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Game of July 24, 2011 at 04:41, 8 players
1. 396 pts dizzylizzy
2. 393 pts step72
3. 283 pts Bez

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efijnu   H4    40    40   junkie
 2. ?eiiino   4H    24    64   joiner
 3. aaadeos   N2    23    87   dose
 4. eenpsuw   O1    32   119   pew
 5. aclosty   9B    68   187   acolytes
 6. adelmrr   M3    36   223   dream
 7. behlost   D8    84   307   botholes
 8. afinotu   K1    72   379   fountain
 9. imnoptx  E11    51   430   oxim
10. adefrtu   1H    48   478   truffe
11. aegkprt   J6    37   515   kae
12. degirtv  15A    38   553   grised
13. adelors   O5    77   630   loaders
14. aehruvz   F7    46   676   avyze
15. aanprtv   B6    77   753   paravant
16. abceiqr  10F    40   793   zeriba
17. ghiqrtu   E2    40   833   quight
18. cgiiorw  11I    35   868   cow
19. giilnry  L11    35   903   lingy

Remaining tiles: inr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5462 Filedizzylizzy  2 19:21  -507  396     1.6391 nderera     0  6:38  -791  112 
  2.4908 Filestep72      1 23:17  -510  393     2.6632 shanice     1  3:17  -832   71 
  3.5614 FileBez         0 14:50  -620  283            Group: novice
  4.4831 Filemarigold    0 14:28  -662  241     1.5462 dizzylizzy  2 19:21  -507  396 
  5.5743 Fileannelhynz   0  9:34  -696  207     2.5614 Bez         0 14:50  -620  283 
  6.4902 Filebramms22    0  9:30  -755  148     3.5743 annelhynz   0  9:34  -696  207 
  7.6391 Filenderera     0  6:38  -791  112            Group: not rated
  8.6632 Fileshanice     1  3:17  -832   71     1.4908 step72      1 23:17  -510  393 
                                             2.4831 marigold    0 14:28  -662  241 
                                             3.4902 bramms22    0  9:30  -755  148 

On 1st draw, JUN(K)IE H4 40 --- JUNKIE a drug addict [n]
Other moves: JEUN(E) H4 38, JIN(N)E H4 38, JI(N)NE H4 38, JUI(C)E H4 38, J(E)UNE H4 38
INJU(R)E H8 24 marigold
JIN(X) H8 20 dizzylizzy

On 2nd draw, JOINE(R) 4H 24 --- JOINER a carpenter [n]
Other tops: JOINE(D) 4H 24
Other moves: JE(T)ON 4H 22, JIN(G)O 4H 22, JIN(N)E 4H 22, JIN(N)I 4H 22, JI(N)NE 4H 22
JOINE(D) 4H 24 dizzylizzy
JOIN(T) 4H 22 bramms22, step72
JIN(G)O 4H 22 marigold

On 3rd draw, DOSE N2 23 --- DOSE to give a specified quantity of medicine to [v]
Other tops: ADOS N1 23, DAES N1 23, DOES N1 23, ODAS N1 23, ODES N1 23
Other moves: ADOS 10E 22, DOSE 10F 22, ODAS 10E 22, ODES 10E 22, SADE 10H 22
DOES N1 23 step72
ADOS 10E 22 dizzylizzy
DONS K2 10 marigold
SOA(K)ED 7E 8 bramms22

On 4th draw, PEW O1 32 --- PEW a bench for seating people in church [n]
Other tops: SWEEP O5 32
Other moves: ENSEW 10F 31, UNSEW 10F 31, SEWEN 10H 29, SPEW O5 29, EWES 10E 28
PEW O1 32 dizzylizzy
WEEPS 6J 28 marigold
PEWS 9G 16 bramms22
EE 5N 2 step72

On 5th draw, ACOLYTES 9B 68 --- ACOLYTE an assistant [n]
Other moves: C(R)YSTAL M3 47, LOCUSTA 5E 44, C(R)AYS M3 38, C(R)OTALS M3 38, C(R)Y M3 35
C(R)YSTAL M3 47 marigold
COSTLY 10F 32 step72
CLOYS 10D 25 dizzylizzy

On 6th draw, D(R)EAM M3 36 --- DREAM to have a dream (a series of images occurring during sleep) [v]
Other moves: MARLED O5 31, MARRED O5 31, MEDLAR O5 31, DERMAL O5 30, MURDER 5G 29
CREAM C9 18 step72
REMADE L3 10 marigold
DORM D8 9 dizzylizzy

On 7th draw, BOTHOLES D8 84 --- BOTHOLE a hole in a hide caused by maggots [n]
Other tops: BOTHOLES D5 84
Other moves: BLOTCHES C5 66, BELAHS 6J 42, BELAH 6J 41, BETHS 8K 41, HOSTEL 8J 38
HOSTEL D8 26 dizzylizzy
HE 8A 17 annelhynz
LOSE O5 15 step72
BATHES B8 13 marigold
STAB B7 12 bramms22

On 8th draw, FOUNTAIN K1 72 --- FOUNTAIN to flow like a fountain (a spring of water) [v]
Other moves: FOUNTAIN 6A 65, FITNA 8K 35, FUTON 8K 35, FOLIA E7 32, LOAF E9 31
OF E11 25 annelhynz
FOIST 15A 24 dizzylizzy
SNAFU 15D 24 step72
FANS 15A 21 marigold, Bez
FINS 15A 21 bramms22

On 9th draw, OXIM E11 51 --- OXIM a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: OX 10A 50, SIXMO 15D 42, TIX 8M 38, OX E11 37, LIMP E9 36
OX 10A 50 annelhynz, Bez
MAX B8 28 dizzylizzy
TAXI B8 27 step72
HOX 11D 26 bramms22
TAXA 6J 13 marigold

On 10th draw, TRUFFE 1H 48 --- TRUFFE an edible fungus [n]
Other tops: DRAFF 1H 48
Other moves: FARSED 15A 44, DUFFER 1H 42, RUFFED 1H 42, FARFET 1H 39, TRUFFE 1G 39
TURFED 1H 33 dizzylizzy
FREMD 14B 30 Bez
FLIRTED 13C 28 bramms22
FADS 15A 24 step72, marigold

On 11th draw, KAE J6 37 --- KAE a bird resembling a crow [n] --- KAE to serve [v]
Other tops: KEPT O5 37
Other moves: PARSE 15A 35, PRASE 15A 35, SEPTA 15D 35, KA J6 34, SEGAR 15D 32
TAK 8M 29 marigold
KEAS 15A 24 annelhynz
TAKER B8 19 step72
PEAKY F5 16 Bez
GRAPE B7 14 dizzylizzy

On 12th draw, GRISED 15A 38 --- GRISE to shudder [v]
Other moves: AVIDER B9 36, GRISE 15A 32, RIVED 10H 32, RIVET 10H 31, DIVERT L8 30
DRIVE L8 28 step72
REVS 15A 21 dizzylizzy
AVERT B9 16 Bez
DETOX 12A 15 bramms22
DE 10A 9 annelhynz

On 13th draw, LOADERS O5 77 --- LOADER one that loads [n]
Other moves: ORDEALS 10I 64, ORDEALS N7 64, DOSED F11 36, EDEMAS 14B 34, AEROS 10F 33
EAS 10F 27 annelhynz
LOADERS O5 27 step72
SOARED 10H 24 dizzylizzy
RACE C7 13 Bez

On 14th draw, AVYZE F7 46 --- AVYZE to advise [v]
Other moves: HAZEL E5 38, AZURY F5 37, HAZER B8 37, HAZE B8 36, HAZERS 11J 36
HAZER B8 37 Bez, dizzylizzy
HAZERS 11J 36 step72, shanice
ZA 8A 35 annelhynz

On 15th draw, PARAVANT B6 77 --- PARAVANT first [adv]
Other moves: PARAVANT B4 67, APEMAN 14B 37, TARPAN G9 27, POA 2J 26, TARTAN G9 25
POA 2J 26 nderera
UP J1 20 annelhynz
VANTS 11K 16 step72
POX 12C 12 Bez

On 16th draw, ZERIBA 10F 40 --- ZERIBA an improvised stockade [n]
Other moves: BARQUE 5D 36, CAIQUE 5D 36, CIRQUE 5D 36, BICE C7 29, CABRIE C2 29
BRACE C2 22 nderera
BEAR C4 14 Bez
BAC(K) 7E 10 step72

On 17th draw, QUIGHT E2 40 --- QUIGHT to depart from [v]
Other moves: RIGHT 11I 31, QUIRT E3 30, QUIT E4 28, HIC C7 26, HO 2J 26
QUIRT E3 30 Bez
QUIT E4 28 step72
UH J1 26 nderera
QUIT C4 21 dizzylizzy

On 18th draw, COW 11I 35 --- COW the female of the bovine animals [n] --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other moves: CORGI 11I 29, ROW 11I 29, CIG 11I 27, COG 11I 27, CROW C4 26
COW 11I 35 shanice
WIG F1 25 Bez
WIG 11K 24 nderera
GROWS 11K 24 dizzylizzy, step72

On 19th draw, LINGY L11 35 --- LINGY covered with heaths [adj]
Other moves: LYING L11 31, G*Y 2J 26, INLY 12J 25, GIRN F1 24, YIN L11 24
LING L11 19 Bez
Y*D 8M 18 step72
BOYING J10 14 nderera
D(R)EAMING M3 12 dizzylizzy

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