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Game on April 30, 2022 at 18:30, 12 players
1. 262 pts Atlantic
2. 252 pts Pacific
3. 212 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aailopt   H4    20    20   patio
 2. eeilnor   4F    70    90   leporine
 3. ?abemvz   M3    58   148   bemazed
 4. cdeostw   N6    40   188   woe
 5. acghoru   8K    42   230   cheer
 6. aaenost   O1    27   257   sonata
 7. eilnrsu   6C    62   319   insulter
 8. adeknos   F6    65   384   unsoaked
 9. ?ajtuvv   8A    60   444   thujas
10. adehmor   1H    95   539   hadromes
11. cdiinsu  13C    26   565   cuddins
12. agiortx   G9    36   601   xi
13. aeloqtt  D10    32   633   toquet
14. aeilrty   L8    87   720   heartily
15. aeflory   3A    95   815   forelay
16. beeginp   2F    46   861   beige
17. fginpuv   A1    54   915   puffin
18. dggivvw  15H    45   960   divvy

Remaining tiles: ggw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4368 FileAtlantic    0 13:25  -698  262     1.7662 sicilianc5  2  4:27  -748  212 
  2.6643 FilePacific     3  8:55  -708  252     2.7749 HollyIvy    1  4:24  -779  181 
  3.7662 Filesicilianc5  2  4:27  -748  212     3.7655 queen66     3  3:31  -832  128 
  4.7749 FileHollyIvy    1  4:24  -779  181            Group: intermediate
  5.7655 Filequeen66     3  3:31  -832  128     1.6643 Pacific     3  8:55  -708  252 
  6.  -  FilePPPPPP1116  1  0:55  -906   54     2.6643 Hammer22    0  0:36  -957    3 
  7.  -  FileFFFFFF1121  1  1:40  -906   54     3.6745 Javelin22   0  1:10  -957    3 
  8.  -  FileDDDDDD1116  1  1:57  -915   45     4.6524 Discus22    0  0:53  -958    2 
  9.6643 FileHammer22    0  0:36  -957    3     5.6435 ShotPut22   0  1:28  -958    2 
 10.6745 FileJavelin22   0  1:10  -957    3            Group: not rated
 11.6524 FileDiscus22    0  0:53  -958    2     1.4368 Atlantic    0 13:25  -698  262 
 12.6435 FileShotPut22   0  1:28  -958    2     2.  -  PPPPPP1116  1  0:55  -906   54 
                                             3.  -  FFFFFF1121  1  1:40  -906   54 
                                             4.  -  DDDDDD1116  1  1:57  -915   45 

On 1st draw, PATIO H4 20 --- PATIO an outdoor paved area adjoining a house [n]
Other tops: PAOLI H4 20, PILAO H4 20, PILOT H4 20, PLAIT H4 20, PLOAT H4 20
Other moves: TAPALO H3 18, TAPALO H4 18, TAPALO H7 18, TAPALO H8 18, APIOL H4 16
PLAIT H4 20 Pacific

On 2nd draw, LEPORINE 4F 70 --- LEPORINE resembling a rabbit or hare [adj]
Other moves: ELOINER G6 66, ELOINER I8 61, RELINE I3 21, IRONE I4 19, PEREION 4H 18

On 3rd draw, BEMAZE(D) M3 58 --- BEMAZED bewildered [adj]
Other moves: BE(D)AZE M3 52, BE(G)AZE M3 52, ZEB(U) 3I 52, ZE(T)A 3I 48, ZEA 3I 47
Z(O)A 3I 45 Pacific
MAZE M1 30 Atlantic

On 4th draw, WOE N6 40 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other tops: WOS N6 40, WOT N6 40
Other moves: SWEDE 8K 39, SWEED 8K 39, TWEED 8K 39, WO N6 37, EWEST 8K 36
WOE N6 40 Pacific
WOS N6 40 HollyIvy
WEDS 8L 36 Atlantic

On 5th draw, CHEER 8K 42 --- CHEER to applaud with shouts of approval [v]
Other moves: COUGH L8 37, HAG L6 36, GAUCHO L8 35, CAG L6 34, HARO L6 34
CHEER 8K 42 Pacific
COUGH L8 37 sicilianc5

On 6th draw, SONATA O1 27 --- SONATA a type of musical composition [n]
Other tops: ANSATE O1 27, ASTONE O1 27, TAHAS L6 27
Other moves: TAHA L6 26, ANEARS O4 25, SENORA O4 25, TENORS O4 25, ANEAR O4 24
TAHAS L6 27 queen66
STEAR O4 24 Pacific

On 7th draw, INSULTER 6C 62 --- INSULTER one that insults [n]
Other moves: LANES 5G 20, LARES 5G 20, NARES 5G 20, SILANE 5E 20, HIRSEL L8 19

On 8th draw, UNSOAKED F6 65 --- SOAK to saturate thoroughly in liquid [adj] --- UNSOAKED not soaked [adj]
Other moves: SACKED K6 35, SOCKED K6 35, NONSKED D4 34, AKE N1 33, OKA N1 33
SACKED K6 35 Pacific
AKE N1 33 queen66

On 9th draw, T(H)UJAS 8A 60 --- THUJA an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: VU(L)VAS 8A 45, JA N2 41, JU(B)ATE 12A 40, JU(G)ATE 12A 40, JUT 3I 39
JA N2 41 sicilianc5
JAR J2 26 Pacific
J(I)VE 12C 26 Atlantic

On 10th draw, HADROMES 1H 95 --- HADROME xylem [n]
Other moves: HADROME I8 72, DERHAM 3B 39, OMRAH 3C 39, HAREM 3C 35, HARMED 3B 35
HARMED 3B 35 HollyIvy
HAMED 13B 22 Atlantic
HAM 3E 20 Pacific

On 11th draw, CUDDINS 13C 26 --- CUDDIN a young coalfish [n]
Other tops: CUNDIES 12A 26
Other moves: DINICS G10 25, RICINS K1 25, D*CKS 11C 24, DINIC G10 24, DUCKS 11C 24
RICINS K1 25 HollyIvy
DINKS 11C 20 Atlantic

On 12th draw, XI G9 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: ORIXA 2F 35, TAXOR 9C 35, TAXI 2G 32, IXORA 14I 30, NIX H13 30
XI G9 36 queen66
TUX D12 20 Atlantic

On 13th draw, TOQUET D10 32 --- TOQUET a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other tops: LOQUAT D10 32
Other moves: EQUAL D11 30, QUAT D12 28, TOQUE D10 28, ALIQUOT C4 27, LIQUATE C5 27
TOQUET D10 32 queen66

On 14th draw, HEARTILY L8 87 --- HEARTILY in a hearty manner [adv] --- HEARTY very friendly [adv]
Other moves: ALTERITY 15B 83, IRATELY 12I 80, IRATELY 14I 76, TEARILY 14I 76, ALTERITY A2 62
RELAY 3C 35 sicilianc5
YORK 11C 22 Atlantic

On 15th draw, FORELAY 3A 95 --- FORELAY to wait in ambush [v]
Other moves: FORELAY 2C 75, FEYLY 15H 42, FOLEY 3C 41, FORAY 3C 41, FORELAY 15F 39
FORELAY 3A 45 HollyIvy
YEAR 15L 21 Atlantic

On 16th draw, BEIGE 2F 46 --- BEIGE a tan colour [n]
Other moves: BEEN 2F 36, BEIN 2F 36, BIGEYE 15H 36, PEEN 2F 36, PEIN 2F 36
BEEN 2F 36 HollyIvy
BINGY 15H 33 Atlantic

On 17th draw, PUFFIN A1 54 --- PUFFIN a sea bird [n]
Other moves: PUFF A1 48, GUFF A1 45, NIFF A1 42, NUFF A1 42, VYING 15K 36
PUFFIN A1 54 sicilianc5, PPPPPP1116, FFFFFF1121
PUNT 15A 18 Atlantic

On 18th draw, DIVVY 15H 45 --- DIVVY to divide [v]
Other moves: WIGGY 15H 39, VIEW D1 28, GOWK 11C 24, VIED D1 24, VIVID 13K 24
DIVVY 15H 45 sicilianc5, DDDDDD1116
WIG 13K 14 Atlantic
GI 13K 3 Hammer22, Javelin22
TI 12L 2 Discus22, ShotPut22

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