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Game on April 23, 2022 at 17:57, 6 players
1. 343 pts Atlantic
2. 302 pts Mycophot
3. 295 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeinruy   H8    24    24   reney
 2. aemotuv   G6    25    49   ovum
 3. cdeikns  11D   110   159   sickened
 4. ?aeinor   5A    72   231   aileron
 5. ?aeflor   6F    83   314   foveolar
 6. ilppstu  13B    83   397   pulpits
 7. adehiot   4A    42   439   haed
 8. abinrtt   8F    62   501   turribant
 9. aiimrwy  B10    46   547   wimpy
10. aeiorst   O2   110   657   otaries
11. aefginu   M1    82   739   unfearing
12. adeeorz   A4    57   796   hazard
13. eehlnot  10J    30   826   hoe
14. cenotuw   3C    28   854   cow
15. aeelnsx  12H    49   903   yexes
16. agiilqt   L1    30   933   gait
17. abdegou   2D    26   959   bodega
18. ijlnouv   O1    33   992   votaries
19. ijllnot   1E    28  1020   jin

Remaining tiles: lloqtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.3926 FileAtlantic    0 16:40  -677  343     1.7569 Mycophot    1  8:54  -718  302 
  2.7569 FileMycophot    1  8:54  -718  302     2.7882 queen66     2  9:30  -725  295 
  3.7882 Filequeen66     2  9:30  -725  295     3.7810 sicilianc5  2  9:12  -734  286 
  4.7810 Filesicilianc5  2  9:12  -734  286     4.7872 HollyIvy    1  9:37  -740  280 
  5.7872 FileHollyIvy    1  9:37  -740  280     5.7727 moonmonkey  0  2:31  -949   71 
  6.7727 Filemoonmonkey  0  2:31  -949   71            Group: not rated
                                             1.3926 Atlantic    0 16:40  -677  343 

On 1st draw, RENEY H8 24 --- RENEY to renounce [v]
Other moves: EYRIE H4 18, EYRIE H8 18, RENEY H4 18, EYRIE H5 16, EYRIE H6 16
RUIN H6 8 Atlantic

On 2nd draw, OVUM G6 25 --- OVUM the female reproductive cell of animals [n]
Other tops: AMOVE G10 25, AMOVE I10 25, MATE I9 25, META G9 25, META I9 25, MOTE I9 25, MOTU I9 25, MUTE I9 25, VOEMA G6 25, VOEMA I6 25
Other moves: VENOM 10F 24, VUM G7 24, MOVE G11 22, MOVE I11 22, OUMA G7 21
OVUM G6 25 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66, Mycophot
MANE 10F 12 Atlantic

On 3rd draw, SICKENED 11D 110 --- SICKEN to make sick [v]
Other moves: DICKENS 13B 89, SNICKED 13H 89, DICKENS 5B 88, SNICKED 5F 88, SNICKED I3 83
SNICK F2 39 Mycophot
KONS 6F 18 Atlantic

On 4th draw, AI(L)ERON 5A 72 --- AILERON a movable control surface on an airplane wing [n]
Other tops: ANEROI(D) 5F 72, A(L)ERION 5A 72, A(L)IENOR 5C 72, ERA(S)ION 5A 72, ORI(G)ANE 5B 72, O(T)ARINE 5B 72, RO(M)AINE 5B 72, (M)ORAINE 5B 72
Other moves: ORI(G)ANE I3 68, O(T)ARINE I3 68, RAISON(N)E D8 68, RAISO(N)NE D8 68, RO(M)AINE I3 68
YONI(S) 12H 21 HollyIvy
SONAR D11 12 Atlantic

On 5th draw, FO(V)EOLAR 6F 83 --- FOVEOLA a small fovea [adj] --- FOVEOLAR pertaining to a foveola [adj]
Other moves: LOAFER(S) 13B 78, (S)AFROLE 13H 78, FREELOA(D)S D3 74, FA(L)LO(W)ER C3 72, FA(L)(D)EROL C3 72
LOAF(S) H1 39 sicilianc5
AFEAR A5 24 Atlantic

On 6th draw, PULPITS 13B 83 --- PULPIT a platform in a church [n]
Other moves: POPLITEUS J5 65, PALPUS A4 39, P*P*ST A4 39, PALPI A4 36, PALPS A4 36
P*P*ST A4 39 queen66, HollyIvy
PALPS A4 36 Atlantic

On 7th draw, HAED 4A 42 --- HAE to have [v]
Other tops: HOED 4A 42
Other moves: HATED A4 39, HAET 4A 38, HATED 10J 37, HATED 4B 37, HOAED 10J 37
HATED A4 39 Mycophot, sicilianc5
DEATH A3 10 Atlantic

On 8th draw, TURRIBANT 8F 62 --- TURRIBANT
Other moves: HABITANT A4 39, HABITAN A4 36, HABITAT A4 36, HABIT A4 30, BAIRN 10J 28
BAIRN 10J 28 HollyIvy
BITT 10J 25 queen66
HAINT A4 24 Atlantic

On 9th draw, WIMPY B10 46 --- WIMPY weak, ineffectual [adj]
Other moves: AWMRY 12K 37, WARY 10J 34, WIRY 10J 34, YAM 12C 34, HAIRY A4 33
WIRY 10J 34 sicilianc5
WARY 10J 34 queen66
HARIM A4 30 Atlantic

On 10th draw, OTARIES O2 110 --- OTARY a big-eared seal [n]
Other tops: OARIEST O3 110
Other moves: NOTARIES 10H 71, NOTARISE 10H 71, TOASTIER N8 70, NOTARIES M8 68, NOTARISE M8 68
OTARIES O2 60 Mycophot, HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
OR A14 11 Atlantic

On 11th draw, UNFEARING M1 82 --- FEAR to be afraid of [adj]
Other moves: FAIN 1L 57, FAUN 1L 57, FAGIN 1K 54, FEIGN 1K 54, GAEN 1L 45
FAIN 1L 57 Mycophot
FAUN 1L 57 HollyIvy
NOTARIES O1 24 Atlantic

On 12th draw, HAZARD A4 57 --- HAZARD to venture [v]
Other moves: ZOEAE 3C 56, HAZED A4 54, ZOEA 3C 52, HAZER A4 51, ZOA 3C 50
HAZARD A4 57 queen66
ROTARIES O1 24 Atlantic

On 13th draw, HOE 10J 30 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other tops: HEN 10J 30, HET 10J 30, HON 10J 30, HOT 10J 30
Other moves: HE 10J 29, HO 10J 29, HOE N1 29, NOH 10H 29, EOTHEN 3C 28
HOT 10J 30 sicilianc5
NOTARIES O1 24 Atlantic

On 14th draw, COW 3C 28 --- COW the female of the bovine animals [n] --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other tops: CONTE 3C 28, COUNT 3C 28
Other moves: WENT 12J 27, OW L3 25, WEN 12J 25, WENA 5J 25, WET 12J 25
WENT 12J 27 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, Mycophot
NOTARIES O1 24 Atlantic

On 15th draw, YEXES 12H 49 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: LAXES 2D 38, LAX 2D 36, AXELS 2E 33, AXLES 2E 33, AX A14 32
SAXE 12J 32 Mycophot
AX A14 32 queen66, sicilianc5
NOTARIES O1 24 Atlantic

On 16th draw, GAIT L1 30 --- GAIT to train a horse to move in a particular way [v]
Other moves: QATS D8 23, QUA 1L 22, ATIGI 13K 19, GALA 5J 19, AIA B4 18
QATS D8 23 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot

On 17th draw, BODEGA 2D 26 --- BODEGA a grocery store [n]
Other moves: BADGE 2D 25, BODGE 2D 25, BOUGED 2D 24, BADE 2D 23, BODE 2D 23
BADGE 2D 25 moonmonkey
BAN 2K 5 Atlantic

On 18th draw, VOTARIES O1 33 --- VOTARY a person who is bound by religious vows [n]
Other moves: JIN 1E 28, JO 1E 25, NOTARIES O1 24, JO C9 22, UNI 1H 20
NOTARIES O1 24 Atlantic, moonmonkey

On 19th draw, JIN 1E 28 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JOT 1E 28
Other moves: JO 1E 25, JO C9 22, TAJINE I1 21, JINS D8 19, JOLS D8 19
JO C9 22 moonmonkey
JA I1 9 Atlantic

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