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Game on April 19, 2021 at 17:14, 1 player
1. 18 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aejlrss   H4    40    40   jarls
 2. aceinpu   4H    30    70   jaunce
 3. ?ceeiru   8A    86   156   epicures
 4. aehnsvw   N2    44   200   washen
 5. adgioty   M3    34   234   yead
 6. ekortyz   O1    63   297   zek
 7. addegil   O6    31   328   gaddi
 8. aeeinsv  11J    27   355   envies
 9. ?ailpuy   B8    84   439   pupilary
10. ginorrt  15A    33   472   tyring
11. einoptt   D1    76   548   entoptic
12. befoost  N10    42   590   beefs
13. aemoqrt   7C    42   632   qi
14. aegllor  14F    69   701   allegro
15. eimottt   1A   140   841   totemite
16. afimnor   2F    41   882   foram
17. adeirvw  H11    39   921   dwile
18. abhnoov  10I    29   950   oho
19. ainouvx   2A    44   994   axon
20. binoruv   3A    33  1027   bort

Remaining tiles: inuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7632 FileSQUAW1      0  1:43 -1009   18     1.7632 SQUAW1      0  1:43 -1009   18 

On 1st draw, JARLS H4 40 --- JARL a Scandinavian nobleman [n]
Other moves: JARLS H8 26, RAJES H4 26, RAJES H8 26, JARLS H5 24, JARLS H6 24

On 2nd draw, JAUNCE 4H 30 --- JAUNCE to prance [v]
Other moves: JUICE 4H 28, PECAN I1 23, PUCAN I1 23, CANE I3 22, PANE I3 22

On 3rd draw, E(P)ICURES 8A 86 --- EPICURE a gourmet [n]
Other tops: SI(N)ECURE 8H 86
Other moves: EUCRI(T)ES 8A 80, RECUI(L)ES 8A 80, (D)ECURIES 8A 80, CEIN(T)URE K1 68, ENURE(T)IC K3 68

On 4th draw, WASHEN N2 44 --- WASH to cleanse by immersing in or applying a liquid [v]
Other moves: HAWSE N1 38, HAWS N1 36, HEWS N1 36, VAWS N1 36, WASH N2 36

On 5th draw, YEAD M3 34 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: DOGY O6 32, DOY O1 31, G*Y O1 31, TOADY O6 31, TODAY O6 31

On 6th draw, ZEK O1 63 --- ZEK a prisoner in a labour camp in USSR [n]
Other moves: OYEZ O7 50, YOK O1 45, YOKER O6 45, KEY O1 44, ZO 3I 44

On 7th draw, GADDI O6 31 --- GADDI a hassock [n]
Other tops: AGED O5 31, GADID O6 31, IGAD O5 31
Other moves: LADDIE O6 30, LAIDED O6 30, GELID O6 28, LADED O6 27, GLADDIE C3 26

On 8th draw, ENVIES 11J 27 --- ENVY to covet others' possessions,looks etc. [v]
Other tops: NAEVES 11J 27, NAIVES 11J 27, NAVIES 11J 27, NEIVES 11J 27, NIEVES 11J 27, VEENAS 11J 27
Other moves: SAVINE N10 26, AVENS 11K 25, EAVES 11K 25, EEVNS 11K 25, EVENS 11K 25

On 9th draw, (P)UPILA(R)Y B8 84 --- PUPILARY pupilar [adj]
Other moves: P(O)LYURIA 6C 72, P(O)LYURIA F3 72, PU(P)ILARY 6B 70, PU(P)ILARY F2 70, PU(P)ILA(R)Y B6 69

On 10th draw, TYRING 15A 33 --- TYRE to furnish with a covering for a wheel [v]
Other moves: GYRON 15A 30, TYING 15A 30, GENRO N10 27, GYRI 15A 27, GYRO 15A 27

On 11th draw, ENTOPTIC D1 76 --- ENTOPTIC within the eyeball [adj]
Other moves: PETITION M8 72, PENTITO 10E 69, PENTITO 10D 67, PENTITO 12E 64, PETITE N10 38

On 12th draw, BEEFS N10 42 --- BEEF the flesh of domestic cattle as food [n] --- BEEF to add bulk to [v]
Other moves: BEETS N10 36, BESET N10 36, BESOT N10 36, BETES N10 36, FOETUS E4 35

On 13th draw, QI 7C 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI C7 42, QORMA 10F 42
Other moves: QORMA 6F 38, QORMA F6 38, MOIRE M9 37, QORMA 10G 34, QAT 6B 32

On 14th draw, ALLEGRO 14F 69 --- ALLEGRO a musical passage played in rapid tempo [n]
Other moves: ALLEGRO 10E 68, ALLEGRO 10D 66, ALLEGRO 12E 63, ALLEGROS 14G 61, PELLAGRA 5D 53

On 15th draw, TOTEMITE 1A 140 --- TOTEMITE a specialist in totemism [n]
Other moves: TOTEMITE A1 83, MELT H12 27, MILE H12 27, MILO H12 27, MILT H12 27

On 16th draw, FORAM 2F 41 --- FORAM a marine protozoan [n]
Other moves: FANON 2B 40, FILM H12 39, FIRMAN 2F 38, FARM 2F 34, FIRM 2F 34

On 17th draw, DWILE H11 39 --- DWILE a mop [n]
Other tops: DWALE H11 39
Other moves: VELD H12 36, VILD H12 36, WALD H12 36, WELD H12 36, WILD H12 36

On 18th draw, OHO 10I 29 --- OHO used to express surprise or exultation [interj]
Other moves: HA 10J 28, HO 10J 28, HAO E4 27, HOA 3I 27, HOA E4 27

On 19th draw, AXON 2A 44 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other moves: NIX C11 42, NOX C11 42, VARIX 6F 39, VARIX F6 39, AX 2A 38

On 20th draw, BORT 3A 33 --- BORT a low-quality diamond [n]
Other moves: RONT 3A 27, BIO E4 24, BOI E4 24, OBI E3 24, BOI 3I 23

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