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Game on October 4, 2021 at 19:47, 1 player
1. 46 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acegiil   H4    20    20   ceili
 2. eefhmot   7B    69    89   homefelt
 3. aabhops   8A    35   124   soba
 4. ?aagilt   A8    77   201   sagittal
 5. aegouvw   6A    30   231   aw
 6. aefgsty   E4    31   262   fayest
 7. eeginrt   F9    64   326   integer
 8. ?aalnqt  15C    45   371   quartan
 9. eiknovy   D1    42   413   kyne
10. aeiinru   1D    27   440   kauri
11. deeiorv   4H    80   520   coderive
12. eijoops   3I    40   560   joe
13. deotuvz   O1    45   605   tozed
14. adinorv   C2    26   631   nodi
15. bdeensx  B13    37   668   ex
16. aehirrv  12A    39   707   thriver
17. aelmpuu  14I    34   741   ampule
18. deiopsw  O12    50   791   wisp
19. bdegnsu  J10    33   824   begums
20. cdlnoru   B1    29   853   doc

Remaining tiles: lnnoru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7712 FileSQUAW1      0  2:21  -807   46     1.7712 SQUAW1      0  2:21  -807   46 

On 1st draw, CEILI H4 20 --- CEILI a night of song,story and dancing [n]
Other tops: CILIA H4 20, GLACE H4 20, ILEAC H8 20, ILIAC H8 20
Other moves: GLACE H8 18, CEILI H8 16, CILIA H8 16, GLACE H5 16, GLACE H6 16

On 2nd draw, HOMEFELT 7B 69 --- HOMEFELT private [adj]
Other moves: COMETH 4H 26, FEHME 5D 26, FEHME 5G 26, THEME G5 26, CHEMO 4H 24

On 3rd draw, SOBA 8A 35 --- SOBA a Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour [n]
Other moves: BAH 8A 34, BOH 8A 34, PAH 8A 34, POH 8A 34, HAP 8A 33

On 4th draw, SAGIT(T)AL A8 77 --- SAGITTAL resembling an arrow or arrowhead [adj]
Other tops: (O)TALGIA 9A 77
Other moves: GALA(C)TIC 4A 74, SAGI(T)TAL A8 74, A(N)TALGIC 4A 72, GALACTI(C) 4D 70, GLACIAT(E) 4E 70

On 5th draw, AW 6A 30 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other tops: OW 6A 30
Other moves: AWE 6D 25, COWAGE 4H 24, W*G 6A 23, AWA 9A 22, AWAVE 14A 22

On 6th draw, FAYEST E4 31 --- FAY slightly mad [adj]
Other tops: FEYEST E4 31
Other moves: CASEFY 4H 28, GAYEST E4 27, GEYEST E4 27, ATES 9A 26, FEAT B11 26

On 7th draw, INTEGER F9 64 --- INTEGER a whole number [n]
Other moves: GENET D1 28, GENIE D1 28, GREEN D1 28, GREET D1 28, GREIN D1 28

On 8th draw, Q(U)ARTAN 15C 45 --- QUARTAN a recurrent malarial fever [n]
Other tops: QA(B)ALA A1 45, Q(U)ANTA A1 45
Other moves: TRANQ 15E 42, TRANQ(S) 15E 42, Q(U)AT F2 39, TRA(N)Q 15E 39, TR(A)NQ 15E 39

On 9th draw, KYNE D1 42 --- KYNE cows [n]
Other moves: YIKE D1 40, YOKE D1 40, ENVOY D1 39, KENO D1 36, KINE D1 36

On 10th draw, KAURI 1D 27 --- KAURI a timber tree [n]
Other tops: ARIKI 1A 27, KNAUR 1D 27, NERKA 1A 27, RANKE 1A 27, REIKI 1A 27
Other moves: NAIK 1A 24, NARK 1A 24, NERK 1A 24, NEUK 1A 24, RAIK 1A 24

On 11th draw, CODERIVE 4H 80 --- CODERIVE to derive jointly [v]
Other moves: OVERED 14I 38, CODRIVE 4H 26, COVERED 4H 26, CERVID 4H 24, CORVID 4H 24

On 12th draw, JOE 3I 40 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JO 3I 37, JIVES N2 34, SJOE O1 33, JOEYS 2A 32, PIOYES 2A 32

On 13th draw, TOZED O1 45 --- TOZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: DOZE O1 42, DOZE 14H 39, TOZE O1 39, TOZED 14H 39, DZO 2J 38

On 14th draw, NODI C2 26 --- NODUS a difficulty [n]
Other tops: VIRANDO M3 26
Other moves: NARD C2 25, AID C2 24, NAEVOID 12D 24, NID C2 24, NOD C2 24

On 15th draw, EX B13 37 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: VEXED N4 35, DEXES 14H 34, VEXES N4 34, DEX 14H 32, EXODES J1 32

On 16th draw, THRIVER 12A 39 --- THRIVER one that thrives [n]
Other tops: VIHARA A1 39
Other moves: THEAVE 12A 37, THIEVE 12A 37, THRAVE 12A 37, THRIVE 12A 37, HARIRA A1 30

On 17th draw, AMPULE 14I 34 --- AMPULE a small sealed glass [n]
Other moves: PAM B1 31, PLUM 2J 29, LAM B1 27, PLEA 2J 27, PLUE 2J 27

On 18th draw, WISP O12 50 --- WISP to twist into a wisp (a small bunch or bundle) [v]
Other moves: WISE O12 44, PODS 15L 42, DOWSE O11 41, PIED 15L 41, DIPSO O11 38

On 19th draw, BEGUMS J10 33 --- BEGUM a Muslim lady of high rank [n]
Other moves: DEGUMS J10 30, SNED 5J 25, BUMS J12 24, GEUMS J11 24, SUBDEW 12J 24

On 20th draw, DOC B1 29 --- DOC a doctor [n]
Other moves: CLOD 2J 28, COD B1 28, CRUD 2J 28, CLON 2J 27, CLOU 2J 27

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