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Game on November 6, 2018 at 07:08, 1 player
1. 554 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aceilp   H3    76    76   special
 2. deegoor   2F    26   102   greed
 3. ?deghru   5D    98   200   hungered
 4. aaemnru   C2    83   283   muraena
 5. adgiott   8A    30   313   adagio
 6. cfinopv   6J    33   346   fico
 7. eiilnrs   1I    79   425   resilin
 8. aehooqu   4A    32   457   hora
 9. beortyz   M3    54   511   rebozo
10. eelswyy   8L    42   553   yowe
11. annostt   A8    77   630   annattos
12. aaeilny   6B    38   668   leany
13. aaeemos   9J    37   705   mease
14. aejortv   K9    32   737   evejar
15. eiipqtw   A1    33   770   withe
16. diiklno  L11    31   801   dol
17. iiopttu  11D    74   875   outpitied
18. fioqstu  15K    89   964   squit
19. bfknovx  14M    38  1002   ox

Remaining tiles: bfknv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6563 Filefatcat      1 14:37  -448  554     1.6563 fatcat      1 14:37  -448  554 

On 1st draw, (S)PECIAL H3 76 --- SPECIAL a special person or thing [n] --- SPECIAL of a distinct or particular kind or character [adj] --- SPECIAL distinctive [adj] --- SPECIAL to sell at a special price [v]
Other tops: CALIPE(E) H4 76, CALIPE(E) H8 76, CALIPE(R) H4 76, CALIPE(R) H8 76, CALIP(E)E H4 76, CALIP(E)E H8 76, CAPELI(N) H2 76, CAPELI(N) H4 76, PA(N)ICLE H4 76, PA(N)ICLE H8 76, PEC(U)LIA H2 76, PEC(U)LIA H4 76, PELA(G)IC H4 76, PELA(G)IC H6 76, PELICA(N) H4 76, PELICA(N) H8 76, PLAICE(S) H4 76, PLAICE(S) H8 76, PLICA(T)E H4 76, (R)EPLICA H2 76, (R)EPLICA H7 76
Other moves: CALIPE(E) H2 72, CALIPE(E) H3 72, CALIPE(E) H7 72, CALIPE(R) H2 72, CALIPE(R) H3 72
PLACE H4 24 fatcat

On 2nd draw, GREED 2F 26 --- GREED excessive desire for gain or wealth [n]
Other moves: EDGER 2E 22, EDGER 2H 22, GEODE 2G 22, DREG 2F 21, EDGE 2E 21
DROOP 4D 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, HU(N)GERED 5D 98 --- HUNGER to crave [v]
Other moves: R(O)UGHED 1I 93, GRU(M)PHED 4D 78, HU(N)GERED 5B 74, D(O)UGHIER 7C 69, GRU(T)CHED 6D 68
HEDGER 5G 22 fatcat

On 4th draw, MURAENA C2 83 --- MURAENA a food fish of the Romans [n]
Other moves: MURENA 4A 35, ENARM C3 33, UNARM C3 33, APEMAN 4G 32, MURENA 1A 30
MEAN 6J 25 fatcat

On 5th draw, ADAGIO 8A 30 --- ADAGIO a musical composition or movement played in a slow tempo [n]
Other moves: TRAGI 4B 26, D*G* B1 25, DRAG 4B 25, GIRO 4A 24, GOAD 8A 24
DITTO 6J 22 fatcat

On 6th draw, FICO 6J 33 --- FICO something of little worth [n]
Other tops: FOCI 6J 33
Other moves: FOP 6J 32, FIDO B6 31, FINO 6J 31, FOIN 6J 31, FID B6 30
FIN 6J 30 fatcat

On 7th draw, RESILIN 1I 79 --- RESILIN an elastic substance in the cuticles of many insects [n]
Other moves: AIRLINES 8H 77, AIRLINES A8 77, RESILIN N4 73, INLIERS I9 62, LIONISER M4 60
LINERS N1 28 fatcat

On 8th draw, HORA 4A 32 --- HORA an Israeli dance [n]
Other tops: HARE 4A 32, HARO 4A 32, HERO 4A 32, HORE 4A 32
Other moves: HADE B6 31, HAD B6 30, HOA B2 30, HOD B6 30, HOE B2 30
HAD B6 30 fatcat

On 9th draw, REBOZO M3 54 --- REBOZO a long scarf [n]
Other moves: TROOZ M3 48, BOOZEY F7 40, BOOZY F7 39, BOTHY A1 39, BOOZER F7 37
DOZY B8 37 fatcat

On 10th draw, YOWE 8L 42 --- YOWE a ewe [n]
Other tops: YOWL 8L 42, YOWS 8L 42
Other moves: WYLES L8 39, WEDELS B6 35, WEDEL B6 34, YEDES B6 34, WEELS L8 33
WOES 8L 33 fatcat

On 11th draw, ANNATTOS A8 77 --- ANNATTO a yellowish red dye [n]
Other moves: SAWN N6 32, SOWN N6 32, SAW N6 31, SOW N6 31, SON 9M 30
SOW N6 31 fatcat

On 12th draw, LEANY 6B 38 --- LEANY lean [adj]
Other moves: LINHAY A1 36, YAE B10 31, YEA B10 31, AYAH A1 30, DAY B8 30
DAY B8 30 fatcat

On 13th draw, MEASE 9J 37 --- MEASE to make less severe [v]
Other moves: ASEA 9L 36, MASE 9K 36, MESE 9K 36, MOSE 9K 36, EASE 9K 34
SOW N6 31 fatcat

On 14th draw, EVEJAR K9 32 --- EVEJAR the nightjar (a bird) [n]
Other moves: JUTE 3B 27, JA B1 26, JO B1 26, JUT 3B 26, JAM 2A 24
JO B1 26 fatcat

On 15th draw, WITHE A1 33 --- WITHE to bind with flexible twigs [v]
Other moves: WRITE 14J 32, WITH A1 30, PITH A1 27, EWT B13 26, IWI B13 26
J*W 12K 26 fatcat

On 16th draw, DOL L11 31 --- DOL a unit of pain intensity [n]
Other tops: DON L11 31, LOD L11 31, NOD L11 31
Other moves: JINK 12K 30, KOJI 12I 30, DRINK 14J 28, LORDKIN 14I 28, DO L11 27
DRINK 14J 28 fatcat

On 17th draw, OUTPITIED 11D 74 --- OUTPITY to surpass in pitying [v]
Other moves: OUTTOP 14A 28, OPT B13 22, PIT M13 20, PIU M13 20, POI M13 20
OP B13 18 fatcat

On 18th draw, SQUIT 15K 89 --- SQUIT a contemptible person [n]
Other moves: QUOIFS 15F 71, QUOIST 15G 65, QUIST 15H 62, QUOITS 15F 62, QUITS 15G 59
QUITS 15G 59 fatcat

On 19th draw, OX 14M 38 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: OX B13 38
Other moves: OX 12C 36, WEX N8 29, FALX 13J 28, KEX 4L 28, FOX D10 26
OX B13 38 fatcat

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