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Game on Mars 5, 2019 at 06:37, 1 player
1. 244 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afitvx   H8    44    44   affix
 2. aeiilrr   I2    61   105   lairier
 3. aegjlrt   1D    75   180   jetlag
 4. degiist  11E    90   270   digitise
 5. ?adinou   4F    70   340   audition
 6. ceiostv   M9    91   431   costive
 7. aabestt   2B    33   464   abate
 8. egoprsy   H8    51   515   affixers
 9. deenqrw   3A    39   554   drew
10. abnpttu  15J    39   593   upbeat
11. emmortv  13C    34   627   emmove
12. aeghoop  12B    42   669   epha
13. acdghno   D1    30   699   jawan
14. efnooru  14E    33   732   ef
15. hinooqs  10J    64   796   qi
16. iloorsy   A3    33   829   drooly
17. enostuy   N2    41   870   nosey
18. cdilruw  I11    32   902   tid
19. celnorw   O8    92   994   crownlet
20. hnotuuz   3L    41  1035   zoon
21. ghkntuu   N9    32  1067   uh

Remaining tiles: gkntu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6644 Filefatcat      2  4:22  -823  244     1.6644 fatcat      2  4:22  -823  244 

On 1st draw, AF(F)IX H8 44 --- AFFIX to attach [v]
Other tops: A(F)FIX H8 44, VA(R)IX H8 44, VIT(E)X H8 44
Other moves: FIXAT(E) H4 38, FIX(I)T H4 36, F(I)XIT H4 36, VA(R)IX H4 36, VIT(E)X H4 36

On 2nd draw, LAIRIER I2 61 --- LAIRY flashy [adj]
Other moves: AF(F)IXIAL H8 51, RELAX 12D 24, ILEA G10 17, AF(F)IXAL H8 16, AF(F)IXER H8 16

On 3rd draw, JETLAG 1D 75 --- JETLAG the disruption of body rhythms after a flight through several time zones [n]
Other moves: JETLAG H1 57, JAGER 1G 48, JEAT H1 43, JAG 1G 42, JILTER 4H 42

On 4th draw, DIGITISE 11E 90 --- DIGITISE to put into digital form [v]
Other moves: DIGITISE 4H 76, DIGITISE 4F 74, DIGITISE 4D 72, DIGITISE 11C 70, DIGITISE 11G 70

On 5th draw, AUDI(T)ION 4F 70 --- AUDITION to give a trial performance [v]
Other moves: DOUANIE(R) L5 68, AIR(B)OUND 5G 66, AUDI(T)ION 4D 66, DINO(S)AUR 5B 66, DOUANI(E)R 5B 66

On 6th draw, COSTIVE M9 91 --- COSTIVE constipated [adj]
Other moves: COSTIVE N2 87, COVETISE L8 84, SOVIETIC J8 76, SOVIETIC K1 76, SOVIETIC F8 73

On 7th draw, ABATE 2B 33 --- ABATE to reduce in degree or intensity [v]
Other tops: ABASE 2B 33
Other moves: ABETS 15K 30, STATE 2B 29, BASTA N2 27, BASTE N2 27, BATTAS 12A 27

On 8th draw, AF(F)IXERS H8 51 --- AFFIXER one that affixes [n]
Other moves: GYP 3B 47, POSEY N2 45, POGEYS 15J 42, PREY 3A 41, YEP 3B 41

On 9th draw, DREW 3A 39 --- DRAW to move by pulling [v]
Other moves: DEW 3B 38, ENEW 3A 37, EWER 3A 37, WEED 15L 36, WEND 15L 36

On 10th draw, UPBEAT 15J 39 --- UPBEAT an unaccented beat in a musical measure [n]
Other moves: PEBA 15L 33, JAWAN D1 30, BATON 10J 29, PUTON 10J 29, BEAN 15L 27

On 11th draw, EMMOVE 13C 34 --- EMMOVE to affect emotionally [v]
Other moves: MEMO 10J 30, REMOVE 13C 30, MOTOR 10J 29, MEM 10D 26, MEROME 13C 26

On 12th draw, EPHA 12B 42 --- EPHA a Hebrew unit of dry measure [n]
Other moves: PHO 12C 40, POOH 12A 40, HEAP 14C 38, HOOP 14C 38, HOPE 12A 38

On 13th draw, JAWAN D1 30 --- JAWAN a soldier of India [n]
Other tops: DAHOON 10J 30
Other moves: HA 10J 28, HEAD L10 28, HO 10J 28, (F)AH 10H 28, CHANG 5C 27

On 14th draw, EF 14E 33 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other tops: DOOFER A3 33, REROOF 5G 33
Other moves: FOETOR 12J 31, FOUER 5K 30, FREON 5K 30, FUERO 5K 30, OFTEN 12K 30
EF 14E 33 fatcat

On 15th draw, QI 10J 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIS 6B 48, HOONS 15A 35, QIS N2 33, QIS J10 32, HISN 6B 31
QIS N2 33 fatcat

On 16th draw, DROOLY A3 33 --- DROOLY drooling [adj]
Other moves: ROSILY N2 31, SLY 6D 30, SOY 6D 30, YO 14J 30, YOS 6B 30
YO 14J 30 fatcat

On 17th draw, NOSEY N2 41 --- NOSEY a prying person [n] --- NOSEY unduly curious [adj]
Other moves: YOUSE B6 38, EYOTS 15A 35, NOYES 15A 35, TYNES 15A 35, YOUS B6 35
YOU B6 34 fatcat

On 18th draw, TID I11 32 --- TID a mood [n]
Other moves: LUCID O5 31, LUDIC O5 31, DUCI O5 29, WUD O1 26, LURID O5 25
CUD O1 23 fatcat

On 19th draw, CROWNLET O8 92 --- CROWNLET a small crown [n]
Other moves: WOE B6 34, COW O1 31, LOWER O5 31, LOWNE O5 31, REWON O5 31
WOE B6 34 fatcat

On 20th draw, ZOON 3L 41 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n] --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other tops: ZOOT 3L 41
Other moves: ZOO 3L 39, ZO 1A 36, HOUT B6 35, ZO O1 35, OH N9 32
ZOOT 3L 41 fatcat

On 21th draw, UH N9 32 --- UH used to express hesitation [interj]
Other moves: UH B5 28, EUK L11 24, UGH 14A 22, ANKH F4 21, HUG 14A 20
KI F10 16 fatcat

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