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Game on April 5, 2024 at 16:19, 12 players
1. 262 pts LongJump22
2. 149 pts Pacific
3. 122 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adfoov   H4    30    30   vifda
 2. eeikorr   4F    28    58   revoker
 3. acennst   M2    85   143   nascent
 4. bdeinry   I8    69   212   bindery
 5. deiorsy  13G    78   290   derisory
 6. ?ceggiu   2H    32   322   gecking
 7. abdeeio  H12    42   364   bead
 8. aegillo   1D    30   394   logia
 9. aeiloox   8K    60   454   ixtle
10. amnostw  10B    67   521   townsman
11. eelnotv   D8    30   551   vowel
12. aamnoou  12L    29   580   moan
13. aefnrtu   8A    33   613   fauve
14. aenrtuw   3A    77   690   unwater
15. eehstuu   4A    42   732   hues
16. aiioptu  14L    34   766   ptui
17. ailoprz   C7    45   811   ouzo
18. eilprtt   A1    27   838   pruh
19. aehijlt   N6    30   868   halt
20. iijloqt   J4    31   899   koji

Remaining tiles: eiilqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.8509 FileLongJump22  4  3:18  -637  262     1.9841 Pacific     1  5:54  -750  149 
  2.9841 FilePacific     1  5:54  -750  149            Group: expert
  3.7099 FileArcticFox   1  2:14  -777  122     1.8509 LongJump22  4  3:18  -637  262 
  4.8774 FileQuincunx    1  2:50  -835   64     2.8774 Quincunx    1  2:50  -835   64 
  5.7722 Filemoonmonkey  1  0:48  -839   60     3.8710 Zuincunx    0  1:59  -865   34 
  6.8710 FileZuincunx    0  1:59  -865   34     4.8540 Vuincunx    1  1:51  -869   30 
  7.  -  FileDDD333      1  0:59  -869   30     5.8578 Wuincunx    0  1:37  -877   22 
  8.7524 FileHollyIvy    1  1:02  -869   30            Group: advanced
  9.7651 Filesicilianc5  1  1:24  -869   30     1.7099 ArcticFox   1  2:14  -777  122 
 10.7734 FileMycophot    1  1:45  -869   30     2.7722 moonmonkey  1  0:48  -839   60 
 11.8540 FileVuincunx    1  1:51  -869   30     3.7524 HollyIvy    1  1:02  -869   30 
 12.8578 FileWuincunx    0  1:37  -877   22     4.7651 sicilianc5  1  1:24  -869   30 
                                             5.7734 Mycophot    1  1:45  -869   30 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  DDD333      1  0:59  -869   30 

On 1st draw, V(I)FDA H4 30 --- VIFDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: FAVO(R) H4 28, FOV(E)A H4 28, VA(U)DOO H4 26, FADO(S) H4 24, FOOD(S) H4 24
V(I)FDA H4 30 LongJump22, DDD333, Quincunx, Vuincunx

On 2nd draw, REVOKER 4F 28 --- REVOKER one that revokes [n]
Other moves: EVOKER 4G 26, KEFIR 6F 24, EEK G6 23, EIK G6 23, OIK G6 23
KOI G5 22 Wuincunx
FIKE 6H 21 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, NASCENT M2 85 --- NASCENT coming into existence [adj]
Other moves: NASCENT 9F 75, NASCENT G8 63, NASCENT I8 63, SCANDENT 7D 63, ASCENT M3 33
NASCENT M2 85 LongJump22
CANST M1 29 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, BINDERY I8 69 --- BINDERY a place where books are bound [n]
Other tops: BINDERY G8 69
Other moves: BRINNY 2J 34, BYRNIE 2J 34, BENNY 2J 32, BRINY 2J 32, BINNED 2J 30
BINDERY G8 69 LongJump22
BINNED 2J 30 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, DERISORY 13G 78 --- DERISORY expressing derision [adj]
Other moves: DERISORY 13C 76, DERISORY F2 68, DYER J9 37, DYES J9 37, SYED J9 37
DERISORY 13G 78 LongJump22
YOD J10 34 Zuincunx

On 6th draw, GEC(K)ING 2H 32 --- GECK to mock [v]
Other moves: CUING 2J 28, C(R)INGE 2J 28, EC(H)ING 2I 28, ICTU(S) 8K 27, CU(I)NG 2J 26

On 7th draw, BEAD H12 42 --- BEAD to adorn with round balls of glass, wood or plastic [v]
Other moves: DEBE H12 39, ADOBE 12K 35, BEDYE N10 34, DOAB 1F 34, BEAD 12L 33
BEAD H12 42 ArcticFox, Pacific
DOAB 1F 34 Quincunx

On 8th draw, LOGIA 1D 30 --- LOGION a saying attributed to Jesus [n]
Other moves: GAOL 12L 25, GEAL 12L 25, GOAL 12L 25, ILEAL 12K 25, ALEC 5J 24
LOGIA 1D 30 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 9th draw, IXTLE 8K 60 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other tops: EXTOL 8K 60
Other moves: AX 5J 42, OX 5J 42, LATEX 8K 39, (I)XIA 5H 39, AXILE C1 31
EXTOL 8K 60 moonmonkey
LATEX 8K 39 Pacific

On 10th draw, TOWNSMAN 10B 67 --- TOWNSMAN a resident of a town [n]
Other tops: TOWNSMAN 10F 67
Other moves: WOMYN N10 42, BESAW 12H 34, WANS 12L 33, WANT 12L 33, WONS 12L 33

On 11th draw, VOWEL D8 30 --- VOWEL a type of speech sound [n] --- VOWEL to use as a speech sound [v]
Other moves: VOTEEN C9 26, ELEVON 3B 25, OLENT 12K 25, VOTEEN 3B 25, TWELVE D9 24

On 12th draw, MOAN 12L 29 --- MOAN to utter a low, mournful sound [v]
Other tops: MANA 12L 29, MANO 12L 29, MONA 12L 29, MONO 12L 29, MOON 12L 29, MUON 12L 29, NAAM 12L 29
Other moves: NAMU 12L 27, NOMA 12L 27, OMOV 8A 27, OUMA 12L 27, UNMAN E9 26

On 13th draw, FAUVE 8A 33 --- FAUVE a member of a group of expressionist painters [n]
Other moves: ENFANT E9 32, REFT 11K 31, FELT N6 30, FEN 14M 30, FER 14M 30

On 14th draw, UNWATER 3A 77 --- UNWATER to drain [v]
Other moves: TWAE 14K 39, WAUR 14L 37, WAE 14L 35, RAUN 14L 28, WENT 11K 28

On 15th draw, HUES 4A 42 --- HUE colour [n]
Other moves: HETES 14K 41, HETE 14K 39, HETS 14K 39, HUES 14K 39, HUTS 14K 39
HELES N6 33 Pacific

On 16th draw, PTUI 14L 34 --- PTUI used to express the sound of spitting [interj]
Other moves: APOLOGIA 1A 33, TAUHOU A1 27, TAU 14L 26, TUP 14M 25, PEAT 11C 22

On 17th draw, OUZO C7 45 --- OUZO a Greek liqueur [n]
Other moves: KAZI J4 37, PIEZO 6K 36, FIZ 6H 35, PREZ 6K 35, ZONULA B1 34
PREZ 6K 35 Pacific

On 18th draw, PRUH A1 27 --- PRUH a call for a horse to stop [interj]
Other moves: PENULT B1 20, PIXEL L6 20, RECIT 5K 20, RECTI 5K 20, LIER J12 19

On 19th draw, HALT N6 30 --- HALT to stop [v]
Other tops: HALE N6 30, HALL N6 30, HELL N6 30
Other moves: THAE 5C 29, REHEAT G3 28, JETE 6J 27, AH 5J 26, LEANT E7 26

On 20th draw, KOJI J4 31 --- KOJI a Japanese fungus which breaks down soy beans into soy sauce [n]
Other moves: JEON E7 23, JOLE E5 22, QI L1 21, JILL 12A 19, JOLL 12A 19

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