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Game of May 16, 2011 at 00:08, 5 players
1. Faeythe -415
2. amin -429
3. Th.stle -660

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afnorst   H3    26    26   afront
 2. aabgisu   3H    22    48   abasia
 3. ?aijnrw   5E    52   100   jarring
 4. aeginoo   G4    20   120   orgia
 5. ?gmopst   7A    68   188   imposting
 6. bcdelos   A4    42   230   bodices
 7. ceeflox  10A    37   267   scolex
 8. eeimrtv   M1    64   331   viameter
 9. ddeinru   2J    34   365   didie
10. efinqsw   4L    34   399   smew
11. einoruy   8K    36   435   eyrir
12. aaenotz   C9    50   485   zonate
13. enntuuw  D10    24   509   lew
14. aelnqtv   1M    29   538   vav
15. eefilnn   E9    26   564   feel
16. ehiloru   6A    37   601   dhol
17. ehkltuy  14B    40   641   kelty
18. aegintu   E2    23   664   gaujes
19. dhnoqtu   2B    38   702   dought
20. aiiopqr   3C    27   729   prao
21. eiinqru   N8    72   801   inquire

Remaining tiles: aiinnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5347 FileFaeythe     2 17:54  -415  386     1.5347 Faeythe     2 17:54  -415  386 
  2.4379 Fileamin        0 25:23  -429  372     2.5675 sexybexy77  0  9:21  -688  113 
  3.3743 FileTh.stle     0 20:19  -660  141            Group: not rated
  4.3915 Filerawhiti     0 12:36  -686  115     1.4379 amin        0 25:23  -429  372 
  5.5675 Filesexybexy77  0  9:21  -688  113     2.3743 Th.stle     0 20:19  -660  141 
                                             3.3915 rawhiti     0 12:36  -686  115 

On 1st draw, AFRONT H3 26 --- AFRONT in front [adv]
Other tops: FRONTS H4 26
Other moves: FANOS H4 24, FAROS H4 24, F*RTS H4 24, F*TS* H4 24, FONTS H4 24
FRONTS H8 20 amin

On 2nd draw, ABASIA 3H 22 --- ABASIA a defect in muscular coordination in walking [n]
Other moves: AIRBAGS 5F 20, ABASIA 3C 18, AIRBAG 5F 18, BIOGAS 6F 17, AIRBUS 5F 16
RAGS 5H 10 amin

On 3rd draw, JARRIN(G) 5E 52 --- JAR to vibrate from an impact [v] --- JARRING the act of jarring [n]
Other moves: (S)WARAJ J1 39, JAI(L) L1 36, J(O)IN L1 36, WARRIN(G) 5E 36, JAWARI J2 34
JAI(L) L1 36 amin

On 4th draw, ORGIA G4 20 --- ORGIA a revel of debauchery [n]
Other moves: ERGO G4 17, FONE 4H 17, GEO 6F 17, AEON 6F 14, FON 4H 14
GAIN L1 14 Faeythe
JAG E5 11 amin

On 5th draw, (I)MPOSTING 7A 68 --- IMPOST to determine customs duties [v]
Other moves: MI(S)STOP L2 40, MIS(S)TOP L2 39, P(L)IMS L1 36, P(R)IMS L1 36, J(A)MPOTS E5 34
PA(I)NS J2 14 amin
IT L3 4 Faeythe

On 6th draw, BOD(I)CES A4 42 --- BODICE a corset [n]
Other moves: BOD(I)CE A4 39, CEB(I)DS A4 39, DOC(I)BLE A4 39, BOL(I)DES A4 36, CEBO(I)DS A3 36
SL(I)CED A5 24 Faeythe
S(I)DE A6 12 amin

On 7th draw, SCOLEX 10A 37 --- SCOLEX the knoblike head of a tapeworm [n]
Other moves: FLIX L1 36, SCOLEX E7 30, FIX L2 26, FLIC L1 26, COIF L1 24
FLIX L1 36 Faeythe
FOX D6 21 amin

On 8th draw, VIAMETER M1 64 --- VIAMETER a device for measuring distance travelled [n]
Other moves: PIVOTER C7 32, VOMITER C9 32, MOTIVE C9 28, VOMER C9 28, VOMIT C9 28
LIVER D10 16 amin
VIM L2 16 Faeythe

On 9th draw, DIDIE 2J 34 --- DIDIE a diaper [n]
Other moves: DIVED 1K 33, DRIVEN 1J 33, DIVER 1K 30, ERUVIN 1J 30, RIVED 1K 30
DRIVEN 1J 33 amin
VIN 1M 18 Faeythe
CRED B10 7 Th.stle

On 10th draw, SMEW 4L 34 --- SMEW an Eurasian duck [n]
Other moves: FRIS 8L 33, SEAFRONT H1 33, WREN 8L 33, FERNS 8K 27, FIRES 8K 27
WIRES 8K 27 amin
SERIF 8K 27 Th.stle

On 11th draw, EYRIR 8K 36 --- EYRIR a monetary unit of Iceland [n]
Other tops: WINERY O4 36
Other moves: WINEY O4 33, YONT 6J 29, YURT 6J 29, YOURN C9 24, CURNEY B10 22
LINEY D10 16 amin
OXY F9 13 Faeythe
WREN O4 7 Th.stle

On 12th draw, ZONATE C9 50 --- ZONATE arranged in zones [adj]
Other moves: ZOAEA C9 48, ZONAE C9 48, ZOOEA C9 48, COZEN B10 32, ALTEZA D9 30
OZONE C10 28 amin
ZOOT C9 23 rawhiti
ZONE C9 23 Faeythe
RAZE O8 13 Th.stle

On 13th draw, LEW D10 24 --- LEW tepid [adj]
Other moves: WEAN 12A 22, LUNET D10 20, VET 1M 20, WEM B5 20, LUNE D10 16
WEAN 12A 22 Faeythe
WENT 14B 14 amin
JUST E5 11 rawhiti
RUE O8 3 Th.stle

On 14th draw, VAV 1M 29 --- VAV the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: VEENA E9 28, SATEEN E7 24, CAVE B10 23, ELATIVE N4 22, LEAVEN 14B 22
VAV 1M 29 Faeythe
EVENT K8 16 rawhiti
VEAL 14B 14 amin
TRAVEL O7 10 Th.stle

On 15th draw, FEEL E9 26 --- FEEL to perceive through the sense of touch [v]
Other tops: FEEN E9 26
Other moves: NEF E9 24, EF E10 22, FELINE 14B 22, FENNEL 14B 22, NEELE E9 22
FELINE 14B 22 Faeythe
BEEF 4A 18 rawhiti
FEEL 14B 14 amin
BILE 4A 12 Th.stle

On 16th draw, DHOL 6A 37 --- DHOL an large cylindrical drum, used in Indian music [n]
Other moves: HELIO 14B 20, HEM B5 20, HEROE 14B 20, HIM B5 20, HOM B5 20
HEROE 14B 20 amin
HIRE N7 14 sexybexy77
HER 14B 12 Faeythe
HERO K7 7 rawhiti
LIRE O6 4 Th.stle

On 17th draw, KELTY 14B 40 --- KELTY a glass filled to the brim [n]
Other moves: YEUKY L8 30, BYKE 4A 26, KELTY K7 24, THEEK 14A 24, ETHYL K8 22
YELK 14B 22 sexybexy77
KEY 14B 20 Faeythe, amin
BULK 4A 20 rawhiti
LITHE N7 18 Th.stle

On 18th draw, GAUJES E2 23 --- GAUJE a fellow [n]
Other moves: TYEING L7 22, TAJES E3 21, ATIGI N6 16, EUGENIA K8 16, YENTA L8 16
BEAT 4A 12 amin
BATE 4A 12 sexybexy77
AKE B13 9 Faeythe
WATER O4 8 rawhiti
TOP C5 5 Th.stle

On 19th draw, DOUGHT 2B 38 --- DOW to do well [v]
Other moves: DOUGH 2B 36, NOUGHT 2B 36, TOUGH 2B 34, QUOAD 3B 30, QUAD 3C 28
TOUGH 2B 34 sexybexy77
QUAD 3C 28 Faeythe, amin
QUAT 3C 26 Th.stle
YON L8 6 rawhiti

On 20th draw, PRAO 3C 27 --- PRAO a swift Malaysian sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: QUA D1 24, ARPA 3B 23, PIKA B12 21, PIKI B12 21, OOP 5A 20
QUA D1 24 sexybexy77, Faeythe
PEAR K7 6 amin
YAR L8 6 rawhiti, Th.stle

On 21th draw, INQUIRE N8 72 --- INQUIRE to ask about [v]
Other moves: ENQUIRE K8 32, EQUINE K8 30, REQUIN K7 30, REQUIN O8 16, EX F9 14
INQUIRE N8 72 Faeythe
RUINER O8 7 sexybexy77
IRE O7 3 Th.stle

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