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Game of August 10, 2011 at 04:01, 7 players
1. 437 pts Hasni
2. 346 pts shaylag
3. 317 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aiiopst   H4    22    22   patios
 2. ?gginou   8H    80   102   outgoing
 3. aeoostu   K5    32   134   outgoes
 4. aacdefr  J10    39   173   facade
 5. aaenttw  15G    30   203   atween
 6. ?eilrtv  13F    80   283   trivalve
 7. eeiknno  12A    32   315   kinone
 8. abehior  14B    50   365   obeah
 9. abegirs   N2    76   441   sabering
10. dilnouy   O1    48   489   liny
11. aehmoty  15A    69   558   thyme
12. eimoruw  11D    34   592   wem
13. cdefino   9A    66   658   confides
14. adirrtz   J1    38   696   izard
15. eilrrsx   1F    45   741   elixirs
16. aeopqtu   7M    42   783   qi
17. ajlprtu   I3    39   822   ja
18. aloprru   M2    33   855   prao
19. delrtuu   2B    27   882   lured

Remaining tiles: tuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6053 FileHasni       2 25:10  -445  437     1.6053 Hasni       2 25:10  -445  437 
  2.6288 Fileshaylag     1 11:16  -536  346     2.6288 shaylag     1 11:16  -536  346 
  3.4692 Filegmills0     1 18:12  -565  317     3.6294 Kenpachi    0  6:01  -708  174 
  4.4867 Filecoffeeman   0 14:56  -705  177            Group: novice
  5.6294 FileKenpachi    0  6:01  -708  174     1.5104 lorispr     0  7:17  -746  136 
  6.5104 Filelorispr     0  7:17  -746  136            Group: not rated
  7.  -  Filetorbell92   0  1:27  -858   24     1.4692 gmills0     1 18:12  -565  317 
                                             2.4867 coffeeman   0 14:56  -705  177 
                                             3.  -  torbell92   0  1:27  -858   24 

On 1st draw, PATIOS H4 22 --- PATIO an outdoor paved area adjoining a house [n]
Other tops: PATOIS H4 22
Other moves: PATIO H4 20, PITAS H4 20, POSIT H4 20, PSOAI H4 20, PATIOS H3 18
POSIT H4 20 lorispr

On 2nd draw, OU(T)GOING 8H 80 --- OUTGOING a departure [n]
Other moves: GOU(G)ING G7 73, G(R)OUPING 4D 72, UPGOING(S) 4G 72, GOUGIN(G) G7 71, U(P)GOING G6 68
GO G7 12 lorispr

On 3rd draw, OUTGOES K5 32 --- OUTGO to go beyond [v]
Other moves: TOEAS G3 18, ASTOOP 4C 16, OAST G4 16, OUTAGES K4 16, POTAES 4H 16
GATES K8 12 Hasni
GOOSE K8 12 coffeeman
AT G6 8 lorispr

On 4th draw, FACADE J10 39 --- FACADE the front of a building [n]
Other moves: FACED J10 38, FARCED J10 37, FARAD J10 36, FARADIC M3 36, FARED J10 36
FARCED J10 37 coffeeman
FADER L2 22 Hasni
FETA 6F 15 lorispr

On 5th draw, ATWEEN 15G 30 --- ATWEEN between [prep]
Other moves: ATWEEN 15F 27, TWEEN 15H 27, TWEET 15H 27, TWEEN 15G 24, TWEET 15G 24
TWEEN 15H 27 lorispr
ATWEEN 15F 27 coffeeman
WATE 15G 21 gmills0
WANE 15G 21 Hasni

On 6th draw, TRIVAL(V)E 13F 80 --- TRIVALVE a type of shell [n]
Other moves: LIVETR(A)P 4A 76, INTERV(A)L N7 74, RELATIV(E) 13G 74, RIV(U)LET 14A 74, RIV(U)LET G1 74
FE(T)TLE 10J 10 gmills0
E(S) L10 9 Hasni
LIP 4F 5 coffeeman

On 7th draw, KINONE 12A 32 --- KINONE a crystalline derivative of aniline [n]
Other moves: KEENO L1 30, KOINE L1 30, KINONE 14A 28, TIKE 7K 28, TOKE 7K 28
KI 7M 24 lorispr
KENO N6 18 gmills0
KITE 6F 18 coffeeman
KINE N6 18 Hasni

On 8th draw, OBEAH 14B 50 --- OBEAH a form of sorcery of African origin [n] --- OBEAH to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: RHEBOK A7 45, HOKIER A10 39, BOHEA 11D 34, BORAK A8 33, BREAK A8 33
BREAK A8 33 gmills0, coffeeman, shaylag
KRAB A12 30 lorispr
BAH 11D 30 Hasni

On 9th draw, SABERING N2 76 --- SABER to strike with a saber (a type of sword) [v]
Other moves: BEARINGS N3 65, ABIES 15A 37, BIRSE N10 37, BRISE N10 37, BREAKS A8 36
BREAKS A8 36 gmills0
BIERS 15A 35 Hasni
BASER N11 25 shaylag
EA D14 3 coffeeman

On 10th draw, LINY O1 48 --- LINY resembling a line [adj]
Other tops: OILY O1 48
Other moves: DOILY 15A 44, NOILY 15A 41, IDYL 15A 40, ODYL 15A 40, DOILY J2 36
DOY 15A 30 Hasni
DOY O1 28 shaylag
DINKY A9 13 coffeeman
DOPY 4F 10 gmills0

On 11th draw, THYME 15A 69 --- THYME an aromatic herb [n]
Other moves: THEMA 15A 57, YEAH 15A 57, AHEM 15A 52, THEM 15A 52, MEATH 15A 47
HOYA 15A 45 Kenpachi
HOY 15A 36 shaylag
THEM L2 22 Hasni
HOTE 6F 15 gmills0
HEAP 4E 9 coffeeman

On 12th draw, WEM 11D 34 --- WEM a womb [n]
Other moves: WIREMAN 3I 32, MOWER L1 28, EMIR 11E 25, OMER 11E 25, OMI(T) J5 25
MU(T) J6 22 shaylag
WORM J2 21 Kenpachi
WOMAN 3K 20 coffeeman
MOW 14M 20 Hasni
MOTE 6F 12 gmills0

On 13th draw, CONFIDES 9A 66 --- CONFIDE to reveal in trust or confidence [v]
Other moves: FIEND L1 29, FINED L1 29, CODEIN L1 28, CODEN N11 28, FIDO N11 28
CONED G3 26 Hasni
FINE I3 19 Kenpachi
FONE G3 19 shaylag
COTE 6F 12 gmills0

On 14th draw, IZARD J1 38 --- IZARD a type of ibex [n]
Other tops: ADZ N12 38
Other moves: DARZI L1 36, RIZARD F4 36, AZIDO B5 35, IZARD F5 35, IZARD L1 35
IZAR I2 29 shaylag
ZA G5 24 Hasni
ZIN C7 22 gmills0

On 15th draw, ELIXIRS 1F 45 --- ELIXIR a medicinal beverage [n]
Other moves: ELIXIR 1H 42, XERIC A5 42, ELIXIR 1F 39, LEX G5 39, EX G6 36
SIX 7G 36 Hasni
LEXIS 1G 36 shaylag
SEX N13 31 Kenpachi
SOX B8 26 gmills0

On 16th draw, QI 7M 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: OPAQUE 2A 42, QI M7 42
Other moves: OPAQUED F3 39, QUEP L3 38, QUOP L3 38, EQUATE F1 37, OUTPACE A4 36
QI M7 42 shaylag, gmills0, Hasni
QAT 6F 32 Kenpachi
PACE A7 24 torbell92

On 17th draw, JA I3 39 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JALOP B6 36, JARP L3 34, JAP G5 33, PRAT M2 33, JARUL 2B 32
JA I3 39 Hasni
JAP G5 33 shaylag
JUT 6F 26 Kenpachi, gmills0

On 18th draw, PRAO M2 33 --- PRAO a swift Malaysian sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: PAR M3 30, RAP K1 28, RAP M3 28, PA M3 26, PACO A7 24
PAR M3 30 Hasni
POLAR 2B 22 shaylag
PLOD F6 13 gmills0

On 19th draw, LURED 2B 27 --- LURE to attract with something desirable [v]
Other tops: LUTED 2B 27, RULED 2B 27, TRUED 2B 27
Other moves: EDUCT A6 24, RELUCT A5 24, LUDE N11 22, RUDE N11 22, URDE N11 22
TRUCE A6 21 gmills0, shaylag
DUCE A7 21 Hasni

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