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Game of June 5, 2011 at 21:23, 5 players
1. bonggalita -484
2. Faeythe -488
3. FourShores -598

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeilorv   H4    78    78   variole
 2. addegst   9G    65   143   gladdest
 3. ?lnnotu   K5    82   225   nonadult
 4. abeiipu   J4    28   253   bapu
 5. ?elmoor   3C    85   338   rebloom
 6. cennorw   L1    29   367   crown
 7. aeeouxy   1L    48   415   coxy
 8. bddeotv   D2    28   443   devoted
 9. aaeenrt   N7    70   513   anteater
10. efjntuy  12H    46   559   jetty
11. efgiist  15L    42   601   fest
12. eeiirss  H12    33   634   jees
13. aeggips   8K    39   673   aping
14. afhinos  15A   104   777   fashions
15. aabkrwz  14B    46   823   za
16. bemnqru  C10    34   857   burqas
17. aceiikn   2J    53   910   carnie
18. agiiilr   8A    21   931   iridal
19. eghiiku  D11    57   988   heigh

Remaining tiles: iikmuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6978 Filebonggalita  4 25:48  -484  504     1.6978 bonggalita  4 25:48  -484  504 
  2.5663 FileFaeythe     3 16:24  -488  500     2.6322 Louis1      0  0:45  -950   38 
  3.5813 FileFourShores  2 13:50  -598  390            Group: novice
  4.5698 FileAtommotA    2  6:14  -869  119     1.5663 Faeythe     3 16:24  -488  500 
  5.6322 FileLouis1      0  0:45  -950   38     2.5813 FourShores  2 13:50  -598  390 
                                             3.5698 AtommotA    2  6:14  -869  119 

On 1st draw, VARIOLE H4 78 --- VARIOLE a small fovea [n]
Other moves: VARIOLE H2 72, VARIOLE H3 72, VARIOLE H6 72, VARIOLE H7 72, VARIOLE H8 72
VIOLA H4 24 bonggalita
VALOR H5 16 Faeythe

On 2nd draw, GLADDEST 9G 65 --- GLAD feeling pleasure [adj]
Other moves: GASTED 11F 27, STAGED 11H 27, DEADS 11D 25, DEGAS 11D 25, EGADS 11D 25
STAGED 11H 27 Faeythe, bonggalita
ODDEST 8H 9 AtommotA

On 3rd draw, NON(A)DULT K5 82 --- NONADULT a person who is not an adult [n]
Other moves: LUNAT(I)ON 5E 78, NONA(D)ULT 5E 78, NONU(P)LET L3 66, UN(M)OLTEN L3 66, NON(A)DULT J5 62
NOUN 8L 22 bonggalita
TO(I)L 8L 18 Faeythe

On 4th draw, BAPU J4 28 --- BAPU spiritual father [n]
Other tops: PEBA J4 28, PUBE J4 28
Other moves: BEAD J6 26, PIED J6 26, APE J5 25, BAP J4 25, PUB J4 25
PUBE J4 28 AtommotA
BEAD J6 26 bonggalita
PEAT N6 12 Faeythe

On 5th draw, RE(B)LOOM 3C 85 --- BLOOM to bear flowers [v] --- REBLOOM to bloom again [v]
Other tops: LE(G)ROOM 3C 85
Other moves: MORE(L)LO 3B 79, (T)REMOLO 3B 79, MOREL(L)O 3B 77, LE(G)ROOMS M2 70, MORE(L)LOS M2 70
MOOR(S) 11D 22 Faeythe
ME(T) L8 14 bonggalita

On 6th draw, CROWN L1 29 --- CROWN to supply with a crown (a royal headpiece) [v]
Other tops: CREW L3 29
Other moves: RENOWNS M3 28, WREN 4A 28, CREWE D1 26, ENOW L12 26, ERENOW D3 26
CROWN L1 29 bonggalita
WROTE N6 18 Faeythe
CLOWN F2 18 FourShores

On 7th draw, COXY 1L 48 --- COXY self-important [adj]
Other moves: YEX 4B 46, EXO M2 45, YEX G5 45, EAUX L12 42, EXO 4C 41
COXY 1L 48 Faeythe, bonggalita
COAX 1L 39 FourShores
EX M2 38 Louis1
AX G6 36 AtommotA

On 8th draw, DEVOTED D2 28 --- DEVOTE to give oneself wholly to [v]
Other moves: BOET 4A 24, BOTTED 12H 24, BE M3 21, BO M3 21, DEB G5 21
DEVOTED D2 28 AtommotA, bonggalita
DEBTED D2 20 FourShores
(*)B* 8K 16 Faeythe

On 9th draw, ANTEATER N7 70 --- ANTEATER any of several mammals that feed on ants [n]
Other moves: ANTEATER 12F 68, ARSENATE M7 68, ANTEATER N4 62, REATA M3 25, REATE M3 25
(A)NEAR 8K 22 Faeythe
ANTEATER 12F 18 AtommotA
READ 8A 15 FourShores
SENATE M9 12 bonggalita

On 10th draw, JETTY 12H 46 --- JETTY having the color jet black [adj] --- JETTY to jut out [v]
Other tops: JUTTY 12H 46
Other moves: FEY O6 44, JUTE O5 41, JEST M7 40, JUST M7 40, JETTY 6B 39
JEST M7 40 Faeythe
JEU O6 38 bonggalita
FEUD 8A 24 FourShores

On 11th draw, FEST 15L 42 --- FEST a gathering of people for an activity [n]
Other tops: FIST 15L 42
Other moves: FEIST 15K 36, FIEST 15K 36, JIGS H12 36, FEST M3 33, JEST H12 33
JIGS H12 36 Faeythe
FEG O13 28 bonggalita
FIGS C7 26 FourShores

On 12th draw, JEES H12 33 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: JEER H12 33, JESS H12 33
Other moves: REI 2L 26, SEISE O4 26, SIREE O4 26, RISE 13I 24, SERES 13K 24
JESS H12 33 Faeythe
JEER H12 33 FourShores
RISE O5 20 bonggalita

On 13th draw, (A)PING 8K 39 --- APE to mimic [v]
Other moves: PAISE O4 38, AGGIE O4 32, SEPIA O4 32, PEAG M3 31, PAGE O5 30
PAGE O5 30 Faeythe, FourShores
PIED 8A 21 bonggalita

On 14th draw, FASHIONS 15A 104 --- FASHION to give a particular shape or form to [v]
Other moves: FASHION C7 98, FASHION E7 84, OAFISH E5 38, FAH E5 35, FOH E5 35
FAH E5 35 FourShores
HINDS 8A 27 Faeythe
FAN E5 26 bonggalita

On 15th draw, ZA 14B 46 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: BARAZA B10 46
Other moves: ABRAZO F10 39, BAZAR C7 39, BWAZI E11 38, KAE 14F 35, KAWA C5 35
ZA 14B 46 FourShores, Faeythe, bonggalita

On 16th draw, BURQAS C10 34 --- BURQA a coverall worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: QUENAS C10 30, QUEME 13F 29, EMBRUE 13C 28, ROQUE 3K 28, BURDEN 8A 27
QI 7G 21 FourShores, Faeythe, bonggalita

On 17th draw, CARNIE 2J 53 --- CARNIE a carnival [n]
Other moves: AKEE 14E 38, KEEN 14F 36, KAE 14F 35, KINDIE 8A 33, ZACK 14B 32
KEEN 14F 36 FourShores
KIND 8A 27 Faeythe, bonggalita

On 18th draw, IRIDAL 8A 21 --- IRIDAL pertaining to the iris of the eye [adj]
Other moves: BILGIER 10C 19, GAID 8A 18, GILD 8A 18, GIRD 8A 18, GLAD 8A 18
GRAD 8A 18 FourShores
GIRD 8A 18 bonggalita
GAE 14F 17 Faeythe

On 19th draw, HEIGH D11 57 --- HEIGH used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: KUEH 14F 39, KUE 14F 35, GHEE 14E 34, KISH M7 32, HAIKU E7 29
HUE 14F 29 FourShores
HIE 14F 29 bonggalita
HUE M13 24 Faeythe

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