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Game on September 26, 2021 at 18:45, 5 players
1. 134 pts Mycophot
2. 118 pts moonmonkey
3. 101 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dnostuy   H8    26    26   oundy
 2. ?aginqu  11E   122   148   quadding
 3. ?iinotz   L4    86   234   roziting
 4. aeeeirs   D8    31   265   arise
 5. eioorty  10F    29   294   yen
 6. acdeght   M5    38   332   hated
 7. aeilptu   N6    45   377   palet
 8. bdeegor   C2    77   454   begored
 9. eiloorr   4C    70   524   groolier
10. aeilnrs  13A    72   596   aliners
11. aceegno  O10    38   634   encage
12. aefmtux  A12    54   688   faux
13. ailmmst   O1    54   742   limmas
14. adfhipt   N2    35   777   pah
15. afiknov  14J    44   821   faking
16. ceortuv  15E    93   914   cutover
17. eiosttw  B10    41   955   wiels
18. bdjoott   A7    41   996   dojo

Remaining tiles: bttvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7668 FileMycophot    1  2:36  -862  134     1.7668 Mycophot    1  2:36  -862  134 
  2.7788 Filemoonmonkey  1  2:38  -878  118     2.7788 moonmonkey  1  2:38  -878  118 
  3.7550 Filequeen66     0  2:51  -895  101     3.7550 queen66     0  2:51  -895  101 
  4.  -  FileAAAAAA1116  1  1:58  -942   54            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileJJJJJJ1117  1  1:58  -955   41     1.  -  AAAAAA1116  1  1:58  -942   54 
                                             2.  -  JJJJJJ1117  1  1:58  -955   41 

On 1st draw, OUNDY H8 26 --- OUNDY wavy [adj]
Other tops: DONSY H8 26, DUSTY H8 26, SNOUTY H7 26, STUDY H8 26
Other moves: NUTSY H8 24, STONY H8 24, TOUSY H8 24, DONSY H4 22, DUSTY H4 22

On 2nd draw, QUAD(D)ING 11E 122 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other tops: QUA(D)DING 11D 122
Other moves: O(P)AQUING 8H 104, QUAN(T)ING 10B 87, QUA(K)ING G3 86, QUA(K)ING I3 86, QUAN(T)ING 10E 71

On 3rd draw, (R)OZITING L4 86 --- ROZIT to rosin [v]
Other moves: ZOONITI(C) 8F 67, ZOONITI(C) 8G 67, ZOI(S)T D8 64, G(L)ITZ L11 48, ZING(S) L8 48

On 4th draw, ARISE D8 31 --- ARISE to come up [v]
Other tops: EASIER D9 31, ERASE D8 31, RAISE D8 31, SAREE D11 31, SEARE D11 31, SERAI D11 31, SIREE D11 31
Other moves: AESIR D9 29, EASER D9 29, RESEE D9 29, *RS* D9 27, EASE D9 27

On 5th draw, YEN 10F 29 --- YEN to yearn [v]
Other moves: EYOT M4 28, TOEY K2 25, TREY K2 25, TROY K2 25, OYEZ 6I 24

On 6th draw, HATED M5 38 --- HATE to despise [v]
Other moves: ACHAGE 8A 36, DETACH 8A 36, DETACH 8J 36, HANGED 10J 36, DETACH C3 35

On 7th draw, PALET N6 45 --- PALET a small bract [n]
Other moves: PALE N6 42, PATE N6 42, PAL N6 37, PAT N6 37, PA N6 33

On 8th draw, BEGORED C2 77 --- BEGORED smeared with gore [adj]
Other moves: BEGORED E2 75, BEGORED G2 66, BEGORED I2 66, DEER O8 37, DEE O8 34

On 9th draw, GROOLIER 4C 70 --- GROOLY gruesome [adj]
Other moves: LEIR O8 31, LEI O8 28, OORIE D1 26, RORIE D1 26, OORIER O10 23

On 10th draw, ALINERS 13A 72 --- ALINER one that alines [n]

On 11th draw, ENCAGE O10 38 --- ENCAGE to confine in a cage [v]
Other moves: ENCAGE A10 36, AEON O8 31, CAGE A12 30, CANG A12 30, ANGICO H1 27

On 12th draw, FAUX A12 54 --- FAUX not genuine; fake [adj]
Other moves: FAME A12 39, MAXI H1 39, XU 5E 38, EAUX A12 36, MADAFU 8A 36

On 13th draw, LIMMAS O1 54 --- LIMMA a pause of one mora [n]
Other moves: IMBALMS 2A 38, SMALTI B10 38, IMBALM 2A 36, MIASM 5E 36, SALMI B11 36
LIMMAS O1 54 moonmonkey, AAAAAA1116

On 14th draw, PAH N2 35 --- PAH a Maori settlement [n] --- PAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other tops: PHAT 5E 35
Other moves: FAH N13 34, APHID H1 33, PATH 3F 32, DAH N2 31, FAH B1 31
HAN 10J 29 Mycophot
HIN 10J 29 queen66, moonmonkey

On 15th draw, FAKING 14J 44 --- FAKE to contrive and present as genuine [v]
Other moves: KAF N13 37, KIN 10J 35, KON 10J 35, KAF B1 33, KUFI 9G 32
KIN 10J 35 moonmonkey
KON 10J 35 Mycophot, queen66

On 16th draw, CUTOVER 15E 93 --- CUTOVER land cleared of trees [n]
Other moves: CORVET 15F 40, CURVET 15F 40, COVER 15G 37, COVET 15G 37, CRUVE 15F 35
COVET 15G 37 queen66

On 17th draw, WIELS B10 41 --- WIEL a whirlpool [n]
Other moves: TOWELS B9 31, SWELT B10 29, SWOT 5E 27, TEWITS H1 27, TOWIES H1 27
SWELT B10 29 Mycophot

On 18th draw, DOJO A7 41 --- DOJO a school that teaches judo or karate [n]
Other moves: JOB B1 36, JOB B5 31, JOT B1 30, JIB J10 28, JOT B5 27
DOJO A7 41 Mycophot, JJJJJJ1117

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