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Game of August 29, 2011 at 13:12, 13 players
1. 554 pts danmarcy
2. 552 pts mylover81
3. 537 pts worsie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aadein   H8    68    68   naiades
 2. deiirry  G11    26    94   dey
 3. ?acfltx   I7    44   138   fax
 4. ?cekruw  12A    42   180   wickered
 5. aeeegps   J3    85   265   seepage
 6. aaehimn   K3    52   317   hemina
 7. beilort  14H    72   389   strobile
 8. belrttu   3G    32   421   blusher
 9. acglopr  11E    58   479   podagral
10. eforsuz  O10    84   563   fuzees
11. ahorsst   B7    74   637   shortias
12. aiimoty   8A    48   685   thymi
13. aioottw  12K    43   728   wootz
14. aeioqtu   N6    43   771   quote
15. deiinrt   4A    72   843   nitride
16. ainoouv   O5    40   883   vino
17. acginou   2B    35   918   angico
18. adilnuv  10D    33   951   lav

Remaining tiles: dijnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6375 Filedanmarcy    3 17:32  -397  554     1.7104 mylover81   3 14:13  -399  552 
  2.7104 Filemylover81   3 14:13  -399  552            Group: intermediate
  3.5876 Fileworsie      2 18:19  -414  537     1.6375 danmarcy    3 17:32  -397  554 
  4.6845 Filereynaritz   2 14:25  -477  474     2.6845 reynaritz   2 14:25  -477  474 
  5.5050 Fileginalee     0 21:38  -527  424     3.6467 marcous     2 12:26  -591  360 
  6.6467 Filemarcous     2 12:26  -591  360     4.6315 Kenpachi    0  4:41  -842  109 
  7.5806 Fileraggedy01   1 15:23  -591  360     5.6301 margalang   0  1:51  -949    2 
  8.4237 Filestrykyster  0  8:50  -736  215            Group: novice
  9.5555 FileVelly       1  5:51  -801  150     1.5876 worsie      2 18:19  -414  537 
 10.6315 FileKenpachi    0  4:41  -842  109     2.5050 ginalee     0 21:38  -527  424 
 11.3745 FileSuzette     0  2:59  -920   31     3.5806 raggedy01   1 15:23  -591  360 
 12.5885 Fileneyetifu    0  0:20  -924   27     4.5555 Velly       1  5:51  -801  150 
 13.6301 Filemargalang   0  1:51  -949    2     5.5885 neyetifu    0  0:20  -924   27 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4237 strykyster  0  8:50  -736  215 
                                             2.3745 Suzette     0  2:59  -920   31 

On 1st draw, NAIADE(S) H8 68 --- NAIAD a water nymph [n]
Other tops: AIDAN(C)E H2 68, A(R)ANEID H6 68, (Z)ENAIDA H7 68
Other moves: AIDAN(C)E H3 66, AIDAN(C)E H4 66, AIDAN(C)E H6 66, AIDAN(C)E H8 66, A(R)ANEID H2 66
DE(T)AIN H4 16 Velly
(P)AINED H7 16 worsie
D(R)AIN H4 14 ginalee
(P)ANDA H8 12 danmarcy

On 2nd draw, DEY G11 26 --- DEY a former North African ruler [n]
Other moves: DEY G7 24, DEY I7 24, DREY G6 24, DREY I6 24, DYER G10 23
DEY G11 26 mylover81, danmarcy, marcous
DEY I7 24 worsie
DAIRY 11G 18 ginalee
DRIED 12H 14 Velly

On 3rd draw, FAX I7 44 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other tops: TAX(O)L I7 44
Other moves: FAX F12 42, FLAX I6 42, F(A)X I7 42, F(O)X I7 42, CAL(Y)X I5 40
FAX I7 44 danmarcy, Velly, worsie, marcous, mylover81
FLAC(K)ED 12B 24 ginalee

On 4th draw, W(I)CKERED 12A 42 --- WICKERED made of wicker [adj]
Other moves: C(O)WK F10 38, K(A)W G7 37, R(O)CKWEED 12A 36, WEK(A) J8 36, W(O)KE F10 35
WRECKED 12B 34 ginalee
K(A)W J6 29 mylover81
W(A)CKE J3 28 worsie
EK(E) J9 26 Velly
CREW J5 22 danmarcy
K(A) J6 19 marcous

On 5th draw, SEEPAGE J3 85 --- SEEPAGE the quantity of fluid that has seeped [n]
Other moves: SEEPAGE J8 77, (S)EEPAGES 14H 74, SEEPAGE J1 71, PAGES J6 35, GAPES J6 34
PAGES J6 35 mylover81
GAPES J6 34 worsie, reynaritz
SWEEP A11 30 danmarcy, Velly, marcous
SEWAGE A10 30 ginalee
WEEP A12 27 neyetifu

On 6th draw, HEMINA K3 52 --- HEMINA a liquid measure [n]
Other moves: HEMIN K3 45, MIHA K5 44, AMAH K4 41, HAM 13C 40, HIM 13C 40
HIM 13C 40 marcous
WHIM A12 36 raggedy01, reynaritz
WHAM A12 36 worsie, mylover81, danmarcy
SHAME 3J 20 Velly
MEAN 5I 12 ginalee

On 7th draw, (S)TROBILE 14H 72 --- STROBILE the conical, multiple fruit of certain trees [n]
Other moves: BLOWIER A9 36, BOLSHIER 3G 34, BOWLER A10 33, BOLSHIE 3G 32, LORE L4 31
BELOW A8 30 worsie
BL(I)TE B10 24 reynaritz
BEL L2 22 marcous
WORT A12 21 ginalee
WORE A12 21 danmarcy
WRIT A12 21 raggedy01

On 8th draw, BLUSHER 3G 32 --- BLUSHER one that blushes [n]
Other tops: BLUSHET 3G 32
Other moves: LURE L4 31, LUTE L4 31, BLUETTE O8 30, BURETTE O8 30, REBU(I)LT B8 28
BLUSHER 3G 32 raggedy01
BLEE O12 27 reynaritz
BUTTER O10 27 mylover81
BEER O12 27 danmarcy
BELTER O10 27 ginalee
TUBER O11 24 worsie
BET 13M 22 marcous

On 9th draw, PODAGRAL 11E 58 --- PODAGRA gout in the foot [adj] --- PODAGRAL relating to podagra [adj]
Other moves: PODAGRA 11E 54, POLACRE O8 42, CALLOP H1 33, CALP H1 33, CARPEL O10 33
CALP H1 33 danmarcy, mylover81
PLACER O10 33 ginalee, reynaritz
COPER O11 30 marcous
WRAP A12 27 strykyster, raggedy01
WARP A12 27 worsie

On 10th draw, FUZEES O10 84 --- FUZEE a large-headed friction match [n]
Other moves: ZEES O12 69, FURZES O10 57, FEZES O11 54, FUZEE O11 54, FUZES O11 54
ZEES O12 69 mylover81, reynaritz, danmarcy, raggedy01
FUZES O11 54 worsie
FEZ O13 45 strykyster, ginalee, marcous

On 11th draw, SHORT(I)AS B7 74 --- SHORTIA a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: SH*T 13B 40, SHOT 13B 40, THAR 13B 40, HAS 13C 37, HAT 13C 37
SH*T 13B 40 marcous
THROWS A8 36 ginalee
SWATH A11 33 worsie
HA(I)RST B10 32 mylover81
WHAT A12 30 reynaritz, danmarcy, raggedy01
WARS A12 21 strykyster

On 12th draw, THYMI 8A 48 --- THYMUS a glandular structure in the body [n]
Other moves: AHOY 8A 42, TOMIA A4 41, MOLY H1 39, MOAI A6 37, MOAT A6 37
AHOY 8A 42 marcous
MOLY H1 39 danmarcy
AY A8 35 mylover81, reynaritz
OY A8 35 strykyster
MOLT H1 21 ginalee
THO 8A 18 worsie

On 13th draw, WOOTZ 12K 43 --- WOOTZ steel made in India [n]
Other moves: WAIT A12 25, WAT 13K 25, WOO 13K 25, WOT 13K 25, WALI H1 24
WAIT A12 25 danmarcy, strykyster
WOO 13K 25 reynaritz
WILT H1 24 raggedy01, mylover81, worsie, ginalee

On 14th draw, QUOTE N6 43 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other tops: QUATE N6 43, QUITE N6 43
Other moves: EQUITY C3 41, QUATE 4C 32, QUITE 4C 32, QUOTA 4C 32, QUOTE 4C 32
QUITE N6 43 reynaritz
TOQUE 4C 32 mylover81, worsie
QAT 7E 24 raggedy01
QI N9 20 ginalee
QUIT E6 13 Suzette, danmarcy
TOY C6 10 strykyster

On 15th draw, NITRIDE 4A 72 --- NITRIDE to convert into a nitride (a compound of nitrogen) [v]
Other moves: INDITE O3 43, TEIND O4 43, INTIRE O3 40, RIND O5 37, TIND O5 37
TEIND O4 43 Kenpachi
TRINE O4 37 mylover81
RIND O5 37 reynaritz
TIND O5 37 raggedy01
DINE O5 34 danmarcy
RILED H1 21 worsie
DELI H1 18 ginalee
TIN O5 16 strykyster

On 16th draw, VINO O5 40 --- VINO wine [n]
Other moves: WAIN A12 25, VAIN O4 24, OVEN L1 22, VAIN A1 21, ONO L5 20
VINO O5 40 mylover81, danmarcy, reynaritz, worsie
VAIN A1 21 Kenpachi, strykyster, ginalee, raggedy01

On 17th draw, ANGICO 2B 35 --- ANGICO a South American tree [n]
Other moves: ORGIAC 10A 31, GENOA L2 28, GENUA L2 28, AGONIC A1 27, WAIN A12 25
WAIN A12 25 danmarcy, mylover81
ACING A1 24 worsie
NAG 5E 21 Kenpachi
GAEN L1 20 reynaritz
CAIN A1 18 raggedy01
GAIN A1 15 ginalee, strykyster
SO 14B 2 margalang

On 18th draw, LAV 10D 33 --- LAV a lavatory [n]
Other moves: WAID A12 28, WAIL A12 25, WAIN A12 25, WAUL A12 25, LAUND 1G 24
WAID A12 28 worsie, danmarcy, mylover81
LAV 1G 24 Kenpachi
LAID 1G 21 raggedy01
LAND 1G 21 reynaritz
LUNA 1G 18 Suzette
AD A14 11 ginalee

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