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Game of October 15, 2011 at 17:35, 9 players
1. 611 pts PIThompson
2. 529 pts mylover81
3. 516 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. agprsuw   H4    28    28   gawpus
 2. ?oosuvz   5E    72   100   zouaves
 3. adhortx   6A    76   176   thorax
 4. adeehno   A4    39   215   hated
 5. aeinovw   C3    32   247   inwove
 6. aelmnoo   D8    29   276   melano
 7. deeilrt  13C    72   348   dolerite
 8. ?abberu  12H    87   435   barbule
 9. acdeent  14I    82   517   enacted
10. ejlorrs   O8    51   568   joles
11. aafginr   J3    67   635   afearing
12. defiqty   D1    41   676   defy
13. aiimnop   7E    37   713   pomp
14. aeiklqu   1A    42   755   quid
15. eginoos  15C    81   836   goonies
16. aeinott  15M    22   858   ita
17. eiilntt   4J    22   880   finite
18. iklrrty   N1    42   922   kittly

Remaining tiles: corr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7730 FilePIThompson  5 12:35  -311  611     1.7730 PIThompson  5 12:35  -311  611 
  2.7149 Filemylover81   5 18:09  -393  529     2.7149 mylover81   5 18:09  -393  529 
  3.5972 Filenarisa      4 15:22  -406  516     3.7050 jeff        5  7:14  -560  362 
  4.6000 FileHasni       2 23:59  -436  486            Group: intermediate
  5.7050 Filejeff        5  7:14  -560  362     1.6000 Hasni       2 23:59  -436  486 
  6.5587 Filemazscot     2  8:52  -672  250     2.6348 margalang   1  2:16  -862   60 
  7.6348 Filemargalang   1  2:16  -862   60            Group: novice
  8.5821 Fileayoba       0  1:17  -892   30     1.5972 narisa      4 15:22  -406  516 
  9.5232 FileSnook       0  1:38  -894   28     2.5587 mazscot     2  8:52  -672  250 
                                             3.5821 ayoba       0  1:17  -892   30 
                                             4.5232 Snook       0  1:38  -894   28 

On 1st draw, GAWPUS H4 28 --- GAWPUS a silly person [n]
Other tops: WARPS H4 28, WRAPS H4 28
Other moves: GAWPS H4 26, GAWPUS H3 26, GAWPUS H7 26, GAWPUS H8 26, GAWPS H8 24
WARPS H4 28 PIThompson, jeff
WRAPS H4 28 narisa, Hasni
WARP H8 18 mazscot

On 2nd draw, ZOUAV(E)S 5E 72 --- ZOUAVE a French infantry man [n]
Other moves: W(A)ZOOS 6H 37, W(A)ZOO 6H 36, SW(I)Z 6G 35, ZOO(M) G5 35, ZOO(N) G5 35
ZOO(M) G5 35 PIThompson, jeff
ZOO G5 34 mazscot, Hasni
ZOS I3 27 narisa

On 3rd draw, THORAX 6A 76 --- THORAX the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen [n]
Other moves: HOAX 6C 66, HOX 6D 65, RAX 6D 62, TAX 6D 62, AX 6E 61
THORAX 6A 76 PIThompson, jeff, mazscot
HOAX 6C 66 narisa
HOX 6D 65 Hasni, mylover81
H(E)X J4 28 Snook

On 4th draw, HATED A4 39 --- HATE to despise [v]
Other moves: HOTEN A4 36, NETHEAD A4 36, HOAED 6J 35, HONED 6J 35, HANTED A3 33
HATED A4 39 PIThompson, mylover81, jeff, narisa, mazscot
HO 6J 27 Hasni

On 5th draw, INWOVE C3 32 --- INWEAVE to weave together [v]
Other moves: WAIVE 4J 28, WOVEN 4J 28, VIN(E)W J2 26, WAVE 4J 26, WIVE 4J 26
WAIVE 4J 28 mylover81
WOVEN 4J 28 PIThompson, mazscot
WAVE 4J 26 narisa
WOVE B1 25 Hasni

On 6th draw, MELANO D8 29 --- MELANO an abnormally dark person or animal [n]
Other moves: MELON D8 27, MONAL D8 27, MOOLA D8 27, MONAL 6J 26, MOOLA 6J 26
MONAL 6J 26 PIThompson
MANE D1 24 mylover81
MOON 6J 23 Hasni
NAME 9C 21 narisa
MELON 4J 19 mazscot

On 7th draw, DOLERITE 13C 72 --- DOLERITE a variety of basalt [n]
Other tops: LOITERED 13C 72
Other moves: DETAILER 11A 68, ELATERID 11B 68, RETAILED 11A 68, RELISTED K1 59, ELIDE E8 29
EIDER E9 26 PIThompson
RIDE E9 22 mylover81
DITE D1 20 narisa
LITER C11 18 Hasni
STERILE K5 14 mazscot

On 8th draw, BARBU(L)E 12H 87 --- BARBULE a small barb [n]
Other moves: S(Q)UABBER K5 72, S(Q)UABBER 9H 64, BARB(E)(C)UE J1 62, BARB(E)(Q)UE J1 62, BAB(I)ER 12H 37
BABE(S) 12H 35 PIThompson
BARB(S) 12H 33 mylover81
BARE(D) 12H 29 narisa
ABBE(S) K9 25 Hasni
RUBB(L)E 12J 22 mazscot

On 9th draw, ENACTED 14I 82 --- ENACT to establish by law [v]
Other moves: ANTECEDE N7 76, ANT(E)CEDE J2 68, ANTECEDE F8 67, ANTECEDE N5 65, CUNEATED 8G 62
CANTED 14J 41 PIThompson
DANCE 14J 32 mylover81
BICE H12 24 Hasni
DENT 14H 21 narisa

On 10th draw, JOLES O8 51 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: JOLES 15E 40, JOES 15F 37, JOLS 15F 37, JORS 15F 37, JOES 14A 34
JOLES O8 51 mylover81, jeff
JOLES 15E 40 PIThompson
JOES 14A 34 narisa
JOE N10 26 Hasni

On 11th draw, AF(E)ARING J3 67 --- AFEAR to frighten [v]
Other moves: FAAING 4J 30, FARING 4J 30, FA 15N 29, FANAL E9 29, FIAR 6J 29
FARING 4J 30 narisa
FIAR 6J 29 mylover81
FA 15N 29 PIThompson, Hasni
FIG 6J 29 jeff

On 12th draw, DEFY D1 41 --- DEFY to resist openly and boldly [v]
Other moves: FAYED 3I 32, FY D3 31, TEDY D1 31, TIDY D1 31, FIFTY 4J 30
DEFY D1 41 mylover81
FAYED 3I 32 jeff
QI B3 28 PIThompson, Hasni
QAT 11C 24 narisa

On 13th draw, POMP 7E 37 --- POMP stately or splendid display [n]
Other moves: AMI 15M 30, PO 7E 28, AMIDIN 1A 27, DAIMIO 1D 27, DAIMON 1D 27
AMI 15M 30 jeff, PIThompson, mylover81
PO 7E 28 Hasni
MIND 1A 21 narisa

On 14th draw, QUID 1A 42 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QAID 1A 42, QUAD 1A 42
Other moves: FIQUE 4J 36, QUAKE 11B 36, QUIL(L)ET M8 32, EQUALI 11A 30, QUALIA 11B 30
QUAD 1A 42 PIThompson, mylover81, jeff, narisa
QUACK L11 25 Hasni

On 15th draw, GOONIES 15C 81 --- GOONY an albatross [n]
Other tops: NOOGIES 15C 81
Other moves: EOSIN 14B 32, INGOES 15D 28, FEIGNS 4J 24, FOGIES 4J 24, DEEMS 8A 23
GOONIES 15C 31 PIThompson
GOONS 15E 22 narisa, margalang, mylover81
ZAPS E5 20 Hasni

On 16th draw, ITA 15M 22 --- ITA the miriti palm [n]
Other tops: ANE 15M 22, ANI 15M 22, ATE 15M 22, ETA 15M 22, FATTEN 4J 22, ONE 15M 22
Other moves: NOTAL E9 20, TONAL E9 20, TOTAL E9 20, IN 2A 19, IT 2A 19
ANE 15M 22 PIThompson
ONE 15M 22 margalang
ATE 15M 22 mylover81
FATTEN 4J 22 Hasni
NE 15N 17 narisa

On 17th draw, FINITE 4J 22 --- FINITE something that is finite (having definite limits) [n]
Other tops: NELIES 9C 22
Other moves: IN 2A 19, IT 2A 19, NETE 9C 19, NETT 9C 19, ENE 9B 18
FINITE 4J 22 narisa
NETT 9C 19 PIThompson
FINE 4J 16 mylover81, margalang
TI 14B 9 Hasni

On 18th draw, KITTLY N1 42 --- KITTLY ticklish [adj]
Other moves: KITTY N2 40, KILEY O1 36, KYLE O1 33, KYTE O1 33, RYKE O1 33
KILEY O1 36 PIThompson
YIKE O1 33 mylover81
KIT 3M 30 Hasni, ayoba
KITER O1 27 narisa

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