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Game of December 24, 2011 at 20:27, 2 players
1. 510 pts rn.roselle
2. 309 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ddemoqs   H4    22    22   modes
 2. eglorsw   G7    70    92   reglows
 3. aaaesxy   I5    47   139   yex
 4. ?aabdiz   8A    63   202   arabizes
 5. cginott  10F    69   271   clotting
 6. eeeinsv   B4    64   335   veneries
 7. ?adeinr   C6    82   417   araneids
 8. eilnosu   N7    73   490   elusion
 9. abdflot  O12    47   537   fado
10. ehmprtu   O1   103   640   thumper
11. abdeegu   2J    36   676   beegah
12. ajortvw   1G    51   727   jowar
13. aefinoo   J4    35   762   nef
14. acikotu  13I    36   798   katcina
15. ainortv   K5    36   834   rivo
16. adhiloq   N6    45   879   delusional
17. hiottuu  14I    32   911   oh
18. ailnqtu  15D    82   993   quinta
19. ilprtuy  A11    38  1031   purty

Remaining tiles: il

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6581 Filern.roselle  5 19:34  -521  510     1.6581 rn.roselle  5 19:34  -521  510 
  2.5392 Filetonikay     0 12:14  -722  309            Group: novice
                                             1.5392 tonikay     0 12:14  -722  309 

On 1st draw, MODES H4 22 --- MODE a method of doing or acting [n]
Other tops: DOMED H4 22, DOMED H8 22, MOSED H4 22
Other moves: DEMOS H4 20, DOMES H4 20, MOSED H8 20, DEMOS H8 18, DOMED H5 18
MODES H4 22 rn.roselle

On 2nd draw, REGLOWS G7 70 --- REGLOW to glow again [v]
Other moves: REGOSOL 5E 32, RESOW G3 31, LOWERS G5 30, LOWER G5 29, LOWES G5 29
LOWERS G5 30 rn.roselle

On 3rd draw, YEX I5 47 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: SAX I5 41, SEX I5 41, AX I6 38, EX I6 38, AXES I4 32
YEX I5 47 rn.roselle

On 4th draw, A(R)ABIZES 8A 63 --- ARABIZE to cause to acquire Arabic customs [v]
Other moves: BAIZA F11 47, BAIZ(A) F11 46, BAIZ(E) F11 46, BA(I)ZA F11 45, B(A)IZA F11 45
Z(O)O 11E 22 rn.roselle

On 5th draw, CLOTTING 10F 69 --- CLOT to form into a clot (a thick mass) [v]
Other moves: TOOTING 11E 32, OTIC H12 29, CATTING C7 28, TACTION C7 26, ACTING C8 24
TOG 9E 17 rn.roselle

On 6th draw, VENE(R)IES B4 64 --- VENERY sexual intercourse [n]
Other moves: SEVEN N10 34, SIEVE N10 34, VEINS N6 32, VINES N6 32, SEINE N10 28
SIEVE N10 34 rn.roselle

On 7th draw, ARANEID(S) C6 82 --- ARANEID a spider [n]
Other tops: A(C)RIDINE K5 82, DAIN(T)IER K5 82, DEAIRIN(G) K5 82, DRAI(S)INE K5 82, (M)ERIDIAN K5 82, (U)REDINIA K4 82
Other moves: ARE(A)DING M3 74, BRAN(D)IED D8 74, DANG(L)IER M7 74, DRAG(L)INE M7 74, REA(D)DING M3 74
CLOTTING(S) 10F 11 rn.roselle

On 8th draw, ELUSION N7 73 --- ELUSION the act of eluding [n]
Other moves: LIGNEOUS M8 70, OUTLINES J8 60, ESLOIN N9 30, SOLEIN N10 30, SILEN N10 28
SOLE N10 20 rn.roselle

On 9th draw, FADO O12 47 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other tops: FOLD O12 47
Other moves: BAFT O12 45, FLOTA O4 44, FOAL O12 44, TABLOID K5 40, BALD O12 39
FOLD O12 47 rn.roselle
FADO O5 33 tonikay

On 10th draw, THUMPER O1 103 --- THUMPER one that thumps [n]
Other moves: THUMPER M1 83, HELM 8L 39, HELP 8L 39, RUMPLE 8J 39, THUMP M3 37
HELP 8L 39 rn.roselle
PEH D11 31 tonikay

On 11th draw, BEEGAH 2J 36 --- BEEGAH an Indian land measure [n]
Other moves: DEB J4 30, EUGE N1 29, DAUB M12 27, BANGED L8 26, BUNGED L8 26
BEG D4 16 tonikay
EH 2N 10 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, JOWAR 1G 51 --- JOWAR durra (an Indian grain crop) [n]
Other moves: AVOW 1H 39, VROW 1H 39, JEAT L1 38, JATO 1G 37, JOTA 1G 37
JEAT L1 38 rn.roselle
JAW D4 32 tonikay

On 13th draw, NEF J4 35 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other moves: EF J5 34, FAINE D11 31, FANGO M7 31, FANG M7 28, FAIN D11 27
NEF J4 35 rn.roselle
FANE 3I 21 tonikay

On 14th draw, KATCINA 13I 36 --- KATCINA an ancestral spirit [n]
Other moves: ATOK D12 33, KATI D11 30, ICK H13 29, OTIC H12 29, KAI 2F 28
KO 2F 25 tonikay
KA 2F 25 rn.roselle

On 15th draw, RIVO K5 36 --- RIVO a drinking cry [interj]
Other tops: RIVA K5 36
Other moves: ARIOT K4 34, ARTI K4 32, ART K4 30, ORT K4 30, RIOT K5 30
VAN 2F 25 rn.roselle
OVA 2E 23 tonikay

On 16th draw, DELUSIONAL N6 45 --- DELUSIONAL [adj]
Other moves: AHI 14I 35, DAH 14H 34, DOH 14H 34, ODAH 14I 34, TALAQ J10 34
HOD 2F 27 rn.roselle
DAH 2F 25 tonikay

On 17th draw, OH 14I 32 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other moves: HI 14J 28, HO 14J 28, THO 3K 26, THOU 2E 26, HOI 2F 25
OH 14I 32 rn.roselle
HOI 2F 25 tonikay

On 18th draw, QUINTA 15D 82 --- QUINTA a country estate in Portugal or Latin America [n]
Other moves: QUAINT 15G 61, QUAIL 15G 55, QUINA 15F 55, QUAINT D1 53, QUAI 15G 52
QUINA 15F 55 tonikay
KON I13 7 rn.roselle

On 19th draw, PURTY A11 38 --- PURTY pretty [adj]
Other moves: PURITY D1 34, TRIPLY D1 30, PURTY D2 26, TRIPY D2 26, PILY D3 24
YIP M5 23 tonikay
PIT D11 22 rn.roselle

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