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Game on April 11, 2024 at 15:35, 11 players
1. 325 pts SQUAW1
2. 265 pts LongJump22
3. 209 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bddeors   H7    24    24   desorb
 2. defilms   8B    66    90   medflies
 3. aemrsty  13H    86   176   streamy
 4. ?eilnot   E5    90   266   olefiant
 5. ?egiknz  12K    72   338   ozeki
 6. aelnpsy  14M    37   375   sey
 7. adeinrw  F10    37   412   weird
 8. aaeopqt  15E    31   443   potae
 9. aaioprt   I1    66   509   atropias
10. abenott   3D    61   570   betatron
11. aeilnnr   H1    26   596   lati
12. aceghnn   2G    30   626   eath
13. acegnqu   6B    36   662   quale
14. aegnnru   C8    70   732   enraunge
15. cdgioor   4A    26   758   doco
16. aginouv   5I    24   782   paving
17. ginouwx   4L    38   820   xi
18. fhioruw   A1    33   853   whid
19. gjnouuv   3M    42   895   jug
20. cflnoru  11H    24   919   rolf

Remaining tiles: cnruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7805 FileSQUAW1      4 12:45  -594  325     1.8736 LongJump22  3  3:03  -654  265 
  2.8736 FileLongJump22  3  3:03  -654  265     2.8578 Zuincunx    1  5:47  -757  162 
  3.7631 Filesicilianc5  5  4:16  -710  209     3.8577 Quincunx    0  3:02  -812  107 
  4.8578 FileZuincunx    1  5:47  -757  162     4.8598 Vuincunx    0  0:33  -852   67 
  5.7523 FileHollyIvy    1  4:06  -785  134     5.8634 Wuincunx    0  1:00  -852   67 
  6.8577 FileQuincunx    0  3:02  -812  107            Group: advanced
  7.8598 FileVuincunx    0  0:33  -852   67     1.7805 SQUAW1      4 12:45  -594  325 
  8.8634 FileWuincunx    0  1:00  -852   67     2.7631 sicilianc5  5  4:16  -710  209 
  9.  -  FileGGG333      1  1:57  -877   42     3.7523 HollyIvy    1  4:06  -785  134 
 10.  -  FileBBB333      1  0:56  -895   24            Group: not rated
 11.  -  FileDDD333      1  1:19  -895   24     1.  -  GGG333      1  1:57  -877   42 
                                             2.  -  BBB333      1  0:56  -895   24 
                                             3.  -  DDD333      1  1:19  -895   24 

On 1st draw, DESORB H7 24 --- DESORB to remove by the reverse of absorption [v]
Other tops: BODED H4 24, BORDES H4 24
Other moves: BODED H8 22, BODES H4 22, BORDE H4 22, BORDS H4 22, BORED H4 22
BODED H4 24 LongJump22, BBB333, DDD333

On 2nd draw, MEDFLIES 8B 66 --- MEDFLY a Mediterranean fruit fly [n]
Other moves: MEDFLIES 8G 65, FELIDS 13C 34, FIELDS 13C 34, SMILED 13H 34, SLIMED 13H 30
MEDFLIES 8G 65 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, STREAMY 13H 86 --- STREAMY streaming [adj]
Other tops: METAYERS C3 86
Other moves: METAYERS C7 84, MAYSTER 13E 77, MASTERY 13F 74, MASTERLY F2 71, MATEYS 13C 40
STREAMY 13H 86 LongJump22

On 4th draw, OLEFI(A)NT E5 90 --- OLEFIANT oil-forming [adj]
Other moves: (R)ITORNEL 11D 78, LINOTY(P)E N8 74, LON(G)TIME B2 72, MOLINET(S) B8 72, MONTI(C)LE B8 72
OLEFI(A)NT E5 90 LongJump22
OLEFI(A)NT E5 40 Quincunx

On 5th draw, (O)ZEKI 12K 72 --- OZEKI a champion sumo wrestler [n]
Other tops: Z(O)NK 12L 72
Other moves: ZEK 12L 67, ZEK(S) 12L 67, Z(E)K 12L 64, Z(O)NE 12L 56, ZINK(Y) D1 55
ZEK 12L 67 Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 6th draw, SEY 14M 37 --- SEY a part carcase of beef [n]
Other moves: YEANS F10 34, SPAYD D4 33, PALSY D1 31, PANSY D1 31, SEA 14M 31
SEY 14M 37 Zuincunx

On 7th draw, WEIRD F10 37 --- WEIRD destiny [n] --- WEIRD mysteriously strange [adj] --- WEIRD to cause to experience a strange sensation [v]
Other moves: WAINED F10 36, WAIRED F10 36, WAIDE F10 35, REWIDEN C7 32, WAID F10 32
WEID F10 32 Zuincunx

On 8th draw, POTAE 15E 31 --- POTAE (Maori) a hat [n]
Other moves: POET 15E 28, POTE 15E 28, TOPE 15E 28, QAT D3 26, OPE 15F 25
QAT D3 26 Zuincunx

On 9th draw, ATROPIAS I1 66 --- ATROPIA a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade [n]
Other moves: PATRIAL F2 25, APORIA D1 22, APORIA F1 22, PARTI D1 22, PATIO D1 22

On 10th draw, BETATRON 3D 61 --- BETATRON an electron accelerator [n]
Other moves: BEANO H1 47, BEAN H1 40, BEAT H1 40, AEON H1 28, NEAT H1 28
BEANO H1 47 HollyIvy, SQUAW1

On 11th draw, LATI H1 26 --- LAT a former monetary unit of Latvia [n] --- LATS a monetary unit of Latvia [n]
Other moves: ALANINE 1G 24, ALANINE 1I 24, INANE 2B 24, LIANE 2B 24, MANLIER B8 22
ALANINE 1G 24 HollyIvy

On 12th draw, EATH 2G 30 --- EATH easy [adj]
Other moves: ACHE 4A 28, CAGE 4A 28, RACH 11H 28, HANGI O8 27, CANE 4A 26
ACHE 4A 28 sicilianc5, SQUAW1

On 13th draw, QUALE 6B 36 --- QUALE a property considered apart from things having the property [n]
Other moves: EQUAL 6A 34, QUEAN 2A 34, CUBAGE D1 33, QUA 4B 32, CUBANE D1 30
QUALE 6B 36 sicilianc5

On 14th draw, ENRAUNGE C8 70 --- ENRAUNGE to arrange [v]
Other moves: GANE 4A 22, GARE 4A 22, GENA 4A 22, GRUE 4A 22, HONAN J2 21
GARE 4A 22 sicilianc5, SQUAW1

On 15th draw, DOCO 4A 26 --- DOCO a documentary [n]
Other moves: CORGI O8 24, NEGROID 11E 24, ORGIC 4K 24, GIRO 4A 22, GORI 4A 22
DOCO 4A 26 sicilianc5

On 16th draw, PAVING 5I 24 --- PAVING a pavement [n]
Other tops: AVID A1 24, VOID A1 24
Other moves: AVION 2A 23, GAUN B12 23, GUAN B12 23, NEARING 11E 22, VIGA 2A 21
VOID A1 24 sicilianc5

On 17th draw, XI 4L 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU 4L 38
Other moves: OXID A1 36, GOWD A1 27, WONGI O8 27, GNOW 2B 26, WIND A1 24
XU 4L 38 sicilianc5

On 18th draw, WHID A1 33 --- WHID to move quickly and quietly [v]
Other moves: FOH 3M 30, FROW 2B 30, HOW 3M 30, WHO 3M 30, WOF 3M 30
WHID A1 33 sicilianc5, SQUAW1

On 19th draw, JUG 3M 42 --- JUG to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) [v]
Other tops: JOG 3M 42
Other moves: JUN 3M 40, JO 3M 38, GJU 3M 30, JOE 15A 30, JINGO M3 28
JOG 3M 42 HollyIvy
JUG 3M 42 SQUAW1, GGG333
OE 15B 2 sicilianc5

On 20th draw, ROLF 11H 24 --- ROLF to practice a system of muscle massage [v]
Other moves: CORNI O8 21, CURLI O8 21, FOG O1 21, FUG O1 21, NOR 6M 21
FUG O1 21 HollyIvy

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