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Game on September 20, 2018 at 18:05, 5 players
1. 508 pts musdrive
2. 53 pts PIThompson
3. 53 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adfoopr   H8    28    28   proof
 2. aegiopt  G10    20    48   opiate
 3. ?eiltuw   I2    65   113   outwile
 4. ?eirtuv  15G    83   196   eruptive
 5. ceinstt   2H    72   268   tonetics
 6. aefhnsz  O12   102   370   zeas
 7. ehhillo   O1    39   409   isohel
 8. aellnsy   1D    42   451   yeans
 9. eilmoor   2B    29   480   mooli
10. aeijrsu   3A    36   516   jars
11. aeggilm   A3    48   564   jiggle
12. anortux   J8    33   597   taxon
13. eimnqry   K9    42   639   rimy
14. aadegkn  F10    35   674   dak
15. deenovw   M1    32   706   vinewed
16. aabdeho   L4    43   749   bohea
17. adegnnu   B8    75   824   dunnage
18. acdfrru  A12    50   874   fard

Remaining tiles: bciqru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8670 Filemusdrive    5  9:12  -366  508     1.8670 musdrive    5  9:12  -366  508 
  2.8281 FilePIThompson  0  3:06  -821   53     2.8281 PIThompson  0  3:06  -821   53 
  3.7507 Filemoonmonkey  0  3:50  -821   53            Group: advanced
  4.7115 FileMycophot    0  0:49  -844   30     1.7507 moonmonkey  0  3:50  -821   53 
  5.7314 Filesicilianc5  0  1:20  -844   30     2.7115 Mycophot    0  0:49  -844   30 
                                             3.7314 sicilianc5  0  1:20  -844   30 

On 1st draw, PROOF H8 28 --- PROOF to examine for errors [v]
Other moves: FORDO H4 26, PROOF H4 26, DROOP H8 22, DROOP H4 20, FORDO H8 20
PROOF H8 28 musdrive

On 2nd draw, OPIATE G10 20 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other tops: PEAG I10 20
Other moves: AGIO G9 19, PIETA G10 19, PIETA I10 19, POET G7 19, FAGOT 12H 18

On 3rd draw, (O)UTWILE I2 65 --- OUTWILE to surpass in wiling [v]
Other moves: WU(R)LIE F10 50, (O)UTWILE 15A 39, WU(D) F10 37, WU(S) F10 37, U(N)POLITE 11E 36

On 4th draw, ERU(P)TIVE 15G 83 --- ERUPTIVE a type of rock [n]
Other moves: V(O)ITURE F7 79, REVUI(S)T F4 74, REVUI(S)T J8 74, RIVU(L)ET F4 74, RIVU(L)ET J8 74

On 5th draw, T(O)NETICS 2H 72 --- TONETICS the phonetic study of tone in language [n]
Other tops: ENTASTIC 13D 72
Other moves: CENT(O)IST 2E 63, STEN(O)TIC 2E 63, CENS O12 60, CITS O12 60, TINCTS O10 60
CENS O12 60 musdrive

On 6th draw, ZEAS O12 102 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: FAZES O11 87, HAZES O11 87, SAZHENS O2 87, NAZES O11 78, FAHS O12 75
ZEAS O12 102 musdrive

On 7th draw, ISOHEL O1 39 --- ISOHEL a line on a map connecting points receiving equal sunshine [n]
Other moves: HEH F8 31, HOH F8 31, EH F9 27, ELHI 1E 27, HOLE 1E 27
HOH F8 31 musdrive

On 8th draw, YEANS 1D 42 --- YEAN to bear young [v]
Other tops: YALES 1D 42, YELLS 1D 42
Other moves: ALLEYS 1C 36, LYASE 1D 33, LYNES 1D 33, SAYNE 1D 33, STYE H1 32
YEANS 1D 42 musdrive

On 9th draw, MOOLI 2B 29 --- MOOLI an East African vegetable [n]
Other moves: ELM 2D 28, OLM 2D 28, ORIOLE 2A 27, LOOM F7 23, RIEM F7 23

On 10th draw, JARS 3A 36 --- JAR to vibrate from an impact [v]
Other moves: RAJES J8 33, JA 1A 31, JURIES 6F 31, RAJ J8 31, J*S**T 14B 30
JARS 3A 36 musdrive

On 11th draw, JIGGLE A3 48 --- JIGGLE to shake from side to side [v]
Other moves: IMAGE F9 39, MAGE F10 38, MAG F10 35, GAGE F10 32, MILAGE F8 30
IMAGE F9 39 musdrive

On 12th draw, TAXON J8 33 --- TAXON a unit of scientific classification [n]
Other tops: TAXOR J8 33
Other moves: NOX J8 31, RAX J8 31, TAX J8 31, TUX J8 31, TAXON B8 30

On 13th draw, RIMY K9 42 --- RIMY frosty [adj]
Other moves: MINY K9 40, MIRY K9 40, MINER K9 33, RIME K9 33, MINE K9 31
MINER K9 33 musdrive
YIN K9 30 PIThompson, moonmonkey

On 14th draw, DAK F10 35 --- DAK transportation by relays of men and horses [n]
Other moves: ADAGE F9 33, GADE F10 32, KNEAD F6 32, DAK 9A 30, EGAD F9 30
DAK 9A 30 Mycophot, sicilianc5
AKE F11 24 musdrive
KA 1A 23 PIThompson, moonmonkey

On 15th draw, VINEWED M1 32 --- VINEW to become mouldy [v]
Other moves: DEVON 9A 30, DOVEN 9A 30, DOVE 9A 29, DOWN 9A 29, DEV 9A 28
VIEWED M1 26 musdrive

On 16th draw, BOHEA L4 43 --- BOHEA a black tea [n]
Other moves: HOAED L4 42, AAHED L4 39, BAAED L4 38, HADE L4 37, HOB L4 35
HADE L4 37 musdrive

On 17th draw, DUNNAGE B8 75 --- DUNNAGE packing material used to protect cargo [n]
Other moves: DAG 9A 24, DANG 9A 24, DEG 9A 24, DUG 9A 24, DUNG 9A 24

On 18th draw, FARD A12 50 --- FARD to paint with cosmetics [v]
Other moves: FURR A12 47, DUAR A12 31, DURA A12 31, DURR A12 31, FAD A12 26
FARD A12 50 musdrive

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