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Game of September 8, 2011 at 09:47, 8 players
1. 680 pts Stranger
2. 637 pts charmz
3. 488 pts woofy1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?agginr   H2    70    70   naggier
 2. afiopru   G6    28    98   pfui
 3. aehiops   4B    78   176   esophagi
 4. ?aeillr   1H    95   271   sallier
 5. abeiisv   O1    45   316   save
 6. egnortu   C4    61   377   sturgeon
 7. deijosy  B10    91   468   joyed
 8. bdimmos   A4    43   511   odism
 9. adeeruu  A11    35   546   eared
10. acefiln  13A    26   572   reliance
11. abehntw  H10    45   617   bewent
12. bfilosu   I9    36   653   filos
13. aaiorty  14D    31   684   tay
14. abortuv   J8    29   713   tab
15. acnorux   3H    36   749   axon
16. ehmoruz  D12    46   795   ritz
17. deimtuw   8J    33   828   tedium
18. aeeikot   7M    29   857   koa
19. einoqtw   M3    30   887   twinkie
20. ehortuv   E3    28   915   uphove

Remaining tiles: cqrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7021 FileStranger    9 16:20  -235  680     1.7021 Stranger    9 16:20  -235  680 
  2.6249 Filecharmz      4 18:45  -278  637            Group: intermediate
  3.6744 Filewoofy1      4 20:12  -427  488     1.6249 charmz      4 18:45  -278  637 
  4.5599 Filesabs        2 12:16  -632  283     2.6744 woofy1      4 20:12  -427  488 
  5.3465 FileZEHAVARON   2  8:53  -683  232     3.6911 yab         0  3:20  -855   60 
  6.6911 Fileyab         0  3:20  -855   60            Group: novice
  7.5217 Fileginalee     0  2:37  -883   32     1.5599 sabs        2 12:16  -632  283 
  8.5614 FileVelly       0  0:38  -895   20     2.5217 ginalee     0  2:37  -883   32 
                                             3.5614 Velly       0  0:38  -895   20 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3465 ZEHAVARON   2  8:53  -683  232 

On 1st draw, NAGGI(E)R H2 70 --- NAGGY given to nagging [adj]
Other tops: ARG(L)ING H2 70, ARG(L)ING H6 70, ARG(U)ING H2 70, ARG(U)ING H6 70, GAR(B)ING H4 70, GAR(B)ING H6 70, GAR(R)ING H4 70, GAR(R)ING H6 70, GA(R)RING H4 70, GA(R)RING H6 70, GRA(C)ING H4 70, GRA(C)ING H6 70, GRA(D)ING H4 70, GRA(D)ING H6 70, GRA(P)ING H4 70, GRA(P)ING H6 70, GRA(T)ING H4 70, GRA(T)ING H6 70, GRA(V)ING H4 70, GRA(V)ING H6 70, GRA(Y)ING H4 70, GRA(Y)ING H6 70, GRA(Z)ING H4 70, GRA(Z)ING H6 70, GRINGA(S) H4 70, GRINGA(S) H8 70, G(E)ARING H4 70, G(E)ARING H6 70, G(L)ARING H4 70, G(L)ARING H6 70, NIGGAR(D) H2 70, RAGGIN(G) H2 70, RAGING(S) H2 70, RAGING(S) H7 70, RAG(G)ING H2 70, RAG(G)ING H6 70, RANGI(N)G H6 70, RA(G)GING H6 70, RA(N)GING H6 70, (B)ARGING H6 70, (P)ARGING H6 70, (S)IRGANG H6 70, (T)ARGING H6 70
Other moves: ARG(L)ING H3 68, ARG(L)ING H4 68, ARG(L)ING H7 68, ARG(L)ING H8 68, ARG(U)ING H3 68
RAGGIN(G) H2 20 Stranger
GRA(D)ING H4 20 Velly

On 2nd draw, PFUI G6 28 --- PFUI phooey [interj]
Other moves: FAP G7 25, FOP G7 25, APORIA 3H 22, FAIR G7 22, FARO G7 22
FOP G7 25 Stranger
FAP G7 25 charmz

On 3rd draw, ESOPHAGI 4B 78 --- ESOPHAGI tubes connecting the mouth to the stomach [n] --- ESOPHAGUS the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach [n]
Other moves: APHONIES 2D 73, HEAPS 1D 69, HOPES 1D 69, APHIS 1D 60, EPHAS 1D 60
HOPES 1D 69 Stranger, charmz

On 4th draw, (S)ALLIER 1H 95 --- SALLIER one that sallies [n]
Other tops: RALLIE(S) 1B 95
Other moves: PALLI(D)ER E4 86, PERILLA(S) E4 86, PILLARE(D) E4 86, PILLA(G)ER E4 86, R(U)ELLIA I6 69
RALLIE(S) 1B 45 Stranger
(S)ALLIER 1H 45 charmz

On 5th draw, SAVE O1 45 --- SAVE to rescue from danger, injury, or loss [v]
Other moves: SABE O1 42, SAV O1 39, SAB O1 36, SIB O1 36, SAE O1 30
SAVE O1 45 Stranger, charmz, ZEHAVARON

On 6th draw, STURGEON C4 61 --- STURGEON an edible fish [n]
Other moves: TONGER A3 40, TONGUE A3 40, ERGON A1 37, ERGOT A1 37, ORGUE A4 37
GUNTER 5J 22 Stranger
ROE 5D 21 woofy1
GREN 3A 18 charmz

On 7th draw, JOYED B10 91 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JOEYS B10 89, JEDIS B10 85, JOEY B10 57, JOYS B10 57, JOY B10 56
JOYED B10 91 Stranger, charmz
JOEYS B10 89 woofy1

On 8th draw, ODISM A4 43 --- ODISM belief in the power of od [n]
Other moves: BOIS A12 42, MYSID 12A 38, MISO A1 37, OBIS A12 34, MAMBOS 3G 32
BOIS A12 42 Stranger
OBIS A12 34 charmz
BODS D10 29 woofy1

On 9th draw, EARED A11 35 --- EAR to form the fruiting head of a cereal [v] --- EARED having ears [adj]
Other moves: ARED A12 29, AREDE D9 27, DEER D9 26, DREE D9 26, ARED D9 25
EARED A11 35 Stranger, charmz, woofy1
RAD A13 17 sabs

On 10th draw, RELIANCE 13A 26 --- RELIANCE confident or trustful dependence [n]
Other tops: ENJOYED B8 26
Other moves: FACILE F8 25, FLEA 2L 25, CAFE F8 24, FAAN 3G 24, FAA 3G 23
CAFE F8 24 woofy1
REFACE 13A 22 charmz
PLACE E4 18 sabs
FACE 4L 18 Stranger

On 11th draw, BEWENT H10 45 --- BEGO to beset [v]
Other tops: WHEAT H11 45, WHEEN H11 45
Other moves: HEWN H12 42, THEBE H11 42, WHATEN 12H 41, ATWEEN H10 39, H*B* H12 39
WHEAT H11 45 sabs, ZEHAVARON, Stranger
HEWN H12 42 charmz
WHEAT 12H 39 woofy1

On 12th draw, FILOS I9 36 --- FILO very thin pastry dough [n]
Other moves: FABS 3G 32, FAB 3G 31, BUFOS 5K 28, FLUBS 5K 28, OBAS 3F 25
FLUBS 5K 28 Stranger, charmz
FOBS F8 23 woofy1
FLABS E11 20 sabs

On 13th draw, TAY 14D 31 --- TAY tea [n]
Other tops: TRY 14D 31
Other moves: AY 14E 28, OTARY 5K 27, RYOT J8 27, AY I6 26, RAIYAT J5 25
TRY 14D 31 sabs
TAY 14D 31 woofy1, Stranger
TRAY 5L 18 charmz

On 14th draw, TAB J8 29 --- TAB to provide with an identifying mark [v]
Other tops: ABATOR 3H 29
Other moves: AB J9 28, ABATOR 3F 27, *B* 12D 27, ORB D8 24, OUTBAR 5J 24
TAB J8 29 Stranger, woofy1, charmz
VAPOUR E2 22 sabs

On 15th draw, AXON 3H 36 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other tops: CAXON K5 36, COXA F8 36
Other moves: COX F8 35, AX 3H 34, XI I3 34, NOX F8 31, CAXON 2D 30
COXA F8 36 woofy1
AXON 3H 36 Stranger
COAX K6 28 charmz, yab
COX K7 27 sabs

On 16th draw, RITZ D12 46 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other moves: MOZE N4 39, MOZ N4 38, THEM 5C 38, PIEZO 6G 36, REZ N4 34
MOZE K5 32 woofy1, yab
ZIT D12 24 sabs, charmz

On 17th draw, TEDIUM 8J 33 --- TEDIUM the state of being tedious [n]
Other moves: WIMPED E1 28, WITED 5K 27, WITED K5 27, IDEM L1 26, MUTED 5K 25
WITED K5 27 Stranger, woofy1
WEID K6 17 charmz
WIDE B1 16 sabs
EMIT M1 12 ginalee

On 18th draw, KOA 7M 29 --- KOA a timber tree [n]
Other moves: EEK 7K 28, EIK 7K 28, OAK 7K 28, OIK 7K 28, TAK 7K 28
KOA 7M 29 Stranger
TAK 7K 28 charmz, woofy1
KEPT E2 20 ginalee
KITE M7 14 sabs

On 19th draw, TWINKIE M3 30 --- TWINKIE a young, attractive person of little experience [n]
Other moves: ENJOYED B8 26, ENOW L3 26, NEWTON 14H 26, TWO 5C 25, EWT L3 24
QI F9 24 sabs
NOWT F8 20 woofy1
TEW K7 15 Stranger
WINE K5 14 charmz

On 20th draw, UPHOVE E3 28 --- UPHEAVE to heave up [v]
Other tops: HOVER K5 28
Other moves: EH I6 26, UH I6 26, OH L4 25, THE 5C 25, THO 5C 25
HOVER K5 28 Stranger
OH L4 25 sabs, charmz, woofy1

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