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Game on April 23, 2024 at 02:18, 5 players
1. 256 pts roocatcher
2. 219 pts sunshine12
3. 215 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?hiortv   H8    82    82   overhit
 2. anoqrtu  G13    45   127   qua
 3. eefnsuz  15E    78   205   zeas
 4. ceehlor  F14    27   232   he
 5. adefilx  11B    34   266   flaxier
 6. gilnopw   G2    68   334   plowing
 7. aeiilrt   2E    64   398   reptilia
 8. ?egiiot  10H    61   459   egoities
 9. bdeemos   K5   102   561   embodies
10. ejknnor   1L    86   647   jerk
11. dinostu   B8    78   725   outfinds
12. aeegipr   O3    83   808   pierages
13. abdoort   A4    42   850   board
14. acfnsuy   H1    44   894   stay
15. aceenou   1A    32   926   ounce
16. adfmnot   F4    35   961   noma
17. aeeftwy   E5    49  1010   waft
18. adertuv   M5    64  1074   durative

Remaining tiles: celnny

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6994 Fileroocatcher  2  3:30  -818  256     1.7622 sunshine12  2  4:18  -855  219 
  2.7622 Filesunshine12  2  4:18  -855  219     2.7761 GLOBEMAN    2  7:14  -859  215 
  3.7761 FileGLOBEMAN    2  7:14  -859  215            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  Filechunk88     1  1:50  -988   86     1.6994 roocatcher  2  3:30  -818  256 
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:43 -1046   28            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     1  1:50  -988   86 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:43 -1046   28 

On 1st draw, OV(E)RHIT H8 82 --- OVERHIT to hit a ball beyond a target [v]
Other tops: OV(E)RHIT H3 82
Other moves: OV(E)RHIT H4 76, OV(E)RHIT H6 76, OV(E)RHIT H7 76, OV(E)RHIT H2 74, OV(E)RHIT H5 74

On 2nd draw, QUA G13 45 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: QAT G13 45
Other moves: QUORAT(E) 10B 37, QUOTHA 12D 36, QU(E)AN 10F 35, QU(E)NA 10F 35, QU(E)RN 10F 35

On 3rd draw, ZEAS 15E 78 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZAS 15F 75, FEASE 15E 63, UNEASE 15D 60, FAS 15F 57, EASE 15F 51
ZEAS 15E 78 roocatcher

On 4th draw, HE F14 27 --- HE a male person [n]
Other tops: HUT 14F 27
Other moves: COHERER 11B 24, COHERER 11D 24, CHEERO 11D 22, CHOLER 11C 22, CHOREE 11E 22

On 5th draw, FLAXIER 11B 34 --- FLAXY flaxen [adj]
Other moves: HEXAD 12H 32, FIXER 11D 30, HELIX 12H 30, REFIX 11H 30, AXL(E)D 10E 28

On 6th draw, PLOWING G2 68 --- PLOW to turn up land with a plow (a farm implement) [v]
Other tops: LOWPING G2 68
Other moves: WIN 12D 33, LOP 10D 32, WOLFING B8 32, OP 10E 29, HOWLING 12H 28

On 7th draw, REPTILIA 2E 64 --- REPTILIUM a building for displaying reptiles [n]
Other tops: LIPARITE 2E 64
Other moves: ALIT 12C 25, LAIR H1 24, LEAR H1 24, LEIR H1 24, LIAR H1 24

On 8th draw, (E)GOITIE(S) 10H 61 --- EGOITY the essence of the ego [n]
Other moves: (Y)OGI 12B 29, TOG(A)E F4 28, TOG(U)E F4 28, (B)OGIE F4 28, (D)OGIE F4 28
GEIT(S) 1K 24 roocatcher

On 9th draw, EMBODIES K5 102 --- EMBODY to provide with a body [v]
Other moves: EMBOS(S)ED O5 92, EMBO(S)SED O6 89, EMBODIES 6B 69, EMBODIES M5 68, EMBEDS 1J 55
MOBE 1L 40 roocatcher

On 10th draw, JERK 1L 86 --- JERK to move with a sharp, sudden motion [v]
Other tops: JOKE 1L 86
Other moves: JEON 1L 74, JOKE F4 57, JINKER M9 50, KENO 1L 50, KERN 1L 50
JOKE 1L 86 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, chunk88

On 11th draw, OUTFINDS B8 78 --- OUTFIND to surpass in finding [v]
Other moves: DITTOS L8 32, DITTO L8 30, IODOUS 8J 27, NODOUS 8J 27, ODIST 3J 27
(S)TONDS O10 21 sunshine12

On 12th draw, PIERAGE(S) O3 83 --- PIERAGE a pier toll [n]
Other moves: PIERAGE C2 76, ETAPE H1 44, GRAIP A4 42, GAPIER F4 39, GRAIP L4 39
(S)AGIER O10 24 sunshine12

On 13th draw, BOARD A4 42 --- BOARD to supply food and lodging for a fee [v]
Other tops: BOORD A4 42, BROAD A4 42, BROOD A4 42, DROOB A4 42
Other moves: BARDO A4 39, DROOB L4 39, ADOBO A5 38, ABORD A4 36, BOART A4 36
AB 1H 22 sunshine12

On 14th draw, STAY H1 44 --- STAY to continue in a place or condition [v]
Other moves: FUNBOARD A1 42, SNAFU 1A 38, CANY B3 36, CYANS B2 34, FY B5 34
FY B5 34 sunshine12

On 15th draw, OUNCE 1A 32 --- OUNCE a unit of weight [n]
Other moves: CANOE 1A 26, CION 12A 24, ICE I2 22, JANE L1 22, ACNE 3A 21
OUNCE 1A 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 16th draw, NOMA F4 35 --- NOMA a severe inflammation of the mouth [n]
Other tops: FADO F4 35, NOMAD J4 35
Other moves: DAM 10D 34, DAM F4 34, DOM 10D 34, DOM F4 34, TOMAN J4 33

On 17th draw, WAFT E5 49 --- WAFT to carry lightly over air or water [v]
Other moves: YAW E5 47, WATE E5 40, YATE E5 40, YEW B4 39, WAE E5 38

On 18th draw, DURATIVE M5 64 --- DURATIVE a type of verb [n]
Other moves: TREAD L4 31, TRUED L4 31, AVIDER M8 28, JAVA L1 28, VIAE 12A 28
JAVA L1 28 GLOBEMAN, BadBoyBen, roocatcher

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