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Game on April 28, 2024 at 02:30, 5 players
1. 68 pts sunshine12
2. 39 pts roocatcher
3. 25 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beilrsv   H4    28    28   brevis
 2. ?efnpru   9H    67    95   superfan
 3. acnortv   K5    48   143   convert
 4. abeimnr   N2    76   219   amberina
 5. egilsuu   O1    34   253   gleis
 6. ?eeiimt   O8   146   399   enmities
 7. adenort  15H    77   476   tornades
 8. aaegiot   M2    27   503   geo
 9. adfhoos  14F    84   587   shadoof
10. loorsuy  12H    31   618   lousy
11. aelnttx  15A    44   662   extant
12. deiklqu  14B    40   702   eik
13. adegllt   6B    66   768   galleted
14. aaceipr  13A    39   807   arpa
15. adiiiuw  12D    36   843   wud
16. acehjno   5C    39   882   jean
17. acioquy   F2    34   916   quine
18. ahoowyz   I1    36   952   hazy

Remaining tiles: ciioow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7456 Filesunshine12  1  3:00  -884   68     1.7456 sunshine12  1  3:00  -884   68 
  2.7031 Fileroocatcher  1  1:47  -913   39     2.7031 roocatcher  1  1:47  -913   39 
  3.7636 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:45  -927   25     3.7636 GLOBEMAN    0  1:45  -927   25 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:31  -947    5            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:14  -947    5     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:31  -947    5 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:14  -947    5 

On 1st draw, BREVIS H4 28 --- BREVIS broth, esp. beef broth [n]
Other tops: VERBS H4 28, VIBES H4 28
Other moves: BLIVE H4 26, BREVIS H3 24, BREVIS H7 24, BREVIS H8 24, VEILS H4 24

On 2nd draw, SUPERF(A)N 9H 67 --- SUPERFAN an exceedingly devoted enthusiast [n]
Other moves: PREFUN(D)S 9A 63, (S)PURNER 5E 32, BEPUF(F) 4H 24, BEPU(F)F 4H 24, PREF(A)B 4C 24

On 3rd draw, CONVERT K5 48 --- CONVERT to change into another form [v]
Other moves: CANTON O4 33, CARTON O4 33, CRATON O4 33, CANNOT O7 27, CANTON O7 27

On 4th draw, AMBERIN(A) N2 76 --- AMBERINA a type of glassware [n]
Other moves: MIRBANE O4 42, BARMEN O4 39, BINMAN O4 39, BINMEN O4 39, BINMAN O7 33

On 5th draw, GLEIS O1 34 --- GLEI a type of clay [n]
Other tops: GLUES O1 34
Other moves: UNGLUES O8 33, UNGLUE O8 30, UNGUES O8 30, UNGUIS O8 30, GLEI O1 29

On 6th draw, ENMITIE(S) O8 146 --- ENMITY hostility [n]
Other moves: ITEMI(S)E 12F 80, (L)IFETIME M7 77, ITEMI(S)ER 5A 68, ITEMI(Z)ER 5A 68, MI(M)ETITE 11E 68

On 7th draw, TORNADE(S) 15H 77 --- TORNADE a thunderstorm [n]
Other moves: DENOTE 14J 22, DERATE 14J 22, DONATE 14J 22, FRONTED M9 22, ODE M1 22

On 8th draw, GEO M2 27 --- GEO a gully [n]
Other moves: FAGOTED M9 24, AGE M1 22, GAE M1 21, AGEE N12 19, AREA 10J 19

On 9th draw, SHADOOF 14F 84 --- SHADOOF a device used in Egypt for raising water for irrigation [n]
Other moves: SADHE N11 35, SHAFT 12K 35, FASH 12I 33, FADE 14L 30, HADE 14L 30

On 10th draw, LOUSY 12H 31 --- LOUSY mean or contemptible [adj]
Other moves: YO J6 28, YU J6 28, OOSY 12I 27, ROSY 12I 27, RULY 13H 25

On 11th draw, EXTANT 15A 44 --- EXTANT still in existence [adj]
Other moves: AX M6 36, EX M6 36, EXALTS F9 29, AXLE 6E 27, AXLE 11E 24

On 12th draw, EIK 14B 40 --- EIK to augment [v]
Other tops: EUK 14B 40
Other moves: QUIRK 5E 36, DEIL 14A 35, KI J6 34, DEI 14A 31, KEF M7 29

On 13th draw, GALLETED 6B 66 --- GALLET to fill in mortar joints with stone chips [v]
Other moves: DELL L1 37, TELL L1 33, GADE 13C 30, ELL L2 29, DALE 13C 28

On 14th draw, ARPA 13A 39 --- ARPA a top level internet domain [n]
Other moves: CARP 13C 38, CAPE 13C 36, PACE 13C 36, CARE 13C 32, PARE 13C 32

On 15th draw, WUD 12D 36 --- WUD insane [adj] --- WUD to cover with trees [v]
Other tops: WAD 12D 36
Other moves: WAI 12D 34, WAID 7C 28, AWE N13 24, IWI 7B 24, WAI 7C 23

On 16th draw, JEAN 5C 39 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: CHOANA A8 36, HEJAB 4D 34, CAJOLE D2 30, CAJOLE E2 30, CHOANAE C3 28
JEAN 5C 39 sunshine12, roocatcher

On 17th draw, QUINE F2 34 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: COY 7A 32, OY 7B 29, QUA N11 27, QI I3 25, YOU 11E 25

On 18th draw, HAZY I1 36 --- HAZY unclear [adj]
Other moves: HAZEL D2 34, HOW 7A 33, HOY 7A 33, HYE N13 33, JAZY C5 33
OY 7B 29 sunshine12
YO I11 5 chunk88
WO I11 5 BadBoyBen

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