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Game of May 29, 2011 at 09:52, 8 players
1. kellybelly -378
2. Davina -380
3. Faeythe -566

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaceenv   H8    30    30   encave
 2. aeefglt  11D    22    52   leafage
 3. benorst   K5   110   162   bretons
 4. ?aahijy   5H    72   234   jambiyah
 5. aelnors  14B    80   314   loaners
 6. addeitx  15A    64   378   taxied
 7. cdinouw   O1    48   426   winch
 8. abdhosw  13C    53   479   swob
 9. eknsttu   M3    26   505   skyte
10. ?ailmpr   6B    75   580   primula
11. adeirtu   B4    63   643   eupatrid
12. aefiipr   A1    43   686   frap
13. dentuyz   C3    40   726   entry
14. delmorz   8M    53   779   dzo
15. dmnoouu   A7    46   825   duomo
16. eegilou   3F    61   886   eulogies
17. iinqrtv   D1    36   922   vint
18. ghioqru  10F    34   956   hic

Remaining tiles: gioqru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7014 Filekellybelly  3 21:10  -378  578     1.7014 kellybelly  3 21:10  -378  578 
  2.6248 FileDavina      4 16:50  -380  576            Group: intermediate
  3.5463 FileFaeythe     1 12:12  -566  390     1.6248 Davina      4 16:50  -380  576 
  4.3325 Filelyndyloo    1 19:40  -646  310            Group: novice
  5.5871 Fileuna         0 15:38  -666  290     1.5463 Faeythe     1 12:12  -566  390 
  6.4098 Filelamlam      0 19:06  -671  285     2.5871 una         0 15:38  -666  290 
  7.4322 FileMel012      0  4:52  -822  134            Group: not rated
  8.4978 Filebramms22    0  4:24  -916   40     1.3325 lyndyloo    1 19:40  -646  310 
                                             2.4098 lamlam      0 19:06  -671  285 
                                             3.4322 Mel012      0  4:52  -822  134 
                                             4.4978 bramms22    0  4:24  -916   40 

On 1st draw, ENCAVE H8 30 --- ENCAVE to secrete [v]
Other moves: ENCAVE H3 24, ENCAVE H4 24, ENCAVE H7 24, VEENA H4 24, VENAE H4 24
ENCAVE H8 30 Davina
CAVE H7 18 kellybelly
CAVE H8 18 lamlam
NAVE H5 14 lyndyloo
VANE H5 14 bramms22

On 2nd draw, LEAFAGE 11D 22 --- LEAFAGE foliage [n]
Other tops: LEAFAGE 11F 22, LEGATEE 13G 22, VEGETAL 12H 22
Other moves: FACETE 10F 21, FACET 10F 20, FAG G13 20, FAG I13 20, FECAL 10F 20
FAG I13 20 Davina, kellybelly
AGATE 11H 12 bramms22
GAVEL 12F 9 lyndyloo
FLEET 8E 8 lamlam

On 3rd draw, BRETONS K5 110 --- BRETON a type of hat [n]
Other moves: BRETONS 14B 84, SORBENT 14H 84, BRETONS I2 63, SORBENT G2 63, SORBENT I2 63
BONERS K6 40 kellybelly
BETS K8 36 Davina
BEST 14F 24 lyndyloo
BENTS 14D 21 lamlam
BOLES D9 14 bramms22

On 4th draw, JA(M)BIYAH 5H 72 --- JAMBIYAH a Middle Eastern curved dagger [n]
Other moves: HA(D)J 10C 57, TH(U)JA 8K 54, JIHA(D) 12A 49, JHA(L)A L1 48, JHALA D8 46
HA(D)JI L1 40 kellybelly
JAY F10 29 lamlam, Davina
AJAR 6H 13 lyndyloo

On 5th draw, LOANERS 14B 80 --- LOANER one that loans [n]
Other tops: ORLEANS 14B 80, RELOANS 14B 80
Other moves: ENHALOS O3 33, SENHORA O2 33, SHOALER O4 33, AHORSE O4 30, ASHLER O3 30
SHARE O4 27 Davina
HOSER O5 24 Faeythe
LONERS 6G 24 kellybelly
SLAYER M2 20 lamlam
ROLES D9 10 lyndyloo

On 6th draw, TAXIED 15A 64 --- TAXI to travel in a taxicab [v]
Other moves: AXE 6M 61, ADDAX N2 60, AX 6M 55, EX 6M 55, XI 6N 55
TAXIED 15A 64 kellybelly
AXE 6M 61 Davina, Faeythe
EXITED 8H 15 lyndyloo
OX C14 9 lamlam

On 7th draw, WINCH O1 48 --- WINCH to raise with a winch (a hoisting machine) [v]
Other moves: DUNCH O1 42, CHINO O4 39, WINDAC N1 36, OW 6M 31, WO 6N 31
WINCH O1 48 Faeythe, Davina, kellybelly, lyndyloo
WOX C13 26 lamlam
WON 6G 17 una

On 8th draw, SWOB 13C 53 --- SWOB to swab [v]
Other tops: SWAB 13C 53
Other moves: HAWS 13A 52, DAHS 13A 48, DAWS 13A 48, WABS 13A 48, HAW 13A 47
THAWS 8K 45 Davina, kellybelly
WAS 13A 35 una
AH 6M 31 Faeythe
WHY M3 24 lamlam
SHOWED 8D 14 lyndyloo

On 9th draw, SKYTE M3 26 --- SKYTE to dart [v]
Other moves: ENSKY M1 24, SUNKIE L1 24, TUSKY M1 24, SKEEN J8 23, SKEET J8 23
ESKY M2 22 lyndyloo, lamlam
KEYS M3 22 una
SKY M3 20 Faeythe
TENTS 8K 18 kellybelly
KA F10 16 Davina

On 10th draw, PRIM(U)LA 6B 75 --- PRIMULA a primrose [n]
Other tops: PRELATI(S)M 8F 75
Other moves: L(E)MPIRA 6B 73, L(E)MPIRA N7 68, IMPAL(E)RS 3F 65, PRIMA(T)AL I1 65, PRIM(U)LAS 3F 65
(E)PIC 10E 29 Faeythe
PRAM 6F 27 una
P(E)RM 10C 26 Davina
(S)PA 8M 24 Mel012
PR(O) 6F 18 kellybelly
PRI(M)(E) J2 12 lamlam
PAIL D8 9 lyndyloo

On 11th draw, EUPATRID B4 63 --- EUPATRID an aristocrat of ancient Athens [n]
Other moves: DATURINE 9B 62, DAE 8M 26, DEI 8M 26, DIE 8M 26, DIT 8M 26
DUE 8M 26 Davina
DAE 8M 26 una
TREAD 10B 23 kellybelly
DREAMT E2 18 Mel012
DA 5D 17 Faeythe
DRUM E3 14 lyndyloo, lamlam

On 12th draw, FRAP A1 43 --- FRAP in sailing, to bind well [v]
Other moves: REIF A1 42, REAP A1 34, PICA 10F 32, ARF 10D 31, EPIC 10E 31
FRAP A1 43 Davina
REAP A1 34 kellybelly
FA A7 26 Faeythe, una
FRAME E3 20 Mel012, lamlam
PRAM E3 16 lyndyloo

On 13th draw, ENTRY C3 40 --- ENTRY a place of entrance [n]
Other moves: ENZYM E2 38, ZYME E4 36, DEY 8M 35, DYE 8M 35, ZED C2 32
DYE 8M 35 Davina
ZA F10 31 kellybelly, lamlam, Faeythe
DUE 8M 26 Mel012
DOZY 9J 21 una
ZEE 8F 12 lyndyloo

On 14th draw, DZO 8M 53 --- DZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZED D2 42, MOMZER E4 38, MELD D1 36, MOLD D1 36, MODE D1 35
MOLD D1 36 kellybelly
ZA F10 31 lamlam, Davina
DOZE A10 30 Faeythe
OOZED 9K 25 una
ZOOM 9J 18 lyndyloo

On 15th draw, DUOMO A7 46 --- DUOMO a cathedral [n]
Other moves: MOC 10F 28, DUO A7 27, MU A7 26, DUI D4 25, DOC 10F 22
DUO A7 27 una, kellybelly
MU A7 26 Davina
ZOOM N8 17 Faeythe
DOOM E3 14 lyndyloo

On 16th draw, EULOGIES 3F 61 --- EULOGY a formal expression of high praise [n]
Other moves: GLEE D1 28, GLEI D1 28, GOLE D1 28, GULE D1 28, REGLUE 2A 28
GOLE D1 28 kellybelly
GUILE 2C 18 una
ZIG N8 17 Davina, Faeythe
GLUM E3 14 lyndyloo

On 17th draw, VINT D1 36 --- VINT to strip of grapes [v]
Other moves: INTI D1 24, QI 2N 22, TI D3 18, TINIER J7 18, VENT(U)RI F2 17
VINT D1 36 kellybelly, Davina
QI 2N 22 Mel012, lyndyloo
VIM E4 16 una
QI K2 11 Faeythe

On 18th draw, HIC 10F 34 --- HIC used to represent a hiccup [interj]
Other tops: HOC 10F 34
Other moves: VIGOUR 1D 30, HO 2F 28, OH 10E 28, VIGOR 1D 27, HO 5E 25
VIGOUR 1D 30 una
HO 2F 28 Faeythe
OH 10E 28 kellybelly
QUIRE 8D 24 Mel012, Davina
QI 2N 22 lyndyloo

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