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Game of September 17, 2011 at 14:44, 2 players - after 17 words played
1. 297 pts Suzette
2. 96 pts SuperH

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. biopqrt   H4    26    26   probit
 2. eghlrty   I6    36    62   hyte
 3. ?eeinuv   5A    70   132   unveiler
 4. aemnrst  10B    78   210   martens
 5. acilmsw   J2    44   254   claims
 6. adeijlo   A3    45   299   jouled
 7. ?fglooz   9B    47   346   azo
 8. adeefns   J9    69   415   deafens
 9. eginrtt  15C    80   495   gitterns
10. aadlnsv  A10    34   529   sandal
11. ahilotx   D7    40   569   thorax
12. aioruuw   3A    32   601   jowari
13. dginruy  12J    34   635   fringy
14. cdefioo   O7    45   680   codify
15. eeiprvw   B2    37   717   pownie
16. aekloou  N10    39   756   keg
17. aabeloq   C8    46   802   azalea

Remaining tiles: begioooqruuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4271 FileSuzette     0 15:09  -505  297     1.7216 SuperH      0  1:27  -706   96 
  2.7216 FileSuperH      0  1:27  -706   96            Group: not rated
                                             1.4271 Suzette     0 15:09  -505  297 

On 1st draw, PROBIT H4 26 --- PROBIT a unit of statistical probability [n]
Other moves: PROBIT H3 22, PROBIT H7 22, PROBIT H8 22, QI H7 22, QI H8 22
BRIT H6 12 Suzette

On 2nd draw, HYTE I6 36 --- HYTE insane [adj]
Other moves: LYTHE 10G 33, THEY 10E 32, HEY 10F 31, YEH 10H 31, HYLEG 10G 28
THEY 9H 14 Suzette

On 3rd draw, UNVEI(L)ER 5A 70 --- UNVEILER one who unveils [n]
Other moves: NEIVE(S) 10C 26, NIEVE(S) 10C 26, EEVN(S) 10D 25, NEVE(S) 10D 25, NEVU(S) 10D 25
P(R)UNE 4H 12 Suzette

On 4th draw, MARTENS 10B 78 --- MARTEN a carnivorous mammal [n]
Other moves: REMNANTS B2 74, REMANETS D4 72, MINARETS E4 70, SMARTEN J9 70, SARMENT J8 69
MUNSTER A4 36 Suzette

On 5th draw, CLAIMS J2 44 --- CLAIM to demand as one's due [v]
Other moves: CWMS A7 43, UMIACS A5 40, AMICUS A1 39, CWMS J4 39, LACMUS A1 39
WARMS D8 28 Suzette

On 6th draw, JOULED A3 45 --- JOULE to bump [v]
Other moves: JAILED C9 44, JAILED D1 44, JERID D8 42, JAI 9C 39, JOE 9C 39
JIVED C3 36 Suzette

On 7th draw, (A)ZO 9B 47 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZLO(T)E D1 46, ZOR(I)L D8 46, ZOR(R)O D8 46, ZO(A) 9C 45, ZO(S) 9C 45
ZE(A)L D4 24 Suzette

On 8th draw, DEAFENS J9 69 --- DEAFEN to make deaf [v]
Other moves: SEANED A10 34, EFS K4 33, SEED 11C 32, FADE 11D 31, FLENSED 3I 30
FEEDS D3 18 Suzette

On 9th draw, GITTERNS 15C 80 --- GITTERN a medieval guitar [n] --- GITTERN to play a medieval guitar [v]
Other moves: JETTING 3A 34, GEIT 11C 32, ZANIER C9 30, ZAIRE C9 28, ZANTE C9 28
SITTER 15J 21 Suzette

On 10th draw, SANDAL A10 34 --- SANDAL to provide with sandals (light, open shoes) [v]
Other moves: JANDALS 3A 32, SALAD K9 31, JAVAS 3A 30, ANDS K3 29, JANDAL 3A 28
SAVED 13G 14 Suzette

On 11th draw, THORAX D7 40 --- THORAX the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen [n]
Other moves: AX B13 39, OX B13 39, AX K10 38, HELIX 13I 38, LAX K11 38
HEX D4 26 Suzette

On 12th draw, JOWARI 3A 32 --- JOWARI durra (Indian millet) [n]
Other moves: JOWAR 3A 30, WAR K11 29, RAWN B2 28, JAW 3A 26, JOW 3A 26
WAI(L) F2 14 Suzette

On 13th draw, FRINGY 12J 34 --- FRINGY resembling a fringe [adj]
Other moves: TYIN E10 33, GAID 11C 32, RYND K8 32, YERDING 13I 32, DYEING 13H 30
FIND 12J 16 Suzette

On 14th draw, CODIFY O7 45 --- CODIFY to put into the form of a code [v]
Other moves: DEIFY O8 36, DIOECY O7 36, EDIFY O8 36, FOODY O8 36, FOGIE N10 34
FLOOD 3I 26 Suzette

On 15th draw, POWNIE B2 37 --- POWNIE a pony [n]
Other moves: PAIRE 11C 36, PAIR 11C 32, TRIVET E10 31, WEAVE D1 30, PEG N10 27
PIG N10 27 SuperH

On 16th draw, KEG N10 39 --- KEG a small barrel [n] --- KEG to store in a keg (a small barrel) [v]
Other moves: LAKE 2D 38, LEK N8 38, LEKU 2D 38, LOKE 2D 38, LUKE 2D 38
OAK N8 38 SuperH

On 17th draw, AZALEA C8 46 --- AZALEA a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: QIB(L)A F2 37, QI F2 31, LOBE 2D 26, LAB 2D 25, LOB 2D 25
QI F2 31 SuperH

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