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Game on April 28, 2024 at 22:53, 5 players
1. 163 pts roocatcher
2. 66 pts sunshine12
3. 48 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acelort   H2    74    74   locater
 2. ekmnrsu   5E   106   180   unmakers
 3. ?egijtw   D1    40   220   rejig
 4. aeimors   K4    70   290   armories
 5. ?biiilw   J9    36   326   twibil
 6. diinosv  13G    86   412   division
 7. aeilnox  H11    60   472   axile
 8. efghopt   L1    38   510   peghs
 9. eioortt   3A    26   536   trijet
10. adenoty   B2    78   614   aroynted
11. acnnort   M7    62   676   nonactor
12. adelnsz   8A    78   754   seazed
13. abfluuy   N8    37   791   fay
14. adooptu   O4    45   836   adopt
15. abeiruv  12D    37   873   vibex
16. ainruuw   N4    32   905   naw
17. egiloqr   9B    26   931   drole
18. efgiouu  10F    28   959   fe
19. ghioquu   1L    30   989   pugh

Remaining tiles: ioquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7019 Fileroocatcher  1  4:35  -826  163     1.7019 roocatcher  1  4:35  -826  163 
  2.7456 Filesunshine12  0  4:02  -923   66     2.7456 sunshine12  0  4:02  -923   66 
  3.7595 FileGLOBEMAN    0  2:04  -941   48     3.7595 GLOBEMAN    0  2:04  -941   48 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:52  -969   20            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:24  -984    5     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:52  -969   20 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:24  -984    5 

On 1st draw, LOCATER H2 74 --- LOCATER one that locates [n]
Other moves: LOCATER H3 70, LOCATER H4 70, LOCATER H6 70, LOCATER H7 70, LOCATER H8 70
CLARET H4 22 roocatcher

On 2nd draw, UNMAKERS 5E 106 --- UNMAKER one that unmakes [n]
Other tops: UNMASKER 5E 106
Other moves: UNMAKER 5E 52, UNMAKES 5E 52, UNRAKES 5E 44, MUCKERS 4F 30, RUCKMEN 4F 30

On 3rd draw, (R)EJIG D1 40 --- REJIG to re-equip [v]
Other tops: JIG(O)T D3 40
Other moves: WILTJ(A) 2F 39, JET(E)S L1 38, JE(A)TS L1 38, JE(D)IS L1 38, JE(S)TS L1 38

On 4th draw, ARMORIES K4 70 --- ARMORY a place where weapons are stored [n]
Other tops: ARMOIRES K4 70
REAMS 9D 20 roocatcher

On 5th draw, (T)WIBIL J9 36 --- TWIBIL a battle-axe with two cutting edges [n]
Other moves: BL(A)WS L1 34, BL(O)WS L1 34, LW(E)I J9 30, WILI J10 30, WILI(S) J10 30
WIL(L) J10 29 roocatcher

On 6th draw, DIVISION 13G 86 --- DIVISION the act of dividing [n]
Other moves: DIVISION 13E 67, VISIONED 7B 66, DIVISIONS 11G 63, VISION 15H 41, DIVIS 15F 38
VOIDS L1 32 roocatcher

On 7th draw, AXILE H11 60 --- AXILE pertaining to an axial [adj]
Other tops: AXION H11 60
Other moves: XENIAL 15E 50, AXILE 15G 47, NOXAL 15F 47, AXEL 15G 44, AXIL 15G 44
AXION H11 60 roocatcher

On 8th draw, PEGHS L1 38 --- PEGH to pant [v]
Other moves: FEH J4 37, PEH J4 35, PHOT 12L 35, HEFTS L1 34, GOTHS L1 32

On 9th draw, TRIJET 3A 26 --- TRIJET a aeroplane powered by three jet engines [n]
Other moves: TIPTOE 1J 24, ROJI 3B 22, OPTER 1K 21, LITRE 14J 20, LOOIE 14J 20

On 10th draw, AROYNTED B2 78 --- AROYNT to frighten away [v]
Other moves: DOTY A1 36, DRONY B2 34, TYED 12L 31, YET 6F 31, DONATED G7 30

On 11th draw, NONACTOR M7 62 --- NONACTOR a person who is not an actor [n]
Other moves: TAROC A8 39, NARCO A8 33, RACON A8 33, CAPTOR 1J 30, NATRON A8 30

On 12th draw, SEAZED 8A 78 --- SEAZE to grasp suddenly [v]
Other moves: LEAZES 8A 75, LEAZE 8A 72, SEAZE 8A 72, SENZA 8A 72, DAZES A8 60

On 13th draw, FAY N8 37 --- FAY slightly mad [adj] --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: BAY N8 35, BUY N8 35, FRY 14L 33, FAB N8 31, FUB N8 31

On 14th draw, ADOPT O4 45 --- ADOPT to take into one's family by legal means [v]
Other moves: POOT O5 36, POUT O5 36, APT O6 33, DAUT O5 33, DOAT O5 33

On 15th draw, VIBEX 12D 37 --- VIBEX a streak under the skin [n]
Other moves: ZERIBA D8 34, VARIX 12D 33, BREVE 2J 32, ZEBRA D8 32, RUBAI N2 29

On 16th draw, NAW N4 32 --- NAW no [adv]
Other moves: AW N5 29, PAWN 1L 27, TWA A3 24, MAW G5 23, UNLAW 2F 22

On 17th draw, DROLE 9B 26 --- DROLE a rogue [n] --- DROLE amusing [adj]
Other moves: GORA 11E 24, DIOL 9B 22, QI E11 22, PRIG 1L 21, PROG 1L 21
QI E11 22 sunshine12

On 18th draw, FE 10F 28 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: PFUI 1L 27, POUF 1L 27, FROG 14L 25, FRUG 14L 25, KEF I5 25
FET A1 20 GLOBEMAN, chunk88, sunshine12
EF 2L 5 BadBoyBen

On 19th draw, PUGH 1L 30 --- PUGH used to express disgust [interj]
Other moves: EH J5 28, HM 6J 28, THOU A3 27, THO A3 24, HOUT 6E 22
THO A3 24 sunshine12

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