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Game of September 24, 2011 at 08:44, 8 players - after 15 words played
1. 299 pts lorispr
2. 297 pts fatcat
3. 283 pts Cruiser

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehlrrs   H3    26    26   sharer
 2. ?abdgsu   6D    71    97   subgrade
 3. aceitwy   4D    34   131   witchy
 4. afhnost   C1    40   171   hafts
 5. aellnru   1A    30   201   unheal
 6. adoouvz   B5    34   235   azo
 7. eggmnos   8A    49   284   gnomes
 8. ?einotu   8H    74   358   routines
 9. adeelnq   1A    36   394   unhealed
10. cegilnr   O1    83   477   cringles
11. inortuv   K5    94   571   vetturino
12. addeert   M7    76   647   endarted
13. aeeilop   2J    28   675   palier
14. aeiklno  L12    34   709   ikon
15. abeimoy  15G    39   748   baymen


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5365 Filelorispr     0 17:28  -449  299     1.7341 SuperH      1  5:06  -625  123 
  2.4920 Filefatcat      1 22:00  -451  297            Group: intermediate
  3.4604 FileCruiser     0 16:35  -465  283     1.6084 raggedy01   1 16:13  -559  189 
  4.4728 Filebadspeller  0 19:20  -526  222     2.6011 Hasni       1 11:27  -588  160 
  5.6084 Fileraggedy01   1 16:13  -559  189            Group: novice
  6.6011 FileHasni       1 11:27  -588  160     1.5365 lorispr     0 17:28  -449  299 
  7.7341 FileSuperH      1  5:06  -625  123     2.5244 marigold    0  5:27  -657   91 
  8.5244 Filemarigold    0  5:27  -657   91            Group: not rated
                                             1.4920 fatcat      1 22:00  -451  297 
                                             2.4604 Cruiser     0 16:35  -465  283 
                                             3.4728 badspeller  0 19:20  -526  222 

On 1st draw, SHARER H3 26 --- SHARER one that shares [n]
Other tops: HALERS H4 26, HALSER H4 26
Other moves: HALER H4 24, HALES H4 24, HALSE H4 24, HARES H4 24, HARLS H4 24
HEALS H4 24 lorispr, fatcat, Cruiser
HEARS H4 24 badspeller

On 2nd draw, SUBGRAD(E) 6D 71 --- SUBGRADE a surface on which a pavement is placed [n]
Other moves: SUBG(R)ADE 7A 66, S(L)UGABED 7B 66, SUBGRAD(E) 8D 62, DAGAB(A)S 5E 40, D(A)GABAS 5E 40
BADG(E)S 5G 18 badspeller, fatcat
D(E)BS I7 17 lorispr
BARG(E)S 6F 14 Cruiser

On 3rd draw, WITCHY 4D 34 --- WITCHY malicious [adj]
Other moves: CAGY G4 32, SWEATY 3H 32, TWAY 5B 32, WAY 5C 30, WEY 5C 30
WITCHY 4D 34 fatcat
EWE 7H 22 lorispr
WISE D4 14 Cruiser
SWAY 3H 14 badspeller

On 4th draw, HAFTS C1 40 --- HAFT to supply with a handle [v]
Other moves: FAHS C1 38, FASH C2 38, FOHS C1 38, HAFT C1 38, F*TS* C1 34
HOST L4 26 fatcat
SH(E)AF K4 20 Cruiser
OATS 7J 9 badspeller

On 5th draw, UNHEAL 1A 30 --- UNHEAL to disclose [v]
Other tops: HALERU 1C 30, HAULER 1C 30, HULLER 1C 30
Other moves: LEHUA 1A 27, LEHR 1A 24, ALEW D1 21, ANEW D1 21, AREW D1 21
RAH 1A 18 lorispr
ARE 5J 11 raggedy01
HEAR 1C 8 Cruiser
LEARN 8E 5 fatcat

On 6th draw, AZO B5 34 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other tops: ZOUAV(E) K1 34
Other moves: ADZ 5J 33, DZO 5K 30, ADOZ(E) K2 28, ADZ 5K 28, OOZ(E)D K3 28
OOZ(E)D K3 28 raggedy01
DOZ(E) K3 26 lorispr, Cruiser, badspeller, fatcat

On 7th draw, GNOMES 8A 49 --- GNOME a fabled little person [n]
Other moves: GNOME 8A 46, G(E)NOMES K5 36, GENOMS L1 34, GNOMES L1 34, SNOG 8A 34
GNOMES L1 34 fatcat, marigold
GNOMES A7 33 raggedy01
MEGS L3 26 Cruiser
GEMS 9E 20 lorispr
EMOS 7H 20 badspeller

On 8th draw, ROUTINE(S) 8H 74 --- ROUTINE a regular course of procedure [n]
Other tops: RITENU(T)O 8H 74, RI(T)ENUTO 8H 74, ROUTEIN(G) 8H 74
Other moves: SNOUTIE(R) 3H 72, MOU(L)INET D8 70, SNOUTIE(R) F8 61, DUE(T)TINO J6 60, EDU(C)TION J5 60
UNHEALE(D) 1A 30 SuperH
(S)NOT 9B 26 Hasni
NOTE(S) L2 19 fatcat
(S)TONE L6 16 Cruiser
MINUET D8 16 lorispr
(R)OUTINE C7 15 badspeller
(R)OAN 2A 13 marigold
UNIT(E)(D) K2 8 raggedy01

On 9th draw, UNHEALED 1A 36 --- HEAL to make sound or whole [adj] --- UNHEAL to disclose [v]
Other moves: ODAL 7B 20, ANELED 5J 19, FADE 3C 18, MEALED D8 18, MEANED D8 18
UNHEALED 1A 36 Hasni, SuperH
DAN 9C 17 lorispr
QI L7 11 Cruiser, marigold, raggedy01
QI E3 11 fatcat

On 10th draw, CRINGLE(S) O1 83 --- CRINGLE a small loop of rope [n]
Other tops: CLINGER(S) O1 83
Other moves: CREELING N6 69, ULCERING J8 69, CREELING N5 65, EL(E)CTING K4 40, ER(E)CTING K4 40
ER(E)CTING K4 40 lorispr
CLINGER(S) O1 33 Cruiser, marigold
MINCER D8 20 fatcat
REN 9C 13 Hasni
LIEGE N6 10 badspeller
SLING F8 8 raggedy01

On 11th draw, V(E)TTURINO K5 94 --- VETTURINO
Other moves: V(E)NTURI K5 36, RENVOI N7 19, ENVIRO E8 18, ERUVIN E8 18, RUTIN 9C 18
V(E)NT K5 12 raggedy01, lorispr
TOY I2 10 Hasni
TENOR N7 9 Cruiser
EVO N8 8 badspeller
MINT D8 6 fatcat

On 12th draw, ENDARTED M7 76 --- ENDART to dart in [v]
Other moves: RETARDED 10G 66, DARED L11 27, DERED L11 27, READD 2A 26, DEADER 2J 24
DARED L11 27 SuperH
MADDER D8 20 lorispr
TREADER 2I 20 Cruiser
RADDER 2J 20 badspeller
DENTED 12I 16 fatcat
DATER J11 15 Hasni
DARTER 10F 13 raggedy01

On 13th draw, PALIER 2J 28 --- PALY somewhat pale [adj]
Other tops: OPAL L12 28
Other moves: APE L12 24, APO L12 24, OPAL 7B 24, OPE L12 24, SAPELE 3H 24
OPAL L12 28 raggedy01
LEAPER 2J 20 Cruiser
ELOPER 2J 20 lorispr
MAPLE D8 18 fatcat, badspeller
PALE J11 16 Hasni

On 14th draw, IKON L12 34 --- IKON a symbol or image [n]
Other tops: AKIN L12 34, IKAN L12 34
Other moves: SKEN 3H 33, SKIN 3H 33, SKOL 3H 33, UNALIKE J8 31, AKE L12 30
SKA 3H 30 SuperH
KANE J11 20 Hasni
SAKE F8 18 Cruiser
SOKE F8 18 lorispr
LIKE M1 16 fatcat
LINK M1 16 raggedy01
MILK D8 10 badspeller

On 15th draw, BAYMEN 15G 39 --- BAYMAN a person who fishes on a bay [n]
Other moves: YEOMAN 15G 33, BEMOAN 15G 30, YAM 2B 30, YAMEN 15H 30, YAM 9C 29
YAMEN 15H 30 badspeller
YAM 9C 29 lorispr
MAYBE D8 24 fatcat, Cruiser
YOM C7 24 Hasni
YAM J13 21 raggedy01

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