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Game on April 25, 2021 at 07:46, 10 players
1. 489 pts Chelsea
2. 104 pts queen66
3. 104 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. belmost   H4    26    26   mobles
 2. abejknt   4D    34    60   enjamb
 3. ?eefhov   5G    31    91   hoove
 4. ?aadety   L5    74   165   daytale
 5. ?cceirt  12H    98   263   centric
 6. aaeeopt  N10    30   293   pacta
 7. afgirtw   8A    98   391   giftware
 8. aiilors   C5    63   454   airfoils
 9. deikllq   O6    40   494   killed
10. eefrssv  13I    35   529   fees
11. einouux   B5    52   581   ex
12. eginrtv   F7    68   649   tavering
13. aginrsw   A1    42   691   gnaws
14. admnoru   A8    95   786   gourmand
15. deinprt   K8    31   817   inepter
16. deiooqy  B13    30   847   dye
17. inooqtu   E1    28   875   quino
18. hinotuz  J10    68   943   zone
19. hinootu   1E    51   994   quoth

Remaining tiles: inou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7421 FileChelsea     6 11:17  -505  489     1.7421 Chelsea     6 11:17  -505  489 
  2.7802 Filequeen66     1  2:27  -890  104     2.7802 queen66     1  2:27  -890  104 
  3.7785 Filesicilianc5  1  2:46  -890  104     3.7785 sicilianc5  1  2:46  -890  104 
  4.  -  FileZZZZZ55555  1  1:35  -926   68     4.7458 moonmonkey  0  0:30  -962   32 
  5.  -  FileHHHHH55555  1  1:00  -943   51            Group: not rated
  6.7458 Filemoonmonkey  0  0:30  -962   32     1.  -  ZZZZZ55555  1  1:35  -926   68 
  7.  -  FileTTTTT55555  1  1:58  -966   28     2.  -  HHHHH55555  1  1:00  -943   51 
  8.  -  FileMMMMM55555  1  1:07  -968   26     3.  -  TTTTT55555  1  1:58  -966   28 
  9.  -  FileBBBBB55555  1  1:33  -968   26     4.  -  MMMMM55555  1  1:07  -968   26 
 10.  -  FileSSSSS55555  1  1:57  -968   26     5.  -  BBBBB55555  1  1:33  -968   26 
                                             6.  -  SSSSS55555  1  1:57  -968   26 

On 1st draw, MOBLES H4 26 --- MOBLE to muffle [v]
Other tops: EMBOST H3 26
Other moves: BESOM H4 24, BESOM H8 24, MEBOS H4 24, MOBES H4 24, MOBLE H4 24
EMBOST H3 26 MMMMM55555, BBBBB55555, SSSSS55555

On 2nd draw, ENJAMB 4D 34 --- ENJAMB in poetry, to join the sense from one line to the next [v]
Other moves: JAK G3 32, BEJANT 6H 31, JANE I3 29, KEBAB 6F 29, BANJO 5D 28
JAK G3 32 moonmonkey, queen66, sicilianc5

On 3rd draw, HOOVE 5G 31 --- HOOVE to hover [v]
Other tops: EVE(S) J1 31, EVOHE 5A 31, EVO(S) J1 31, HOOFE(D) 5G 31, HOOFE(R) 5G 31, HOOVE(D) 5G 31, HOOVE(N) 5G 31, HOOVE(R) 5G 31, HOOVE(S) 5G 31, HO(S)E J2 31
Other moves: FE(S) J2 30, HE(S) J2 30, HO(S) J2 30, (S)OH J4 30, (S)OV J4 30

On 4th draw, DAYTA(L)E L5 74 --- DAYTALE a daily reckoning [n]
Other moves: A(S)YNDETA E1 72, ASY(N)DETA 9G 67, DAYTA(L)E G8 67, A(C)YLATED 7E 66, DAYTA(L)ES 9A 66

On 5th draw, CE(N)TRIC 12H 98 --- CENTRIC situated at the center [adj]
Other moves: ICTER(I)C 12H 94, NECR(O)TIC E4 94, CRETIC(S) 12F 92, (I)CTERIC 12H 92, (O)RECTIC 3I 74

On 6th draw, PACTA N10 30 --- PACTUM a pact [n]
Other moves: PEACOAT N9 26, APTOTE K10 25, PATTEE K9 25, APTOTE 8J 24, CAPA H12 24
CAPE H12 24 Chelsea

On 7th draw, GIFTWARE 8A 98 --- GIFTWARE wares suitable for gifting [n]
Other moves: FRAG O8 31, FR*G O8 31, TWIG O8 31, AFRIT O7 30, IFTAR O7 30
CRAW H12 27 Chelsea

On 8th draw, AIRFOILS C5 63 --- AIRFOIL a part of an aircraft designed to provide lift or control [n]
Other moves: ISO I7 27, LARIS M9 26, LORIS M9 26, SOARE I8 25, AIOLIS O6 24
SAILOR O6 24 Chelsea

On 9th draw, KILLED O6 40 --- KILL to cause to die [v]
Other moves: KILLED B1 39, LIKED B2 37, LIKED O7 37, KIDEL O7 36, ELK B4 35
KILLED O6 40 Chelsea

On 10th draw, FEES 13I 35 --- FEE to pay a fee (a fixed charge) to [v]
Other moves: REEFS B2 29, SERFS B2 29, SERVES B1 28, VERSES B1 28, FERES B2 26
FEES 13I 35 Chelsea

On 11th draw, EX B5 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: EXO M8 42, EXO O13 41, XI M9 39, EX M8 36, OX M8 36
EX B5 52 Chelsea

On 12th draw, TAVERING F7 68 --- TAVER to wander [v]
Other moves: AVERTING F8 66, VERTEX B1 32, RIVET A1 30, VITEX B2 30, VISNE 12A 24
RIVET A1 30 sicilianc5, queen66
VEST 12A 22 Chelsea

On 13th draw, GNAWS A1 42 --- GNAW to wear away by persistent biting [v]
Other moves: WANGS A1 36, WINGS A1 36, GAINS B10 31, GAIRS B10 31, RAWNS A1 30
GNAWS A1 42 queen66, sicilianc5
WINGS A1 36 Chelsea

On 14th draw, GOURMAND A8 95 --- GOURMAND one who loves to eat [n]
Other moves: GOURMAND 1A 89, MAUND B10 42, AMOUR E11 27, DUMA E10 27, MARTED K9 27
MARTED K9 27 Chelsea

On 15th draw, INEPTER K8 31 --- INEPT not suitable [adj]
Other moves: PETTED K9 27, PETTER K9 25, GIRTED 14F 24, PE 14J 23, PED E10 23
PETTED K9 27 Chelsea

On 16th draw, DYE B13 30 --- DYE to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) [v]
Other tops: YODE E10 30
Other moves: DO(N)EE J10 27, OYE B1 27, OYE B12 26, YOD E10 26, OYE O13 25
YODE E10 30 Chelsea

On 17th draw, QUINO E1 28 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: QUIET D1 28, QUINT E1 28
Other moves: QI E12 24, NOOIT D10 18, UNIQUE 10A 17, NOTION 2A 16, QUIET K2 16
QUIET D1 28 Chelsea
QUINT E1 28 TTTTT55555

On 18th draw, ZO(N)E J10 68 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: QUIZ 1E 66, QUOTH 1E 51, QUINO 1E 42, QUINT 1E 42, QUOIN 1E 42
ZO(N)E J10 68 ZZZZZ55555
QUIZ 1E 66 Chelsea

On 19th draw, QUOTH 1E 51 --- QUETHE to say [v] --- QUOTH said -- QUOTH is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: QUINO 1E 42, QUINT 1E 42, QUOIN 1E 42, QUOIT 1E 42, QUIN 1E 39
QUOTH 1E 51 Chelsea, HHHHH55555

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