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Game of December 26, 2011 at 22:39, 4 players
1. 592 pts musdrive
2. 568 pts yab
3. 176 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dhnort   H8    78    78   northed
 2. aaiirsv  13B    74   152   aviaries
 3. adeintw  B10    32   184   witan
 4. aeeelln  12H    20   204   healee
 5. abeeios  15A    30   234   isba
 6. ?aggnrs   A5    81   315   gringas
 7. cefipvy  11H    32   347   type
 8. deeghir   C5    74   421   hedgier
 9. emnottu   D1    29   450   mutton
10. cdekmot   1D    45   495   mocked
11. aceflty   M7    96   591   facetely
12. abenoos   E5    35   626   beanos
13. defimuu   8L    39   665   fame
14. einoorv   2I    25   690   enviro
15. eilooru   1L    22   712   loir
16. aeopuuw   F4    40   752   pow
17. aeiluxz   3G    56   808   zax
18. aeijlot   G7    38   846   taj
19. deioquu   7I    42   888   quoifed

Remaining tiles: iluu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7174 Filemusdrive    6 15:55  -296  592     1.7174 musdrive    6 15:55  -296  592 
  2.7016 Fileyab         4 22:29  -320  568     2.7016 yab         4 22:29  -320  568 
  3.6517 Filern.roselle  0  9:12  -712  176            Group: intermediate
  4.6476 Filedannyboy    0  1:12  -853   35     1.6517 rn.roselle  0  9:12  -712  176 
                                             2.6476 dannyboy    0  1:12  -853   35 

On 1st draw, NORTH(E)D H8 78 --- NORTH to head northwards [v]
Other tops: THOND(E)R H3 78, THORN(E)D H3 78, THRON(E)D H3 78
Other moves: NORTH(E)D H6 74, THOND(E)R H8 74, THORN(E)D H6 74, THRON(E)D H6 74, NORTH(E)D H2 72
THORN(E)D H3 28 musdrive
THRON(E)D H3 28 yab
HORN(E)D H4 26 rn.roselle

On 2nd draw, AVIARI(E)S 13B 74 --- AVIARY a large enclosure for live birds [n]
Other moves: AVIARIST 11A 72, VIHARAS 12F 26, RAVISH 12C 24, VARIAS 10F 19, VASA G7 19
RAVISH 12C 24 musdrive
AVIARIST 11A 22 yab
HAIRS 12H 16 rn.roselle
RAV(E)S 13E 12 dannyboy

On 3rd draw, WITAN B10 32 --- WITAN the members of a national council in Anglo-Saxon England [n]
Other moves: DEATH 12D 30, THAWED 12G 30, DEWANI B10 28, DEWAN B10 26, DIWAN B10 26
THAWED 12G 30 musdrive, rn.roselle
DAW G7 24 yab
AWE G8 23 dannyboy

On 4th draw, HEALEE 12H 20 --- HEALEE someone who is being healed [n]
Other moves: LEAL A8 19, NEAL A8 19, EALE A9 15, EASEL I11 15, LEND 14E 15
NEAL A8 19 yab, musdrive
LEA A8 14 rn.roselle

On 5th draw, ISBA 15A 30 --- ISBA a Russian log hut [n]
Other moves: OBIAS A7 28, *B*S A8 25, BIAS A8 25, BIOS A8 25, BOAS A8 25
OBIAS A7 28 yab
OBAS A8 25 musdrive
OSE 15A 18 rn.roselle

On 6th draw, GR(I)NGAS A5 81 --- GRINGA a foreign woman in Latin America -- a derogatory term [n]
Other moves: GRANG(E)S N6 76, GR(I)NGAS N6 76, GANGRE(L)S M7 74, GANGS(T)ER M6 74, GRANGE(R)S M7 74
GR(O)GS A8 31 musdrive
SANG N12 20 yab
GAS N10 18 rn.roselle

On 7th draw, TYPE 11H 32 --- TYPE to print with a typewriter [v]
Other tops: FEY 11J 32
Other moves: PYE 12D 31, VERIFY 10F 31, YEP 11J 29, FEY 13M 28, FEY G7 28
FEY 13M 28 rn.roselle
FEY I7 28 musdrive
YEP C9 23 yab

On 8th draw, HEDGIER C5 74 --- HEDGY abounding in hedges [adj]
Other moves: HEDGIER I3 73, REHINGED 8D 64, HEDGIER M7 36, HERIED B2 33, EHED 13L 28
HEDGIER M7 36 yab
HIDER M9 26 rn.roselle
DREG 13K 22 musdrive

On 9th draw, MUTTON D1 29 --- MUTTON the flesh of sheep used as food [n]
Other moves: MENTO 13K 25, MENTO D1 25, MONTE D1 25, MOTTE D1 25, TUTMEN D1 25
MUTTON D1 29 musdrive
UNMEET M8 18 yab

On 10th draw, MOCKED 1D 45 --- MOCK to ridicule [v]
Other moves: MECK E5 43, DECKO E5 41, DECK E5 39, COKE G7 33, MOKE G7 33
MOCKED 1D 45 musdrive, yab

On 11th draw, FACETELY M7 96 --- FACETE witty [adv] --- FACETELY in a witty manner [adv]
Other moves: ACETYL E4 43, CETYL E5 39, ACETYL 2I 37, LEFTY 13K 37, FLEECY M9 36
FACETELY M7 46 yab, musdrive

On 12th draw, BEANOS E5 35 --- BEANO a form of bingo [n]
Other moves: BEANO E5 33, BEANS E5 33, OBES E4 33, ABS E4 31, BEAN E5 31
OBES E4 33 musdrive
ABASE 8K 30 yab

On 13th draw, FAME 8L 39 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other moves: FADE 8L 36, FUMED L4 36, MADE 8L 30, MAID 8L 30, MAUD 8L 30
FAME 8L 39 musdrive, yab

On 14th draw, ENVIRO 2I 25 --- ENVIRO an advocate for the preservation of the natural environment [n]
Other moves: CONVO F1 21, RIVEN 2H 21, ROVEN 2H 21, NEVI 2H 20, OVINE G6 20
OVINE 2I 19 musdrive
OYER 14L 14 yab

On 15th draw, LOIR 1L 22 --- LOIR a European dormouse [n]
Other tops: LEIR 1L 22, LOOR 1L 22
Other moves: LIFER 7K 19, CURIO F1 18, OOR N13 18, OUR N13 18, VELOUR K2 18
LOOR 1L 22 musdrive, yab

On 16th draw, POW F4 40 --- POW an explosive sound [n]
Other tops: OWE F5 40
Other moves: OW F5 37, WAE F6 33, WE F6 30, PAW 3G 26, PAW G7 26
POW G7 26 musdrive
PAW G7 26 yab

On 17th draw, ZAX 3G 56 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: ZAX I7 56, ZEX 3G 56, ZEX I7 56
Other moves: XI N10 52, LAZE G7 49, L*Z G7 46, LUZ G7 46, ZA G9 44
ZAX 3G 56 musdrive
ZAX I7 56 yab

On 18th draw, TAJ G7 38 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: JA G9 36, JO G9 36, JAM N6 33, JOEY 14J 30, JATO G7 27
TAJ G7 38 musdrive
JO G9 36 yab

On 19th draw, QUOIFED 7I 42 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QUOIF L4 39, QUEY 14J 36, LIQUID L1 32, QUOIF 7I 32, QUITE 3A 28
QUEY 14J 36 yab
LIQUID L1 32 musdrive

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