
Other tops: AL(S)OONE H3 64, AL(S)OONE H4 64, AL(S)OONE H6 64, AL(S)OONE H8 64
Other moves: AL(S)OONE H2 62, AL(S)OONE H5 62, ALONE H4 12, ALONE H8 12, AL(S)OON H3 12

On 2nd draw, FEAT G7 27 --- FEAT a notable act or achievement [n] --- FEAT skillful [adj] --- FEAT to cover with feathers [v]
Other tops: FAUT G7 27
Other moves: FAE G7 24, FEU G7 24, TOFU G11 24, TUFA G11 24, OAF G11 23
FEAT G7 27 musdrive

On 3rd draw, CERASIN 13G 26 --- CERASIN the insoluble portion of cherry-tree gum [n]
Other moves: SCRAN I9 24, CAIRNS I3 22, CANSO 11D 22, CARNIER 13C 22, CARNIES 13C 22

On 4th draw, MERISES N9 82 --- MERISIS growth [n]
Other tops: REMISES N9 82
Other moves: ISOMERES 11F 78, MISERIES L8 78, MERISES I2 71, MERISES N7 71, MISERES I2 71

On 5th draw, AG(I)TATO O3 81 --- AGITATO fast and stirring -- used as a musical direction [adj]
Other moves: AG(I)TATO M3 73, AG(I)TATO M5 67, TAO(N)GAS 15H 27, AGO(U)TA O4 25, TAO(N)GA O4 25

On 6th draw, UNTAX I3 42 --- UNTAX to remit a tax on [v]
Other tops: NOX 12J 42, TAX 12J 42, TUX 12J 42
Other moves: ROUX I4 40, NOX I5 39, RAX I5 39, TAX I5 39, TUX I5 39
UNTAX I3 42 musdrive

On 7th draw, DYNE H1 32 --- DYNE a unit of force [n]
Other moves: BEY H1 29, EYNE H1 29, NYED J3 28, BENE H1 26, DEY H1 26

On 8th draw, JIRBLES 15H 51 --- JIRBLE to pour unsteadily [v]
Other tops: JERBILS 15H 51
Other moves: JIB 12J 43, JELAB J10 36, JILTER 5F 35, JERBILS K7 32, JIRBLES K7 32
JERBILS K7 32 musdrive

On 9th draw, POTHERY 2B 34 --- POTHERY in a turmoil [adj]
Other tops: DOH J4 34
Other moves: HEID 12L 32, HOPER I9 32, PEH 12J 32, POH 12J 32, HEP 12J 31
DOH J4 34 musdrive

On 10th draw, PODIA 1A 42 --- PODIUM a small platform [n]
Other moves: DOPA 1A 35, DOPE 1A 35, VIDEO 3A 35, PODIA 3A 33, PAID 3C 32
DOPE 1A 35 musdrive

On 11th draw, DEVERBAL 1H 95 --- DEVERBAL a word derived from a verb [n] --- DEVERBAL derived from a verb [adj]
Other moves: VEALE N2 30, VELA 3A 30, VERA 3A 30, REB 3A 27, BEREAVEN 4B 26

On 12th draw, DOH J4 34 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other moves: DOH 12J 29, DUH 12J 29, OH J5 28, HID 12J 27, HOD 12J 27
DOH J4 34 PIThompson, moonmonkey, musdrive, Mycophot, sicilianc5

On 13th draw, WIRE K5 32 --- WIRE to fasten with wire (a slender rod, strand, or thread of ductile metal) [v]
Other moves: REW 3A 31, OW 2M 24, REENDOW 4F 22, BOWER M1 20, BOWIE M1 20
WIRE K5 32 musdrive, PIThompson

On 14th draw, FIG 12J 27 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other tops: FOG 12J 27, FUG 12J 27
Other moves: OW 2M 24, FIT 12J 23, DOWF C1 22, WOF J8 22, FIGO L8 21
FOG 12J 27 PIThompson, musdrive

On 15th draw, QUINE 10J 34 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other tops: QUALE 10J 34
Other moves: LAID 3C 30, QUA N5 30, QUAG 4L 28, QUINA 3K 28, LAIN 3C 27
QUA N5 30 PIThompson
QUAG 4L 28 musdrive

On 16th draw, MEW 3A 35 --- MEW a place of retirement or concealment [n] --- MEW to confine (one pl MEAWES) [v]
Other moves: WEM 3A 33, NEW 3A 31, MEIN 2K 26, EM 3B 25, WEN 3A 25
MEW 3A 35 PIThompson, musdrive

On 17th draw, SKUG 4C 26 --- SKUG to shelter [v]
Other moves: SKIO 4C 24, SOUK 4C 24, BOUKS M1 22, BUIKS M1 22, SIK 4C 22
SOUK 4C 24 musdrive, PIThompson

On 18th draw, MODIOLI A3 33 --- MODIOLUS a bony shaft of the inner ear [n]
Other moves: MELOID A3 30, MOILED A3 30, MOOLED A3 30, DEIL 2K 23, DEI 5B 19
MOILED A3 30 musdrive
MOOLED A3 30 PIThompson

On 19th draw, RUNTY L1 26 --- RUNTY small [adj]
Other tops: RENAY L1 26
Other moves: EAN 5C 25, EAT 5C 25, AY 2M 24, BEVY M1 24, RAVEN L1 23
RUNTY L1 26 musdrive

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