(4pts) (2pts) (1pt)
Username Point Victory Second Third Rtng
1. LongJump22 46057 11511 6 1 5952
2. GLOBEMAN 27190 4645 2914 2782 7695
3. sunshine12 21673 2166 5391 2227 7377
4. roocatcher 18561 2763 1806 3897 7072
5. Chelsea 18242 4393 312 46 7246
6. SQUAW1 16772 3557 1062 420 7863
7. Pacific 13882 2780 1139 484 9783
8. sicilianc5 7200 218 1504 3320 7650
9. Mycophot 7151 232 1290 3643 7502
10. HollyIvy 7103 425 1991 1421 7578
11. queen66 7077 262 1512 3005 7393
12. moonmonkey 7057 353 1440 2765 7342
13. fatcat 5924 1229 418 172 6375
14. babsbedi 4513 847 478 169 6819
15. Hammer22 4392 20 1670 972 6540
16. Discus22 4313 4 1061 2175 6450
17. ShotPut22 4257 28 1413 1319 6585
18. Javelin22 4236 11 1291 1610 6569
19. Papa_Sloth 3922 666 606 46 7020
20. Inkey 3788 843 193 30 8008
21. ArcticFox 3662 778 264 22 7144
22. Wuincunx 3301 7 885 1503 8775
23. Vuincunx 3282 10 951 1340 8625
24. Quincunx 3226 39 1089 892 8856
25. Zuincunx 3205 38 1140 773 8833
26. Xuincunx 1357 31 525 183 8835
27. vendanges 952 218 35 10 6873
28. Muincunx 581 142 6 1 7780
29. shanice 356 31 68 96 6879
30. BBBBBB1112 228 3 79 58 6587
31. LLLLLL1112 195 75 45 5646
32. Yuincunx 191 10 46 59 8688
33. MMMMMM1112 160 48 64 5636
34. OOOOOO1112 151 55 41 5851
35. NNNNNN1112 135 34 67 5740
36. CCCCCC1112 79 17 45 6805
37. Kuincunx 58 11 5 4 8475
38. BadBoyBen 54 4 8 22 -
39. chunk88 44 4 36 -
40. bt69 26 4 4 2 -
41. KKKKKK1112 24 5 14 5542
42. zelkovo 9 3 3 -
43. VVVVVV1112 6 2 2 7449
44. Moxie622 4 2 2902
45. maidyl 4 2 -
46. POMALO 3 1 1 7053
47. PPPPPP1112 3 1 1 5683
48. Ellwinie 3 1 1 -
49. lezaryne 2 2 3765
50. Chris19 2 2 3069
51. fadimanba 1 1 -
52. TeddyAmy 1 1 -
53. EEEEEE1144 1 1 -
In order to have a victory, second place, or third place count, 5 players must have played in the game,
or been in your group (except for elite and not rated).
While playing, the small red numbers 1,2 and 3 indicate actual positions to be added to this ranking.
Players who are inactive for more than 60 days are removed from this ranking.
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