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Game of August 27, 2011 at 07:48, 9 players
1. 568 pts renmar
2. 556 pts margalang
3. 417 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aennot   H3    64    64   neonate
 2. acemors   5E    98   162   acrosome
 3. beinrst   E4    70   232   banister
 4. ?eehiir   6J    37   269   hiree
 5. ?ainttz   9G    77   346   tetanize
 6. aefgilu   8A    39   385   gulfs
 7. ceorstw   O8    52   437   escrow
 8. efikors   C6    92   529   folksier
 9. bdilopt   4L    28   557   plod
10. ailmory   F2    37   594   oracy
11. adeinop   O8    42   636   escrowed
12. adiltvy  10J    33   669   yad
13. aghilov  14J    36   705   hoagie
14. aeiimot  15H    36   741   tomia
15. aaeeguv   D1    34   775   vega
16. aeinuuv   B2    27   802   naevi
17. eilptux   7K    46   848   lex
18. beiptuu  11I    36   884   pube
19. dijntuw   A1    39   923   wind
20. ijlqtuu   O1    42   965   quid

Remaining tiles: jltu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6456 Filerenmar      1 31:21  -397  568     1.6456 renmar      1 31:21  -397  568 
  2.6298 Filemargalang   3 21:04  -409  556     2.6298 margalang   3 21:04  -409  556 
  3.4943 Filegmills0     1 17:09  -548  417     3.6770 reynaritz   4  9:44  -599  366 
  4.6770 Filereynaritz   4  9:44  -599  366     4.6274 Kenpachi    1  6:44  -787  178 
  5.5284 Filelorispr     0  8:17  -738  227            Group: novice
  6.6274 FileKenpachi    1  6:44  -787  178     1.5284 lorispr     0  8:17  -738  227 
  7.3974 FileJenn.Trz    1  2:05  -917   48            Group: not rated
  8.3332 FileZEHAVARON   1  0:29  -923   42     1.4943 gmills0     1 17:09  -548  417 
  9.3196 FileAlanna      0  0:27  -953   12     2.3974 Jenn.Trz    1  2:05  -917   48 
                                             3.3332 ZEHAVARON   1  0:29  -923   42 
                                             4.3196 Alanna      0  0:27  -953   12 

On 1st draw, NEONAT(E) H3 64 --- NEONATE a newborn child [n]
Other tops: ENAT(I)ON H2 64, ENAT(I)ON H3 64, ENAT(I)ON H4 64, ENAT(I)ON H6 64, ENAT(I)ON H7 64, NEONAT(E) H2 64, NEONAT(E) H4 64, NEONAT(E) H7 64, NEONAT(E) H8 64, NE(G)ATON H3 64, NE(G)ATON H4 64, NE(G)ATON H6 64, NE(G)ATON H7 64, NE(G)ATON H8 64, NON(M)EAT H2 64, NON(M)EAT H3 64, NON(M)EAT H4 64, NON(M)EAT H6 64, NON(M)EAT H7 64, NON(M)EAT H8 64, NO(R)TENA H3 64, NO(R)TENA H4 64, NO(R)TENA H6 64, NO(R)TENA H7 64, NO(R)TENA H8 64, N(E)ONATE H2 64, N(E)ONATE H4 64, N(E)ONATE H6 64, N(E)ONATE H7 64, N(E)ONATE H8 64, TONNA(G)E H2 64, TONNA(G)E H3 64, TONNA(G)E H4 64, TONNA(G)E H6 64, TONNA(G)E H8 64, TONNEA(U) H2 64, TONNEA(U) H3 64, TONNEA(U) H4 64, TONNEA(U) H7 64, TONNEA(U) H8 64, (C)ONNATE H2 64, (C)ONNATE H3 64, (C)ONNATE H6 64, (C)ONNATE H7 64, (C)ONNATE H8 64, (M)ONTANE H2 64, (M)ONTANE H3 64, (M)ONTANE H6 64, (M)ONTANE H7 64, (M)ONTANE H8 64
Other moves: ENAT(I)ON H5 62, ENAT(I)ON H8 62, NEONAT(E) H5 62, NEONAT(E) H6 62, NE(G)ATON H2 62
TONNA(G)E H6 14 renmar
(C)ANNOT H8 12 Alanna
NEAT(E)N H8 10 lorispr
(F)ONT H5 6 gmills0

On 2nd draw, ACROSOME 5E 98 --- ACROSOME a thin sac at the head of the sperm [n]
Other moves: AMORCES I6 78, CREMONAS 3C 78, AMORCES 10B 76, RACEMOSE 4A 76, ACROSOME 5C 74
MARCS G7 24 lorispr
COMES 10D 22 renmar
SCREAM 7D 14 gmills0

On 3rd draw, BANISTER E4 70 --- BANISTER a stair hand-rail [n]
Other tops: ATEBRINS E5 70, BARNIEST E4 70
BEST M3 25 lorispr, renmar
BETS M2 25 margalang
CRIBS F5 11 gmills0

On 4th draw, HIREE 6J 37 --- HIREE one that is hired [n]
Other tops: HEREI(N) 6J 37, HERIE(D) 6J 37, HERIE(S) 6J 37, HIREE(S) 6J 37
Other moves: HER(O)E 6J 36, HER(S)E 6J 36, HER(Y)E 6J 36, HE(A)RIE 6J 36, HIR(E)E 6J 36
HIRE(S) 6J 34 margalang
HE(A)R 6J 32 lorispr
HEIR(S) 12A 32 renmar

On 5th draw, T(E)TANIZ(E) 9G 77 --- TETANIZE to affect with convulsions [v]
Other moves: TETANIZ(E) N5 68, ZATI(S) 12A 56, RAZIN(G) G5 52, ZI(L)A D1 52, Z(E)TA D1 52
ZIT G7 48 lorispr
ZIN(G) G7 48 renmar
ZIN(C)S 8A 39 margalang
(F)EZ 10D 31 gmills0

On 6th draw, GULFS 8A 39 --- GULF a deep chasm [n] --- GULF to swallow up [v]
Other moves: ALEFS 8A 36, ALIFS 8A 36, LAUFS 8A 36, LEAFS 8A 36, LIEFS 8A 36
FLAGS 8A 33 gmills0
FLAG 4L 32 lorispr, renmar
FEG F10 30 margalang

On 7th draw, ESCROW O8 52 --- ESCROW to place a deed in the hands of a third party [v]
Other moves: ESTOC O8 46, COWERS O1 45, COSTER O7 43, ESCORT O8 43, ESCOT O8 40
COSTER O7 43 lorispr, renmar
WEST O7 37 margalang
CORSET N2 16 gmills0

On 8th draw, FOLKSIER C6 92 --- FOLKSY friendly [adj]
Other moves: KEFIRS 14J 58, KEFIRS O1 51, KERFS 12A 45, KIEFS 12A 45, FIRK 4L 44
FORK 4L 44 margalang
FORKS 14K 36 renmar
SKEER L2 18 gmills0
EF 10E 13 lorispr

On 9th draw, PLOD 4L 28 --- PLOD to walk heavily [v]
Other tops: PROBIT G4 28
Other moves: BOD 10J 27, BIPOD L8 26, BITO D1 26, BOT 10J 25, BOLDER L1 24
BOD 10J 27 reynaritz
BOLDER L1 24 gmills0
POLT 4L 24 margalang
BOLD N12 23 renmar

On 10th draw, ORACY F2 37 --- ORACY skill in oral communication [n]
Other moves: LACY F3 34, RACY F3 34, RICY F3 34, ICY F4 33, MARDY O1 33
MOLDY O1 33 reynaritz, Kenpachi
YO 10J 28 margalang
YA 10J 28 renmar
YARD O1 24 gmills0

On 11th draw, ESCROWED O8 42 --- ESCROW to place a deed in the hands of a third party [v]
Other moves: ZANIED M9 32, DONA 10J 31, AZIONE M8 30, ZONDA M9 30, ZONED M9 30
ESCROWED O8 42 reynaritz
ZONED M9 30 renmar
DOPE N12 22 Kenpachi
POND O1 21 gmills0, margalang

On 12th draw, YAD 10J 33 --- YAD a stick with a small pointing hand at the tip, used to follow text in the Torah [n]
Other moves: DAY N12 32, VITA D1 32, DIVA D1 30, TIDDY O1 30, YAD N12 30
YAD 10J 33 margalang, Kenpachi, reynaritz
DAY N12 32 renmar
VILD O1 24 gmills0

On 13th draw, HOAGIE 14J 36 --- HOAGIE a long sandwich [n]
Other tops: VAGILE 14J 36, VOLAGE 14J 36
Other moves: VIGA D1 34, HALO D1 32, HIDALGO L8 32, HILA D1 32, VOLA D1 32
LAH N12 29 Kenpachi
OH N13 25 margalang
HOLD O1 24 renmar
HIVE 14L 20 gmills0
NAH K9 12 reynaritz

On 14th draw, TOMIA 15H 36 --- TOMIUM the cutting edge of a bird's bill [n]
Other moves: OMIT 7J 29, ITEM 11H 28, META D1 28, ATOM 15H 27, ITEM 15H 27
TIME 15H 27 reynaritz
MEAT F10 24 margalang
TEAM D12 24 renmar
MATE 15G 23 Kenpachi
MAID O1 21 gmills0

On 15th draw, VEGA D1 34 --- VEGA a low fertile plain [n]
Other moves: VAGUE 11G 30, AGAVE B2 29, VAGUE B2 29, EUGE 11I 28, VEG 11I 28
AGAVE B2 29 reynaritz
EVADE O1 27 margalang
VEE 11I 24 renmar
GEED O1 18 gmills0
VEG 12B 14 Kenpachi

On 16th draw, NAEVI B2 27 --- NAEVUS a birthmark [n]
Other tops: AVINE B2 27, NAIVE B2 27
Other moves: AUNE 11I 24, AVID O1 24, NAEVI 1A 24, NAIVE 1A 24, UVAE 3J 24
AVINE B2 27 reynaritz
NAIVE 1A 24 gmills0, renmar
VEND O1 24 Kenpachi
AVID O1 24 margalang

On 17th draw, LEX 7K 46 --- LEX law [n]
Other moves: EX 7L 40, PLEX 12A 32, PLUTEI 11H 32, LEPT A1 30, LETUP 11G 30
PLEX 12A 32 renmar
XI A1 29 margalang, reynaritz
EX 10E 25 gmills0

On 18th draw, PUBE 11I 36 --- PUBE a pubic hair [n]
Other tops: PUBE A1 36
Other moves: TUBE 11I 32, PUB 11I 30, TUBE A1 30, BITE A1 28, BUTE 11I 28
PUBE A1 36 margalang
PUB A1 27 reynaritz
PET 11K 24 renmar
PIED O1 21 gmills0

On 19th draw, WIND A1 39 --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [v]
Other moves: JUD A1 38, JUT G7 37, JIN A1 34, JUN A1 34, JUT A1 34
JUD A1 38 reynaritz
JUN A1 34 margalang
WIND O1 24 gmills0
WE 4A 9 renmar
WIT H13 6 Jenn.Trz

On 20th draw, QUID O1 42 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: JUT G7 37, QUOTE N2 28, QI 12H 25, QAT 7G 23, QUIT H12 23
QUID O1 42 gmills0, reynaritz, Jenn.Trz, ZEHAVARON, renmar, margalang

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