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Game of October 7, 2011 at 04:19, 3 players
1. 283 pts kellybelly
2. 127 pts babsbedi
3. 47 pts margalang

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cefgior   H4    28    28   force
 2. ddeeitu   9E    23    51   teddie
 3. adnoruy   8J    36    87   donary
 4. ?adgoor   L1    70   157   rigadoon
 5. abceenr  10A    74   231   carbene
 6. ?gilltu   O1    86   317   guiltily
 7. aeinory   H1    45   362   renforced
 8. eiimptu   A6    95   457   pumicite
 9. ilorstw   E5    40   497   swotter
10. aaeefns  10J    34   531   faenas
11. aaioptv  O10    33   564   sapota
12. beehlnt   N6    36   600   herbal
13. aiosvvy  14A    43   643   savvy
14. aeeiilm  11I    30   673   lime
15. ehinqst  H11    43   716   shine
16. ainooqt  G13    47   763   qat
17. eijkooz   K4    64   827   jiz
18. eiknoou   M2    41   868   nuke
19. gioouwx   F6    27   895   ox

Remaining tiles: giiouw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7170 Filekellybelly  2 10:19  -612  283     1.7170 kellybelly  2 10:19  -612  283 
  2.6213 Filebabsbedi    1  4:37  -768  127            Group: intermediate
  3.6358 Filemargalang   1  0:55  -848   47     1.6213 babsbedi    1  4:37  -768  127 
                                             2.6358 margalang   1  0:55  -848   47 

On 1st draw, FORCE H4 28 --- FORCE to overcome resistance by the exertion of strength [v]
Other moves: FOGIE H4 26, FORGE H4 26, GRIEF H8 26, COGIE H4 22, CORGI H4 22
FORCE H4 28 margalang

On 2nd draw, TEDDIE 9E 23 --- TEDDIE an item of woman's underwear [n]
Other tops: DIETED 9C 23, DIETED 9H 23, DUETED 9C 23, DUETED 9H 23, DUTIED 9C 23, DUTIED 9H 23, TEDDIE 9F 23
Other moves: EDITED 9C 22, EDITED 9G 22, FEUDED 4H 22, TIDED 9F 21, DITED 9D 20
DIED 9H 19 margalang

On 3rd draw, DONARY 8J 36 --- DONARY a thing given to sacred use [n]
Other moves: NOYAU 8A 29, DRONY 10J 28, DUROY 10J 28, FOUNDRY 4H 28, AROUND 8J 26

On 4th draw, R(I)GADOON L1 70 --- RIGADOON a lively dance [n]
Other moves: DRAGOON(S) L2 68, GADROON(S) L2 68, ONDOGRA(M) L7 68, O(V)ERGOAD F7 65, GARDY(L)OO O4 64
FORG(E)D 4H 20 kellybelly

On 5th draw, CARBENE 10A 74 --- CARBENE a neutral divalent free radical [n]
Other tops: CABERNET E2 74
Other moves: RENFORCED H1 45, BRACE 8A 38, ACERBER N2 34, REBRACE N8 34, ACERBER 1F 33
BRACE 1K 27 kellybelly

On 6th draw, GU(I)LTILY O1 86 --- GUILTILY in a guilty manner [adv] --- GUILTY worthy of blame for an offence [adv]
Other tops: GUILT(I)LY O1 86
Other moves: LIG(H)TFUL 4C 72, GUILT(I)L(Y) 2G 68, LIGULAT(E) B5 60, GLITTE(R) E5 28, GLUTTE(D) E5 28
GRILL 1K 18 kellybelly

On 7th draw, RENFORCED H1 45 --- RENFORCE to reinforce [v]
Other moves: RICEY A8 42, CAIRNY A10 36, CARNEY A10 36, CRAYON A10 36, ORIENCY A5 36
CRAYON A10 36 kellybelly

On 8th draw, PUMICITE A6 95 --- PUMICITE a porous volcanic rock [n]
Other moves: PUMICE A6 36, TEMPO K4 34, PERMIT N6 30, PERITI N6 28, UMP N1 28
MICE A8 24 kellybelly

On 9th draw, SWOTTER E5 40 --- SWOTTER one that swots [n]
Other tops: TWISTER E5 40
Other moves: TWIRLS 10I 36, SWIRL 10I 33, TWIRL 10I 33, WILTS 10J 33, WORST 10J 33
SWOTTER E5 40 kellybelly

On 10th draw, FAENAS 10J 34 --- FAENA a series of passes made by a matador in a bullfight [n]
Other moves: FAENA 10J 33, FANES 10J 33, FEASE 10J 33, FEENS 10J 33, FAAN 10J 30
FANES 10J 33 kellybelly

On 11th draw, SAPOTA O10 33 --- SAPOTA an evergreen tree [n]
Other moves: PATIO K2 30, PATIO K4 28, VITA 11I 28, ATAP K3 27, ATOP K3 27
PATIO D1 22 kellybelly
PIVOT B3 20 babsbedi

On 12th draw, HERBAL N6 36 --- HERBAL a book about herbs and plants [n]
Other tops: BETH 11H 36, LETHE 11H 36, THEE 11J 36
Other moves: ETHE 11I 34, HEREAT N6 34, THE 11J 32, ETH 11I 30, NTH 11I 30
THEE 11J 36 kellybelly
WHERE 6E 19 babsbedi

On 13th draw, SAVVY 14A 43 --- SAVVY shrewd [adj] --- SAVVY to understand [v]
Other moves: SAVOY 14A 37, NAVVY M10 31, SAVVY 12E 29, SOYA 11H 29, SOYA 14A 29
SAVVY 14A 43 babsbedi
SAY 14A 27 kellybelly

On 14th draw, LIME 11I 30 --- LIME to treat with lime (a calcium compound) [v]
Other tops: EMAIL 11G 30, LIMA 11I 30
Other moves: MAILE 11H 28, AIM 11I 26, BELIVE D10 26, ELEMI 15E 26, EMAIL 15E 26
MEAL D4 21 babsbedi

On 15th draw, SHINE H11 43 --- SHINE to emit light [v]
Other tops: SHENT H11 43, SHITE H11 43
Other moves: QIS 12C 35, SIETH H11 34, SINH 12J 34, SITHE H11 34, QIS 12H 33
QI D4 24 babsbedi

On 16th draw, QAT G13 47 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI G13 44, QADI 5J 28, QAT K2 27, QAT 14M 24, QI D4 24

On 17th draw, JIZ K4 64 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: JIZ N13 62, ZEK K4 55, ZEK N13 53, OZEKI B2 46, JOOK D4 43

On 18th draw, NUKE M2 41 --- NUKE to attack with nuclear weapons [v]
Other moves: OKE M3 38, UKE M3 38, OIK M2 35, OUK M2 35, UKE 12K 33

On 19th draw, OX F6 27 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: BOX D10 26, OXO D3 22, XU I2 22, OXO 13M 20, WOO G2 20

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