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Game on April 6, 2024 at 21:02, 11 players
1. 181 pts Pacific
2. 168 pts LongJump22
3. 166 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eenorw   H8    76    76   endower
 2. deilmrt  13G    30   106   demerit
 3. aelorsu   J7    62   168   aureoles
 4. ?eehnsx  15B   152   320   hexenes
 5. aaeinow  14B    39   359   anew
 6. adeeeos  13B    37   396   dose
 7. deeiino  D11    26   422   desex
 8. aagmrsu  12L    28   450   marg
 9. egkortv  O12    27   477   grok
10. aeinosz   K2    86   563   aziones
11. aeijnoy   L1    55   618   jiao
12. bcffinu   1L    51   669   jiff
13. aeiortv   O1    95   764   favorite
14. acdehil   N6    38   802   heald
15. agiilty   I1    76   878   agility
16. acnttuy   H1    33   911   yu
17. abccitu   E6    30   941   cubica
18. bopttuv   3K    28   969   zap
19. bgioqtt   H5    24   993   qi
20. lnoptuv  12A    22  1015   vote
21. bglnptu   G1    20  1035   plug

Remaining tiles: bnntt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9828 FilePacific     0  2:28  -854  181     1.9828 Pacific     0  2:28  -854  181 
  2.8414 FileLongJump22  3  2:58  -867  168            Group: expert
  3.7138 FileArcticFox   2  2:23  -869  166     1.8414 LongJump22  3  2:58  -867  168 
  4.7624 Filesicilianc5  0  2:28  -882  153     2.8858 Quincunx    0  0:53  -933  102 
  5.7765 FileMycophot    0  3:21  -882  153     3.8529 Vuincunx    1  1:28  -996   39 
  6.8858 FileQuincunx    0  0:53  -933  102     4.8543 Wuincunx    1  1:50  -996   39 
  7.8529 FileVuincunx    1  1:28  -996   39     5.8688 Zuincunx    1  0:33  -998   37 
  8.8543 FileWuincunx    1  1:50  -996   39            Group: advanced
  9.8688 FileZuincunx    1  0:33  -998   37     1.7138 ArcticFox   2  2:23  -869  166 
 10.7734 Filemoonmonkey  0  0:59 -1001   34     2.7624 sicilianc5  0  2:28  -882  153 
 11.7464 FileHollyIvy    0  1:28 -1001   34     3.7765 Mycophot    0  3:21  -882  153 
                                             4.7734 moonmonkey  0  0:59 -1001   34 
                                             5.7464 HollyIvy    0  1:28 -1001   34 

On 1st draw, EN(D)OWER H8 76 --- ENDOWER one that endows [n]
Other tops: NOW(H)ERE H2 76, O(V)ERNEW H6 76, REEN(D)OW H6 76, REWO(K)EN H2 76, REWO(V)EN H2 76, W(H)EREON H4 76
Other moves: EN(D)OWER H3 70, EN(D)OWER H4 70, EN(D)OWER H6 70, EN(D)OWER H7 70, NOW(H)ERE H3 70
NOW(H)ERE H2 76 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, DEMERIT 13G 30 --- DEMERIT to lower in rank or status [v]
Other tops: RETIMED 13C 30
Other moves: MERITED 13G 28, IDEM I10 26, MELTIER 13G 26, MERITED 13C 26, MITERED 13C 26
DEMERIT 13G 30 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, AUREOLES J7 62 --- AUREOLE to surround with a halo [v]
Other moves: ALEURONS 9B 61, ROULA(D)ES 10C 61, NEUROSAL 9H 60, ROSULATE M7 60, AUREOLES 8B 59
AUREOLES J7 62 LongJump22
SAUREL 15H 51 Pacific
ROULES 15C 51 sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 4th draw, H(E)XENES 15B 152 --- HEXENE a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: HEXEN(E)S 15B 152, HEX(A)NES 15B 152, HEX(E)NES 15B 152, HEX(O)NES 15B 152
Other moves: EX(I)NES 15C 90, H(E)XENES K4 90, HEXEN(E)S K4 89, HEX(A)NES K4 89, HEX(E)NES K4 89
HEX(A)NES 15B 102 Quincunx, sicilianc5, Mycophot
HEXES 15D 87 Pacific

On 5th draw, ANEW 14B 39 --- ANEW once more [adv]
Other tops: ANOW 14B 39, ENOW 14B 39
Other moves: AWA 14B 35, AWE 14B 35, OWE 14B 35, WANE 14A 34, WANIER 14C 34
ANEW 14B 39 Vuincunx
ENOW 14B 39 Wuincunx

On 6th draw, DOSE 13B 37 --- DOSE to give a specified quantity of medicine to [v]
Other moves: ADOS 13A 31, ODAS 13A 31, ODES 13A 31, DAES 13A 30, WALED 12H 30
DOSE 13B 37 Zuincunx

On 7th draw, DESEX D11 26 --- DESEX to castrate or spay [v]
Other moves: LODEN 12J 22, NEED K8 22, DEEN 12L 20, DENE 12L 20, DENI 12L 20

On 8th draw, MARG 12L 28 --- MARG margarine [n]
Other tops: GAUM 12L 28
Other moves: LAMAS 12J 26, LUMAS 12J 26, MAGS 12L 26, MUGS 12L 26, MUSAR N11 25

On 9th draw, GROK O12 27 --- GROK to understand deeply by intuition [v]
Other moves: GROK I4 25, GROVE E7 24, GROVET K3 24, KORE 12A 24, TOGGER O10 24

On 10th draw, AZIONES K2 86 --- AZIONE a musical composition [n]
Other moves: AZIONES K1 84, SENZA I4 48, ZA I7 45, SAZ I5 43, SEZ I5 43
SEZ I5 43 Pacific

On 11th draw, JIAO L1 55 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: JEAN L1 55, JEON L1 55
Other moves: YEAN L1 39, YONI L2 36, ZAYIN 3K 34, ANY L3 32, ONY L3 32
JEAN L1 55 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, JIFF 1L 51 --- JIFF a short time [n]
Other moves: BUFFI E7 32, BIFF I4 26, BUFF I4 26, BUFFI G5 26, CUFF I4 26
JIFF 1L 51 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, FAVORITE O1 95 --- FAVORITE a person or thing preferred above all others [n]
Other moves: FAVORITE N1 82, ZAIRE 3K 28, IZAR 3J 26, OVATE 11J 26, RAITA 2J 26
ZATI 3K 26 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, HEALD N6 38 --- HEALD to incline [v]
Other moves: AHED N5 36, HADE N6 34, HIDE N6 34, DAH N4 33, HAD N6 33
HIDE N6 34 ArcticFox
HADE N6 34 moonmonkey, HollyIvy

On 15th draw, AGILITY I1 76 --- AGILITY the quality of being agile [n]
Other moves: AGILITY G2 69, GAZAL 3I 34, GAY M5 27, AGLY M5 26, FY N1 26

On 16th draw, YU H1 33 --- YU a precious jade [n]
Other tops: YA H1 33
Other moves: CAY M5 28, CYAN 1G 27, YUCA 1F 27, CANY M5 26, FY N1 26

On 17th draw, CUBICA E6 30 --- CUBICA a type of worsted fabric [n]
Other moves: CUBICAL 4C 28, BUCCAL 4D 26, CICUTA E6 26, CAB M5 24, CACTI E7 24

On 18th draw, ZAP 3K 28 --- ZAP to kill or destroy instantaneously [v]
Other moves: VOTE 12A 22, POTE 12A 20, TOPE 12A 20, OBE 12B 18, OPE 12B 18

On 19th draw, QI H5 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BIOG G8 19, GOB D7 19, OBE 12B 18, TOGE 12A 18, TOTE 12A 16

On 20th draw, VOTE 12A 22 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other tops: VOLE 12A 22
Other moves: LOPE 12A 20, NOPE 12A 20, POLE 12A 20, PONE 12A 20, POTE 12A 20

On 21th draw, PLUG G1 20 --- PLUG to seal or close with a plug (a piece of material used to fill a hole) [v]
Other moves: PLU G1 18, PUB G6 17, GUB G6 15, GUP G6 15, UNPLUG 2D 15

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