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Game on May 10, 2021 at 18:24, 6 players
1. 140 pts queen66
2. 138 pts sicilianc5
3. 138 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eemotv   H7    80    80   emotive
 2. dnorsuw  13C    80   160   wounders
 3. aennost   8H    83   243   montanes
 4. aahirst   O1    86   329   shariats
 5. abeefrs   7E    80   409   freebase
 6. ?degirt   E4    98   507   driftage
 7. adeefly   H7    48   555   emotively
 8. beglotu   6J    36   591   beluga
 9. addiotz   D1    52   643   zati
10. aefilnu   C3    82   725   infulae
11. aegnopw   1A    51   776   wanze
12. aehikmt  14J    57   833   hakim
13. eiloorx   B5    55   888   ox
14. adgloru   K5    36   924   gestural
15. cdiorvy  L11    45   969   dicky
16. ceioprt   2J    38  1007   ceriph
17. deiooot   F1    31  1038   dote
18. ejnoopq  12A    47  1085   jeon
19. iioopqv  15L    33  1118   yoop

Remaining tiles: iiqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7508 Filequeen66     0  4:35  -978  140     1.7508 queen66     0  4:35  -978  140 
  2.7444 Filesicilianc5  0  4:17  -980  138     2.7444 sicilianc5  0  4:17  -980  138 
  3.7274 Filemoonmonkey  0  5:11  -980  138     3.7274 moonmonkey  0  5:11  -980  138 
  4.7954 FileHollyIvy    2  3:16 -1006  112     4.7954 HollyIvy    2  3:16 -1006  112 
  5.  -  FileBLANK55555  1  1:51 -1038   80            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileHHHHH55555  1  1:52 -1061   57     1.  -  BLANK55555  1  1:51 -1038   80 
                                             2.  -  HHHHH55555  1  1:52 -1061   57 

On 1st draw, EMOT(I)VE H7 80 --- EMOTIVE pertaining to emotion [adj]
Other moves: EMOT(I)VE H3 78, EMOT(I)VE H2 74, EMOT(I)VE H4 74, EMOT(I)VE H6 74, EMOT(I)VE H5 72
EMOT(I)VE H7 80 BLANK55555

On 2nd draw, WOUNDERS 13C 80 --- WOUNDER one that wounds [n]
Other moves: WOUNDERS 7C 69, WONDROUS 9C 68, WONDROUS 9G 68, DOWS G7 34, UNSOWED 13C 34
DOWS G7 34 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, queen66

On 3rd draw, MONTANES 8H 83 --- MONTANE the lower vegetation belt of a mountain [n]
Other moves: ENAT(I)ONS 11D 78, TONNEAUS E7 66, SONAT(I)NE 11C 64, NEONATES 7B 61, NEONATES 7G 61
ENAT(I)ONS 11D 28 queen66, moonmonkey, sicilianc5

On 4th draw, SHARIATS O1 86 --- SHARIAT a body of Islamic religious law [n]
Other tops: SHARIATS O8 86
Other moves: HETAIRAS N7 76, SHARIAT G1 65, HAIRST 14J 47, HAARS 14J 45, HAIRS 14J 45
HARTS 14J 45 sicilianc5, moonmonkey

On 5th draw, FREEBASE 7E 80 --- FREEBASE to use a form of cocaine that is inhaled [v]
Other moves: F(I)REBASE 11G 74, FREEBASE 7A 65, FRAB 12A 39, BEATERS K5 36, FEEBS N6 35
FEEBS N6 35 queen66

On 6th draw, DRIFT(A)GE E4 98 --- DRIFTAGE the act of drifting [n]
Other moves: DIR(I)GE(N)T 11E 82, RIDG(I)E(S)T 11D 82, RIG(I)DE(S)T 11E 82, ERG(A)TOID D8 74, ERG(A)TOID 9C 72

On 7th draw, EMOT(I)VELY H7 48 --- EMOTIVELY [adv]
Other moves: FLAY 12A 43, FADY N3 42, FEY 6J 40, DELFT 8A 39, FADEDLY 4A 38
FLAY 12A 43 queen66

On 8th draw, BELUGA 6J 36 --- BELUGA a white sturgeon [n]
Other moves: BOUGE 14B 34, BLOG 12A 31, GLOB 12A 31, OBE 6I 30, BELT 6J 29
GLOB 12A 31 sicilianc5, moonmonkey

On 9th draw, ZATI D1 52 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other tops: ZO 5K 52
Other moves: AZO N2 47, ZIT G9 46, ZA G9 44, ZOIST J10 36, ZOOT 9G 36

On 10th draw, INFULAE C3 82 --- INFULA a headband used during Roman rites [n]
Other moves: NESTFUL K5 40, ALEFT 8A 36, FINALE C2 33, FIN 5K 32, FLUATE 8A 32

On 11th draw, WANZE 1A 51 --- WANZE to decrease [v]
Other moves: ZONAE 1D 42, GESTAPO K5 40, WONGA 14B 36, GNAW 12A 35, GNOW 12A 35

On 12th draw, HAKIM 14J 57 --- HAKIM a Muslim physician [n]
Other moves: KHAT 12A 41, HOKE 9G 40, HOKI 9G 40, MEATH B6 40, HIM 5K 38
HAKIM 14J 57 HollyIvy, HHHHH55555

On 13th draw, OX B5 55 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX B5 55
Other moves: EX 2A 41, LOX 5K 41, OX 2A 41, EXALT 8A 39, LOX 9G 39
OX B5 55 HollyIvy

On 14th draw, GESTURAL K5 36 --- GESTURAL pertaining to or consisting of gestures (expressive bodily motions) [adj]
Other moves: GOLDURN M2 35, ODAL 15L 32, DURGAH 2J 30, DOURA 14B 29, GOURA 14B 29

On 15th draw, DICKY L11 45 --- DICKY dickey [n] --- DICKY poor in condition [adj]
Other moves: ROCKY L11 42, DORKY L11 41, ICKY L12 38, ODIC 15L 38, ICY N1 37

On 16th draw, CERIPH 2J 38 --- CERIPH a line used to finish off the main stroke of a letter [n]
Other moves: COAPT 8A 36, EPACT 8A 36, CROP 12A 35, REACT 8A 30, TRACT 8A 30

On 17th draw, DOTE F1 31 --- DOTE to show excessive affection [v]
Other tops: DITE F1 31
Other moves: DEI F1 25, DIE F1 25, DIT F1 25, DOE F1 25, DOO F1 25

On 18th draw, JEON 12A 47 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: YOOP 15L 33, JEON 14B 31, JEON 14A 29, JOE 14B 27, NOOP 12A 27

On 19th draw, YOOP 15L 33 --- YOOP a sobbing sound [n]
Other moves: COOP 13L 24, OOP 9G 19, POOL 14E 19, COO 13L 18, OVA 8A 18

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